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provements in the Construction of Ships and other Vessels, and Method of Propelling them.

PLATE XI. Michael Coupland's Patent for Improvements in Furnaces-Thomas Fuller's Patent for Improvements in Retarding the Progress of Carriages under certain circumstances-William Prowett's Patent for Improvements in giving Signals on Railways.

PLATE XII. Joseph Cooke Grant's Patent for Improvements in Horse-rakes and Horse-hoes-John Bould's Patent for Improvements in Condensing Steam-engines-Wornum's Patent for Improvements in the Action of Piano-fortes. PLATE XIII. Moses Sperry Beach's Patent for Improvements in the Construction of Printing-presses-Thomas Henry Russell and Cornelius Whitehouse's Patent for Improvements in the Manufacture of Welded Iron Tubes. PLATE XIV. Henry Smith's Patent for Improvements in the Construction of Wheels and Breaks for Carriages—Alexander Rousseau's Patent for Improvements in Fire-arms— Lot Faulkner's Patent for Improvements in the Mode of Working Pumps and Valves, and which improvements are also applicable to Fire-engines and other similar Apparatus. PLATE XV. Julius Seybel's Patent for Improvements in the Manufacture of Sulphate of Soda and Chlorine-Henry Barron Rodway's Patent for Improvements in the Manufacture of Horse-shoes-William Brockedon's Patent for Improvements in Manufacturing Fibrous Materials for the Covers of Stoppers, to be Coated with India-rubber, and used for stopping Bottles and other Vessels-Benjamin Gillott's Patent for Improvements in Heating and Ventilating-William Baker's Patent for Improvements in the Manufacture of Boots and Shoes.

PLATE XVI. John Oliver York's Patent for Improvements in Railway Axles and Wheels.

PLATE XVII. Isham Baggs's Patent for Improvements in obtaining Motive Power by means of Carbonic Acid, and also by a peculiar Application of Heated Air-George Haden's Patent for Improvements in Apparatus for Warming and Ventilating Buildings-William Newton's Patent for certain Improvements in Regulating the Flow of Air and Gaseous Fluids-Osborne Reynolds's Patent for certain Improvements in Covering Streets, Roads, and other Ways with Wood, and also in the Means of enabling Horses and other Animals to pass over such Roads, and other slippery surfaces, with greater safety than heretofore. PLATE XVIII. Mark Freeman's Patent for Improvements in the Construction of Inkstands-John Venables and John Tunnicliff's Patent for a New and Improved Method of Building and Constructing Ovens used by Potters and China Manufacturers, in Firing of their Wares-Edward Hall's Patent for an Improved Steam-boiler.






Specification of the Patent granted to JOHN EDWARDS, of Shoreditch, in the County of Middlesex, Warehouseman, for Improvements in Giving Signals on Railways.-Sealed December 11, 1842.


To all to whom these presents shall come, &c. &c.My invention relates to the using of a series of lamps for night signals, and by the different combinations of the lamps when exposed or closed, various agreed-on signals may be communicated from a train of carriages to a station, or from a station to a train, or from one train to another.

And secondly, my invention relates to giving signals by day, by combining the use of a series of thin plates, and by the different changes which may be obtained by turning some edgwise, and presenting others to view, a similar mode of giving signals may be obtained; and in order that the invention may be most fully understood, I will proceed to explain more in detail the means which I pursue; at the same time I would remark, that many variations may be resorted to, in carrying out the invention. It will be evident, that the more lamps which are used in No. CIII.-VOL. XVIII.


one constellation, the more extensive may be the communication made; but as the extent of communication required from and to trains of carriages will not require to be very varied or extensive, I will suppose, that four lamps are used as the set or constellation, and each lamp so arranged as to be closed or open to view.


may here remark, that I am aware that, at stations or railways, there are lamps used by which it is indicated to a coming train whether it is to stop or proceed beyond a lamp, and there are also surfaces used for like purposes for the day; but there is no means of making a communication to a coming or passing train, or between two trains. I do not therefore claim the use of lamps generally, nor the use generally of surfaces capable of being turned edgewise or surface wise; but my invention has for its object, the using of several lamps or surfaces, in such manner as to obtain varied communications thereby, according to the different combinations which may be made by closing and opening the various lamps in different orders and combinations in respect to each other, and the same observations apply to the use of thin surfaces for day signals, which are used by the edgewise view of any of them indicating the same character as the closed lamp, and the flat view indicating the open lamp. These matters will be better understood by the examples given by the annexed diagram when the same is explained.

I have not thought it necessary to shew the framing for carrying the lamps, as the same may be according to the positions of their placing, and the convenience offered by the carriage; and such may also be said in respect to those at the stations, taking care, however, that they are placed at such an elevation as to be seen as far off as possible.

I will, for example, suppose four lamps to be used, which I consider to be the most eligible number for ordinary purposes, and I have marked the lamps, A, B, C, and D.

Description of the Drawing.

When the lamp, c, is blinded, the lamps, A, B, D, form a triangle, of which A, is the pointing lamp, and signifies that the train is on the left-hand rails. When D, is blinded, A, B, C, form a triangle, of which B, is the pointing lamp, and signifies that the train is on the right-hand rails. Blinding and opening the pointing lamps, may signify "I see you," and the quickness or slowness with which that is done, will indicate the speed at which the train is proceeding; blinding the lamps, C, D, may signify, "stop, we want to speak to you;" opening all the four lamps, may signify, that a train has stopped; blinding the pointing lamp, may signify, "all is right;" blinding all the lamps, except the pointing lamp, may signify, whatever is thought best. The blinding and opening the lamps, is done by means of a frame made of iron or other suitable material, to which is attached the blinds, as will be seen by reference to the accompany drawings. E, F, blinds attached to the frame, v, v, for blinding the lamps, A, B. G, I, blinds for the lamp, c. H, K, blinds for the lamp, D. L, M, handles to the frame which works in slides in the trough, N, O, P, Q. S, T, cross-bars attached to the iron frame to hook the slides, G or H, to, when desired to blind either of the bottom lamps without blinding the lamp immediately over it. The above indications are only given as examples of what may be done, but the same will be arranged in order to suit the particular requirements of a railway. In obtaining telegraphic signals by daylight according to the same plan, but instead of lamps, thin sheets of metal or other material to be used of round or other shape, the face of the said piece of metal to be presented to the eye instead of the lamp not blinded, and the edge to represent the lamps blinded, as represented by fig. 2.

Having thus described the nature of my invention, and the manner in which the same is to be performed, I would

have it understood, that what I claim, is the mode of using a series of lamps or surfaces, and by obtaining and giving signals or communications in railways, by the varied combinations which may be had by the changing of the relation which the lamps or surfaces have with or respect to each other.-In witness whereof, &c. JOHN EDWARDS.

Enrolled June 11, 1842.

Specification of the Patent granted to MosES POOLE, of Lincoln's Inn, in the County of Middlesex, Gentleman, for Improvements in Fire-Arms.-Sealed October 14, 1841.


To all to whom these presents shall come, &c. &c.— The improvements relate to that description of fire-arms, to which are applied revolving breeches, which contain a series of small barrels according to the number of charges required, which small barrels are successively brought into a line with the main barrel of the gun; and the improvements consist in the means of arranging the different parts, by which I am enabled to cause, by the act of drawing the trigger, and afterwards withdrawing the pressure therefrom, to re-cock the gun, and the different small barrels of the breech to revolve, and the nipple be brought under the cock to be successively discharged, as will be more fully described; and the invention also consists in a mode of arranging the parts of the locks of guns, having revolving breeches applied thereto, so as to dispense with the cock or hammer, by bringing a moveable stop in such position that, as the breech revolves, the nipple of each small barrel, on which is placed the cap, will be brought in contact with it and explode, and thus discharge the gun, the action of which will be clearly seen

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