Abbildungen der Seite
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Passeth, as doth the schadow on a wal;

vgl. W. Hæckel, 'Das Sprichwort bei Chaucer' (Erlangen 1890)
S. 60.

Aufserdem bemerken wir in den Canterbury - Geschichten
und den anderen Dichtungen Chaucers noch folgende, den Worten
des Pfarrers in Gedanken und Ausdruck nahestehende Verse.
Prol. 449 In al the parisshe wyf ne was ther noon,

**Pars. 295
desireth to
bore. 1

That to the offryng byforn hir schulde goon;
And yit is ther a prive spice of pride, that...
gon to the offringe biforn his neighe-


Knight 397 Som man desireth for to have richesse,
That cause is of his morthre or gret seeknesse.
Pard. Prol. 8 Wherfore I say, that alle men maye se,
That yiftes of fortune or of nature

Ben cause of deth of many a creature;

**Pars. 302 Who-so prideth him in the goodes of fortune,
he is a ful gret fool... some tyme the riches of a man
is cause of his deth.

Knight 465 The answer of this I lete to divinis; Pars. 354
So heigh a doctrine I leve to divines.

Reeve Prol. 25 For, though oure might be doon,


Oure wil desireth folye ever in oon;

For, whan we may nat do, than wol we speke;

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**Pars. 343 Thise olde dotard fooles holours, yit wol thay
kisse and smater hem, though thay maye nought do...
Zum Ausdruck vergleiche noch Wyf Prol. 291 olde dotard

Wyf Prol. 244 Thou chidest as a fend; **Pars. 318 Ther
is no thing so lik the fendes child, as he that ofte chideth.
Wyf Prol. 278 Thou saist, that dropyng hous and eek smoke
And chydyng wyves maken men to fle

Out of here oughne hous

vgl. Melib. III, S. 149. Der Pfarrer citiert hingegen genauer

■ Vgl. Furnivalls Anmerkungen zu den 'Contents of the Parson's
Tale' (Six-Text Print S. 592).

nach der Bibel, ohne Rauch: **Pars. 318 And therfore saith Salamon, an hous that is uncovered in rayn and droppyng and a chiding wyf ben like (= Prov. XXVII, 15); vgl. Hæckel S. 46.

Wyf Prol. 784 A fair womman, but sche be chast also,
Is lyk a gold ryng in a sowes nose;

Pars. 270 Remembreth yow of the proverbe of Salamon, that saith, he likeneth a fair womman, that is a fool of hir body, to a ryng of gold, that were in the groyn of a sowe (Prov. XI, 22); vgl. Hæckel S. 46.

Sompnour 299 Ire is a sinne, oon the grete of sevene

303 ire engendrith homicide,


Ire is in soth executour of pride;

*Pars. 308 And as wel cometh ire of pride as of envye... *311 of this cursed synne of ire cometh eek manslaughter. And understonde wel, that homicidie [ST. homy cide] (that is, manslaughter) is in divers wise.

Sompnour 374 Be war therfor, with lordes how ye playe,

Syngith Placebo, and I schal, if I can,

wozu die Worte des Placebo in der Merch. Tale 254 ff. zu vergleichen sind, und *Pars. 317 Flaterers ben the develes chapeleyns, that singen ay Placebo.

Sompnour 395 I have ben schriven this day of my curate,
I have him told holly al myn estate.

Nedith no more to speken of it, saith he,

But if me list of myn humilite;

** Pars. 360 I say nought, if thou be assigned to thy penitencere for certein synne, that thou art bounde to, schewe him al the remenaunt of thy synnes, of whiche thou hast ben schryven of thy curate, but if it like the of thin humilite.

Sec. Nonne 1 The minister and the norice unto vices,
Which that men clepe in Englisch ydelnesse,

The porter at the gates is of delicis;

*Pars. 327 And how that ignoraunce be moder of alle harm, certis, necgligence is the norice... Thanne cometh ydelnes, that is the yate of alle harmes; vgl. Skeat, Man of Lawe etc. S. 165 zu V. 3.

Doctor 101 Under a schepherd softe and necligent

The wolf hath many a schep and lamb to-rent;

**Pars. 328 These ben the newe schepherdes, that leten her. schep wityngely go renne to the wolf ... or don no force of her oughne governaunce.

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That sory is of other mennes wele
And glad is of his sorwe and unhele;

zu V. 115 ist am Rande der Ellesmere und der Hengwrt-Handschrift auf Augustinus verwiesen. Vgl. ** Pars. 303 The foule synne of envye, which that is, as by word of the philosophre, sorwe of other mennes prosperite; and after the word of seint Austyn, it is sorwe of other mennes wele and joye of other mennes harm; vgl. Düring III, S. 383.

Doctor 286 Forsakith synne, or synne yow forsake; Pars. 265 Folk that forlete synne, er that synne forlete hem; vgl. Tyrwhitt IV, 334.


Melib. III, S. 146 In wikked haste is no profyt; vgl. *Pars. 359 Wikked haste doth no profyt; vgl. Hæckel S. 26.

Melib. 149 Ther is no wight, that hath soverein bounte, save god; Pars. 291 God, which that is verray soverayn bounte. Pars. Prol. 49 To schewe you the way in this viage

Of thilke parfyt glorious pilgrimage,

That hatte Jerusalem celestial;

Pars. 264 Ther is a ful noble way... which may not faile to man ne to womman, that thorugh synne hath mysgon fro the righte way of Jerusalem celestial.

Fortune 5 But natheles the lakke of hir favour

Ne may not doo me synge, though I dye,

J'ay tout perdue, mon temps et mon laboure;

Pars. 278 f. Wel may that man, that no goode werkes werkith, synge thilke newe Frenshe song, Jay tout perdu moun temps et moun labour; vgl. John Koch, Anglia V, Anz. S. 133.

Im Gedanken berühren sich noch folgende Stellen.

Clerk Pars VI, 57 O stormy poeple, unsad and ever untrewe
And undiscret and chaunging as a fane

62 Youre doom is fals, your constaunce yvel previth,
A ful gret fool is he, that on you leerith;

**Pars. 302 Certis, the commendacioun of the people is som tyme ful fals and ful brutil for to truste; this day thay prayse, to morwe thay blame; vgl. Furnivall 1. c., und zum Ausdruck wenige Zeilen weiter oben in der PT. He is a ful gret fool.



Auf einige Ähnlichkeiten des Ausdrucks haben bereits John Koch 1. c. S. 133 f. und Simon aufmerksam gemacht; aufserdem scheinen mir noch folgende Übereinstimmungen in Wort und Wendung beachtenswert: II, 15, 452 Sche was thanne out of alle charite, ähnlich II, 50, 765 = *Pars. 364 Be ful wel war, that thou be not out of charite. -II, 210, 136 Every wight That hath such harneys, as I to you tolde = *Pars. 356 And alle such maner harneys. II, 213, 232 A wif... Schal beren him on hond, the cow 2 is wood = *Pars. 305 Men ... bereth him on hond thing, that is fals. II, 229, 772 He spak more harm, than herte may bythynke, ähnlich II, 321, 97. IV, 294, 1645. VI, 289, 107 = Pars. 271 Mo divelis, than herte may thynke. II, 233, 31 Of which mayden anoon maugre hir heed By verray fors byraft hir maydenhed * Pars. 356 If the womman maugre hir heed hath been enforced or noon, this schal sche telle. 3 II, 252, 214 I do no fors of your divinite, ähnlich Boece II, pr. 4 (S. 30 z. 14) = *Pars. 328 [Thay] don no force of her oughne governaunce. 256, 323 Ne never I was but of my body trewe = * Pars. 352 A wyf... schulde love hir housebonde... and to him to be trewe of hir body. II, 304, 51 Til I be deed, my lyf ther wil I lede, A widow clene in body, hert and al = *Pars. 353 The secounde maner of chastite is to ben a clene widewe Thise maner wymmen, that observen chastite, moste be clene in herte as wel as in body and in thought. II, 315, 24 Ay clappith as a mylle, I yow counsaile *Pars. 295 Jangelyng is, whan a man clappith as a mille. III, 1*, 19 My spyrit feleth nought of such matere *Pars. 310 Ful many

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1 Vgl. H. Simon, Chaucer a Wicliffite (Chauc. Soc., Essays on Ch., Part III, 9) S. 287, Anm. 1.

2 Vgl. Skeat, Academy N. 935.

3 Weitere Beispiele bei Skeat, Prioresses Tale etc. S. 139 zu V. 104; vgl. aufserdem noch V, 191, 1200. 348, 98 f. VI, 268, 220.


oon felith in his herte ful wikkedly, bothe of Crist and eek of alle his halwes, ähnlich *313. - III, 128, 198 By way of kynde = * Pars. 328. III, S. 166 Yit beth thay nought worth a straw = *Pars. 315 Al be the cause not worth a straw; vgl. Hæckel S. 61. - III, S. 187 To make semblant = *Pars. 320. III, 259, 236 Right as a swerd for-kutteth and forright so = Pars. 290 Right as




kerveth An arm atuo a swerd departith a thing in tuo parties right, so IV, 145, 912 Loves servauntz everichon Of nycete ben verrey goddes apes *Pars. 320 Japers, that ben the develes apes.


Welches Ergebnis liefert uns diese Sammlung von Parallelstellen für die Frage von der Echtheit der Parson's Tale? Wm. Eilers ist in seiner Doktorschrift zu dem Resultate gekommen, dafs 'die aus der Somme entnommenen Abschnitte der PT. Chaucer nie durch die Feder geflossen sind; sie sind interpoliert'. Diese Annahme wird durch unser Material keineswegs gestützt. Im Gegenteil alle besternten Stellen, somit weitaus die Mehrzahl der Stellen der PT., welche wir mit Chaucers Dichtungen vergleichen konnten, sind den Abschnitten der PT. entnommen, welche nach Eilers aus der Somme stammen. Viele dieser Stellen alle mit zwei Sternchen versehenen Citate sind allerdings, obwohl sie fest und unlöslich in die Bearbeitung der Somme eingefügt sind, doch, wie sich aus Eilers' Angaben und Dan Michels Ayenbite of Inwyt 2 erkennen läfst, vollkommen unabhängig von dem Wortlaute der Somme. Sollte der Interpolator, der die betreffenden Abschnitte der Somme in die PT. einschob, die Chaucerschen Verse für seine Interpolation verwertet haben, um ihr gänzlich das Gepräge der Echtheit zu geben? Dieser Einwand wird völlig entkräftet dadurch, dafs sich andererseits einige der auffälligsten Übereinstimmungen zwischen der PT. und Chaucers Dichtungen überzeugend auf den Text der Somme zurückführen lassen: vgl. Pars. 343, Merch. 594 (s. S. 41 f.) mit E de sa propre espee puet on soi oscirre; ausi

1 Die Erzählung des Pfarrers in Chaucers Canterbury - Geschichten und die Somme de Vices et de Vertus des Frère Lorens; Erlanger Dissertation, Magdeburg 1882, S. 66.

2 Vgl. Dan Michel's Ayenbite of Inwyt ed. R. Morris (EETS.) London 1866.

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