Abbildungen der Seite

Jakes, Captain, 254-reproved

for avarice, ib.
James the Fourth of Scots, ex-
periment by, 156.
Jarnagin, Mr., his opinion of
the completeness of Northern
education, 200.

Jerome, Saint, his list of sacred
writers, 216.

Job, Book of, 154-Chappelow
on, 206.

Johnson, Mr., communicates
some intelligence, 201.
Jonah, the inevitable destiny
of, 202-probably studied in-
ternal economy of the ceta-
cea, 215.

Jortin, Dr., cited, 180, 191, note.
Judea, every thing not known
there, 172.

Juvenal, a saying of, 190, note.


shape, 217-of candidates,
221-often fatal, ib.
Lewis Philip, a scourger of
young native Americans, 191
-commiserated (though not
deserving it,) ib. note.
Liberator, a newspaper, con-
demned by implication, 177.
Liberty, unwholesome for men
of certain complexions, 207.
Lignum vitæ, a gift of this

valuable wood proposed, 164.
Longinus recommends swear-
ing, 157, note, (Fuseli did
same thing.)

Long sweetening recommended,

Lost arts, one sorrowfully added
to list of, 258.

Louis the Eleventh of France,
some odd trees of his, 237.
Lowell, Mr. J. R., unaccounta-
ble silence of, 175.

Luther, Martin, his first ap-
pearance as Europa, 165.

Kay, Sir, the, of modern chiv- Lyttelton, Lord, his letters an

Key, brazen one, 196.

alry, who, 197.

Keziah, Aunt, profound obser-

vation of, 149.

Kinderhook, 243.

imposition, 216.


Kingdom Come, march to, Macrobii, their diplomacy, 224.

easy, 228.

Königsmark, Count, 154.

[blocks in formation]

Mahomet, got nearer Sinai than
some, 206.

Mahound, his filthy gobbets,

Mangum, Mr., speaks to the
point, 199.

Manichæan, excellently con-
futed, 194.

Man-trees, grew where, 237.
Mares'-nests, finders of, beney-
olent, 215.
Marshfield, 243, 249.
Martin, Mr. Sawin used to vote
for him, 251.

Mason and Dixon's line, slaves
north of, 199.

Mass, the, its duty defined, 199.
Massachusetts on her knees,
152-something mentioned in

connection with, worthy the
attention of tailors, 185-
citizen of, baked, boiled, and
roasted (nefandum!) 233.
Masses, the, used as butter by
some, 187.

M. C., an invertebrate animal,



suggested at, 226.
Mentor, letters of, dreary, 216.
Mephistopheles at a nonplus,

Mexican blood, its effect in rais-
ing price of cloth, 241.
Mexican polka, 167.
Mexicans charged with various
breaches of etiquette, 163-
kind feelings beaten into
them, 210.

Mexico, no glory in overcom-
ing, 185.

Military glory spoken disre-
spectfully of, 160, note-mili-
tia treated still worse, ib.
Milk-trees, growing still, 237.
Mills for manufacturing gabble,
how driven, 193.
Milton, an unconscious plagi-
ary, 184, note-a Latin verse
of, cited, 207.

Missions, a profitable kind of,

Monarch, a pagan, probably
not favored in philosophical
experiments, 156.
Money-trees desirable, 238-
that they once existed shown
to be variously probable, ib.
Montaigne, a communicative
old Gascon, 215.

Monterey, battle of, its singu-

lar chromatic effect on a
species of two-headed eagle,

Moses held up vainly as an ex-
ample, 206-construed by
Joe Smith, 207.
Myths, how to interpret readily,


Naboths, Popish ones, how dis
tinguished, 167.

Nation, rights of, proportion.
ate to size, 163.
National pudding, its effect on
the organs of speech, a curi-
ous physiological fact, 168.
Nephelim, not yet extinct, 259.
New England overpoweringly
honored, 188-wants no more
speakers, ib.-done brown by
whom, ib.—her experience in
beans beyond Cicero's, 223.
Newspaper, the, wonderful, 210
-a strolling theatre, 211-
thoughts suggested by tear-
ing wrapper of, 212-a vacant
sheet, ib.-a sheet in which
a vision was let down, 213--
wrapper to a bar of soap, ib.
--a cheap impromptu platter,

New York, Letters from, com-
mended, 216.

Next life, what, 205.
Niggers, 151-area of abusing,
extended, 186-Mr. Sawin's
opinions of, 252.

Ninepence a day low for mur-
der, 158.

No, a monosyllable, 167-hard
to utter, ib.

Noah, inclosed letter in bottle,
probably, 215.

Nornas, Lapland, what, 239.
North, has no business, 200-
bristling, crowded off roost,

North Bend, geese inhumanly
treated at, 221-mentioned,

North star, a proposition to in-
dict, 202.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Palfrey, Hon. J. G., 183, 188,
190, (a worthy representative
· of Massachusetts.)
Pantagruel recommends a pop-
ular oracle, 182.
Panurge, his interview with
Goatsnose, 224.

Papists, female, slain by zealous
Protestant bomb-shell, 241.
Paralipomenon, a man suspect-
ed of being, 222.

Paris, liberal principles safe as
far away as, 207.
Parliamentum Indoctorum sit-
ting in permanence, 182.
Past, the, a good nurse, 197.
Patience, sister, quoted, 160.
Paynims, their throats propa-
gandistically cut, 165.
Penelope, her wise choice, 174.
People, soft enough, 208-want
correct ideas, 235.
Pepin, King, 217.
Periwig, 220.

Persius, a pithy saying of, 187,


Pescara, Marquis, saying of,

Peter, Saint, a letter of (post-
mortem,) 217.
Pharisees, opprobriously refer-
red to, 207.
Philippe, Louis, in pea-jacket,

Phlegyas quoted, 204.
Phrygian language


Adam spoke it, 156.
Pilgrims, the, 185.
Pillows, constitutional, 189.
Pinto, Mr.. some letters of his
commended, 216.

Pisgah, an impromptu one,

Platform, party, a convenient
one, 235.

Plato, supped with, 215-his
man, 221.

Pleiades, the, not enough es-
teemed, 213.

Pliny, his letters not admired,

Plotinus, a story of, 197.
Plymouth Rock, Old, a Con-

vention wrecked on, 185.
Point Tribulation, Mr. Sawin
wrecked on, 237.

Poles, exile, whether crop of
beans depends on, 162, note.
Polk, President, synonymous
with our country, 172-cen-
sured, 185-in danger of
being crushed, 187.
Polka, Alexican, 167.
Pomp, a runaway slave, his
nest, 253-hypocritically
groans like white man, ib.-
blind to Christian privileges,
254-his society valued at
fifty dollars, ib.-his treach-
ery, 255-takes Mr. Sawin
prisoner, 256-cruelly makes
him work, ib.-puts himself
illegally under his tuition,
ib.-dismisses him with con-
tumelious epithets, ib.
Pontifical bull.
Pontifical bull. a tamed one«

Pope, his verse excellent, 155.
Pork, refractory in boiling, 164
Portúgal, Alphonso the Sixth
of, a monster, 258.
Post, Boston, 174-shaken visi-
bly, 176-bad guide-post, ib.
-too swift, ib.-edited by a
colonel, ib.-who is presumed

officially in Mexico, ib.-re- | Rib, an infrangible one, 228.

ferred to, 192.
Pot-hooks, death in, 224.
Preacher, an ornamental sym-
bol, 206-a breeder of dog-
mas, ib.-earnestness of, im-
portant, 258.

Present, considered as an an-

Richard the First of England,

his Christian fervor, 165.
Riches conjectured to have legs
as well as wings, 202.
Robinson, Mr. John P., his
opinions fully stated, 171–

nalist, 206-not long wonder-Rocks, pocket full of, 230.
ful, 213.

President, slaveholding natural
to, 210-must be a Southern
resident, 235-must own a
nigger, ib.

Principle, exposure spoils it,

Principles, bad, when less
harmful, 169.

Prophecy, a notable one, 191.
Proviso, bitterly spoken of, 219.
Prudence, sister, her idiosyn-
cratic teapot, 230.
Psammeticus, an experiment |
of, 156.

Public opinion, a blind and
drunken guide, 168-nudges
Mr. Wilbur's elbow, ib.-
ticklers of, 186.

Pythagoras a bean-hater, why,
Pythagoreans, fish reverenced
by, why, 194.


Quixote, Don, 198.


Rag, one of sacred college, 168.
Rantoul, Mr., talks loudly, 159
-pious reason for not enlist-
ing, ib.

Recruiting sergeant, Devil sup-
posed the first, 154.
Representatives' Chamber, 194.
Rhinothism, society for promot-
ing, 215.

Rhyme, whether natural not
considered, 155.

Rough and Ready, 247—a wig,
249-a kind of scratch, ib.
Russian eagle turns Prussian
blue, 190.


Sabbath, breach of, 166.
Sabellianism, one accused of,

Saltillo, unfavorable view of,

Salt-river, in Mexican, what,

Samuel, Uncle, riotous, 190-
yet has qualities demanding
reverence, 207-a good pro-
vider for his family, 208-an
exorbitant bill of, 241.
Sansculottes, draw their wine
before drinking, 201.
Santa Anna, his expensive leg,
Satan, never wants attorneys,
165-an expert talker by
signs, ib.-a successful fish-
erman with little or no bait,
ib.-cunning fetch of, 169–
dislikes ridicule, 175-ought
not to have credit of ancient
oracles, 191, note.
Satirist, incident to certain dan-
gers, 169.

Savages, Canadian, chance of

redemption offered to, 257.
Sawin, B., Esquire, his letter
not written in verse, 155--a
native of Jaalam, 156-not
regular attendant on Rev.
Mr. Wilbur's preaching, ib.-
a fool, ib.-his statements

[ocr errors]

trustworthy, 157-his orni-
thological tastes, ib.-letter
from, ib., 225, 243-his curi-
ous discovery in regard to
bayonets, 158, 159-displays
proper family pride, 159--
modestly confesses himself
less wise than the Queen of
Sheba, 162-the old Adam
in, peeps out, 164-a miles
emeritus, 225-is made text
for a sermon, ib.—loses a leg,
227-an eye, 228-left hand,
ib.--four fingers of right
hand, ib.-has six or more
ribs broken, ib.-a rib of his
infrangible, ib.-allows a cer-
tain amount of preterite
greenness in himself, 229, 230

his share of spoil limited,
230-his opinion of Mexican
climate, ib.-acquires prop-
erty of a certain sort, 231
his experience of glory, 232-
stands sentry, and puns
thereupon, 233-undergoes.
martyrdom in some of its
most painful forms, ib.-en-
ters the candidating busi-
ness, ib.-modestly states the
(avail) abilities which qualify
him for high political station,
234-236-has no principles,
234-a peaceman, ib.-un-
pledged, ib.-has no objec-
tions to owning peculiar
property, but would not like
to monopolize the truth, 235
-his account with glory, 236,
237-a selfish motive hinted
in, 237-sails for Eldorado,
ib.-shipwrecked on a meta-
phorical promontory, ib.-
parallel between, and Rev.
Mr. Wilbur (not Plutarch-
ian), 239-conjectured
have bathed in river Selem-
nus, 243-loves plough wise-
ly, but not too well, ib.-a
foreign mission probably ex-
pected by, 244-unanimously



nominated for presidency,
245-his country's father-in-
law, ib.-nobly emulates Cin-
cinnatus, 246-is not
crooked stick, ib.-advises
his adherents, 247-views of,
on present state of politics,
247-252-popular enthusiasm
for, at Bellers's, and its disa-
greeable consequences, 248-
inhuman treatment of, by
Bellers, ib.-his opinion of
the two parties, 249-agrees
with Mr. Webster, 250-his
antislavery zeal, 251-his

proper self-respect, ib.-his
unaffected piety, ib.-his not
intemperate temperance, 252
-a thrilling adventure of,
252-257-his prudence and
economy, 253-bound to Cap-
tain Jakes, but regains his
freedom, 254-is taken pris-
oner, 255, 256-ignominious-
ly treated, 256-his conse-
quent resolution, 257.
Sayres, a martyr, 196.
Scaliger, saying of, 170.
Scarabæus pilularius, 161.
Scott, General, his claims to
the presidency, 176, 179.
Scythians, their diplomacy
commended, 224.
Seamen, colored, sold, 153.
Selemnus, a sort of Lethean
river, 243.

Senate, debate in, made read-
able, 196.

Seneca, saying of, 169-anoth-
er, 191, note-overrated by a
saint (but see Lord Boling-
broke's opinion of, in a letter
to Dean Swift,) 216-his let
ters not commended, ib.-a
son of Rev. Mr. Wilbur, 239,
Serbonian bog of literature, 194.
Sextons, demand for, 160—

heroic official devotion of one,
Shaking fever, considered as an
employer, 231.

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