Abbildungen der Seite

15. "But what madness must it be to run into debt, for these superfluities? We are offered, by the terms of this sale, six months' credit; and that, perhaps, has induced some of us to attend it, because we can not spare the ready money, and hope now to be fine without it. But, ah! think what you do when you run into debt; you give to another power over your liberty.

16. "If you can not pay at the time, you will be ashamed to see your creditor; you will be in fear when you speak to nim; you will make poor, pitiful, sneaking excuses, and, by degrees, come to lose your veracity, and sink into base, downright lying; for The second vice is lying, the first is running into debt, as Poor Richard says; and again, to the same purpose: Lying rides upon Debt's back; whereas a free-born, honest man, ought not to be ashamed nor afraid to see or speak to any one living. But poverty often deprives a man of all spirit and virtue. It is hard for an empty bag to stand upright."

QUESTIONS.-1. What does Father Abraham say must be joined with industry? 2. How does he illustrate this? 3. Can you repeat some of the precepts which he gives? 4. Do you know who is meant by Father Abraham and Poor Richard?

[blocks in formation]

CO TIL LON, a brisk dance, by ARM OR Y, place where arms are

[blocks in formation]

RUS TIC AL, pertaining to the ROUT, crowd; fashionable assem


DIT TY, song.

Ex' QUI SITE, exact; complete.
Po' TENT, powerful.


CON VEN ED, assembled.
BE GUILING, amusing.
BURN ISH ED, polished.



1 The gay belles of fashion may boast of excelling
In waltz or cotillon, at whist or quadrille;
And seek admiration by vauntingly telling

Of drawing, and painting, and musical skill;
But give me the fair one, in country or city,
Whose home and its duties are dear to her heart,
Who cheerfully warbles some rustical ditty,
While plying the needle with exquisite art:
The bright little needle-(")the swift-flying needle,
The needle directed by beauty and art.

2. If love have a potent, a magical token,
A talisman, ever resistless and true,-
A charm that is never evaded or broken,

A witchery certain the heart to subdue,-
'Tis this,—and his armory never has furnished
So keen and unerring, or polished a dart;
Let beauty direct it, so pointed and burnished,
And, oh! it is certain of touching the heart.
The bright little needle-(")the swift-flying needle,
The needle directed by beauty and art.

3. Be wise, then, ye maidens, nor seek admiration.
By dressing for conquest, and flirting with all;
You never, whate'er be your fortune or station,
Appear half so lovely at rout or at ball,
As gayly convened at a work-covered table,
Each cheerfully active and playing her part,
Beguiling the task with a song or a fable,
And plying the needle with exquisite art:
The bright little needle-(")the swift-flying needle,
The needle directed by beauty and art.

QUESTIONS.-1. In what terms does the author express his ad miration of those ladies that "ply the needle"? 2. What advice in the 3d stanza does he give to young ladies? 8. What celebrated piece, by the same author, in the same measure? Ans. The Old Oaken Bucket."

How, according to the notation marks, should the latter part of each stanza be read? How many accented syllables in each line of this poetry? What is this kind of poetry called?



FASHION, mode; custom.

BREEDING, bringing up.
FAITH LESS LY, falsely.

AF FECTS', pretends.

IN TOL' ER ANT, tyrannical.
PASSION, strong feeling.

IN TENSE', vehement; ardent.
IMPULS ES, motives; instincts.

No' BLE MAN, person of noble TEM PER ED, moderated.

COR DI AL, kind; affectionate



1. Away with false fashion, so calm and so chill,
Where pleasure itself can not please;
Away with cold breeding, that faithlessly still
Affects to be quite at its ease;

For the deepest in feeling is highest in rank,
The freest is first in the band,

And nature's own Nobleman, friendly and frank,
Is a man with his heart in his hand!

2. Fearless in honesty, gentle, yet just,
He warmly can love and can hate,

Nor will he bow down with his face in the dust,
To fashion's intolerant state;

For best in good breeding, and highest in rank,
Though lowly or poor in the land,

Is nature's own Nobleman, friendly and frank,
The man with his heart in his hand!

3. His fashion is passion, sincere and intense,
His impulses, simple and true;

Yet tempered by judgment, and taught by good sense,
And cordial with me, and with you;
For the finest in manners, as highest in rank,
Is you, man! or you, man! who stand
Nature's own Nobleman, friendly and frank,

A man with his heart in his hand!

QUESTIONS.-1. What is the author's description of the character whom he designates as "nature's nobleman"? 2. What is meant by the line,-"The man with his heart in his hand"?



DISCUSSING, debating; arguing.
OR DI NA RY, common; usual.
AN' GUISH, extreme pain.
CON DEM NA TION, reproof.
DO MES' TIC, pertaining to home.
E OON' O MY, frugality; saving.
SCANT I NESS, insufficiency.
PHIL AN THROP IC, benevolent.
EM PRISE', undertaking.
IN TER RUPT', stop; hinder.

Sig nif I cant ly, meaningly
DE CID ED LY, positively.
AP PRE HEND', think; suppose.
VI ANDS, food; victuals.
GRUDGING LY, unwillingly.
NUR TUR ED, fostered.
EF FEM I NATE, weak; unmanly
AP PLI AN CES, agencies; means
CAS' U AL, accidental.
OO CA' SION ED, caused.



Uncle. What do you mean, Anne, by the "under-current,' which you and James appear to be so warmly discussing?

Anne. I was saying, Uncle, that there are a great many persons who suffer keenly from poverty; not truly for want of bread, or clothing, or even the ordinary comforts, and, I might add, many of the luxuries of life.

Uncle. Well, what kind of poverty is that which affords all the needful things, and many of the enjoyments of luxury? I'm like James; I can not see the "suffering" you talk about.

Anne. It is the anguish that settles upon the heart of every honest man, when he feels that he is living beyond his


Uncle. No man has a right to do that; it is dishonest, and should receive condemnation rather than pity.

Anne. Yes; that's very well; but, for all you say, there are hundreds and thousands all through our cities and country, who do it, and are forced by circumstances so to live on from year to year, outwardly maintaining the appearance of rank and wealth; when, could we glide into the bosom of their every-day domestic economy, we should see heartburnings, and toil, and scantiness, such as the world does

not dream of. This is looking a little into the under-current, the every-day self-denial, the late waking at night of the weary wife, helping to support the outward dignity and appearance of her large family of children.

Uncle. Everybody must pay the price of pride; this weary wife you speak of, I suppose, is some poor man's wife, who is working her fingers off, in the vain endeavor to make her family appear as richly clad, as that of some wealthy neighbor. Come, Anne, what philanthropic emprise have you afloat?

Anne. None; you are like every other man, and interrupt me, and gather up the corners of your mouth, winking so significantly, if any one is near, as much as to say: "Let the woman talk-she is harmless." It was no poor man's wife at all; far from it. I think the families of such are the most independent, often the best informed, and decidedly the happiest class our country can boast of. It was of a race, a strong vein of which runs through the whole extent of our land; it is composed of the sons of the rich, who are poor themselves.

Uncle. It's their own fault, then; let them make money, as probably their fathers and grandfathers have done before them.

Anne. They can not, I apprehend.

Uncle. Why?

Anne. "Why?"—because the children of the rich are too often indulged in idleness; I might say their lullabysongs breathe it; their childhood sports foster it; their fathers' tables and dainty viands continue its easy growth. The youth of the rich enter manhood with idleness stamped upon their very natures; then comes the cruelty; then begins the suffering. Manhood has brought a yearning for a position in the world. The father, often grudgingly, gives a capital for business, and says, as you do now: "Go to work, and make your own way in the world. The world is large and the picking good;" and with this "God-speed," life is begun.

Uncle. Well, what more do you want?

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