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spirit a god, stern and relentless, but still not evil; and through the traditions of centuries, and the gloom of the Bible's imperfect light, we can still recognize in Satan the same character as the judges Osiris and Rhadamanthus, Dionysos and Pluto, a dark survival, bereft of their judicial virtues, now only the divine minister of justice, execrated and himself condemned, but still receiving and consigning to everlasting flames the souls which he has won.

The modern Christian, however, pays but little heed to the minor fiends and devils, and only realizes the one Devil, Satan, the arch-fiend; ever present at the right hand and the left, reading the inmost thoughts, perceiving the first symptom of declension, with aptest skill inserting the thin end of the wedge into the slightest chink of the spiritual or moral armour, and, given the slightest leverage, able to apply power overwhelming and irresistible; power which nothing human can withstand, and requiring the conjunction of the human will to invoke, and God Himself to exert a super-human strength to countervail: in fine, a being omnipresent, omniscient, and so near omnipotency as only to be overpowered by God Himself. Do we not trace in this being, the Archangel, the deity, the once almost co-equal god; the Ahriman of Persian dualism, warring against God, conquering and being conquered in turns? Does not the Christian, groaning in spirit at his own depravity,

finding a law in his members warring against the law of his mind, wrestling and succumbing, fighting and conquering,-recognize in fact while he denies in form, that the Ahriman of the Persian dualism is the foundation of the Satan, in whom he believes, and, by his very terror, proclaim him only second to his God?



Deuce-a little devil-a common English expression for the Devil.

Deus-a god or genius (Latin).

Zeus-the god or great spirit of the Heavens-or the firmament itself (Greek).

Deva-a spirit or shining one (Sanskrit).

L Dyaus-the heavens-the bright expanse of the firmament (Sanskrit).

NOTE. The above are names belonging to the Aryan group of languages; the following names of gods and spirits also occur in the same group, and are of common origin :-Dyaus pitar (Sanskrit), Zeus pater (Greek), Jupiter (Latin)—Heaven father.

Theos (Gr.), Deus (Lat.), Diewar (Lithuanian),

Zio (Old German), Tyr (Old Norse), Tiw

Dies (Lat.), Dyu (Sansk.), Day (English)—
Daylight or Heaven-light.

Zen (Gr.), Zenos (Gr.), Janus (Lat.), Dianus
(Lat.), Diana (Lat.), Divine (English).

Devel (Gypsy)-—God.

Dev (old Persian)—Demon.

Deev (mod. Persian)-Fiend.

Devil (English).

* This is a key to the Genealogical figure in the Frontispiece.


Bogle-a frightful spectre of evil influence (English and Scotch).
-Bug--a spectre such as that of death (Shakespeare).
Bôga god (Slavonic).

Bhaga-lord of fate (Hindu).

Baga-the supreme being (Assyrian).


Puck-the typical house-spirit-a mischievous spirit, generally described as an uncouth dwarfish figure (Shakespeare).

Pouke-an evil spirit (Spenser).

Pug-a fiend (Ben Jonson).

Puk-a goblin (Friesland).

-Puki-an evil spirit (Iceland).

Pixy-a mischievous, misleading fairy (Devonshire).

-Pooka-an evil spirit (Irish).

-Pwcca-an evil spirit (Welsh).

Elves (Alfs)-little semi-spiritual beings, of beautiful

form, much given to singing and dancing, and exercising magical powers (Scandinavian). -House-spirits-dwarfish spirits, who busy themselves

in petty household matters for small pittances of food, and bringing luck if well treated, but seldom visible.

-Familiar spirits-evil spirits, bound to attend and obey when called up.

Penates-household gods of the ancient Romans. -Heroes-spirits of deceased men, deified and endued wth extraordinary powers (Greek).

Giants-mythological beings of great and supernatural powers and dimensions. -Trolls-small beings of uncouth human form, gifted with magic powers, living in mounds or rocks, much given to dancing, and skilled metalworkers (Scandinavian).

- River-drift men-earliest known race of men-of

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