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enables them to retain their fleeces. A diseased Tunis sheep is rare, even in a mixed flock, in which other sheep have been subject to every disease known in that animal. I have had them disordered in the feet with the fouls, but not the foot-rot. If the hoofs of sheep are examined, there will be found a small opening near and above the fore part of the cleft. It is the mouth of a duct, running up the shank, and calculated for the emission of a mucilaginous oil, which lubricates, supports, and assists in the growth and renewal of the corneous parts of the hoof. Perhaps it is also a drain for humours, which, when confined, become morbid and peccant. If this closes the disease appears. Examine well, and rub briskly the parts together; assist the opening of the duct, and the discharge of the morbid and stagnated matter in every way. Pokejuice I have found efficacious. Few are acquainted with this part of the animal structure, though I believe all cloven-footed animals are thus formed. Swine have the duct in the binder part of the leg; cattle in the cleft, which, when diseased, is lacerated often by a hair rope drawn between the clefts, when gentler means would effect the purpose.

6. A Tunis tup couples with a ewe of other breeds with more certainty and effect, than a top of the common species with a Tunis ewe. The broad tail is the impediment. This must be managed by an adroit pander. I have known frequent failures in projected crosses, owing to inattention in this particular; but the Tunis tup finds no difficulty with

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If this should seem to some improbable, it will be no difficult task for the incredulous to avoid the black tongue, lest, per chance, the denunciation of Virgil may turn out well founded.

7. The tail is the true test of purity of blood; and horns are a bad symptom, especially if large. The tufts on the thighs, and crest, or forelock, are also marks of blood.

Those who find this race preferable, under all its circumstances, must balance advantages and comparative defects. It is, like the Merino, a peculiar genus and race of sheep. Those who value them must reconcile themselves to coloured wool; though the greatest proportion is white. But I have not found, that whiteness is the criterion of quality or fineness, and I have often found the tawny the finest wool. Every part, of every colour but black, will take dyes equal to any wool of any species; whiteness is therefore of little substantial importance or benefit. If the Merino,

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cient in some of the best qualities of the sheep, and that in proportion to defect of tail and whiteness of fleece.

Method of preserving and keeping in vigour Fruit Trees, planted in Orchards or Fields.

ral Philosophy.]

It has been observed, that the numerous roots of the herbage growing round fruit trees, recently planted in fields and orchards, are injurious to the vegetation of these young trees; and their fruit is smaller and inferior in quality, in proportion to the quantity of the herbage that covers their roots. This is particularly the case with peach trees. In Germany, to prevent this, they surround the fresh transplanted trees with the refuse stalks of flax, after the fibrous part has been taken off, spreading it over the ground as far as their roots extend; and this gives them surprising vigour. No weeds will grow under this flax; and the earth remains fresh and loose.

wool had no other excellencies, real or fanciful, its whiteness or cleanliness would not recommend it, as it is not, so far as I have seen, remarkable for either. We must take things as God made them, if we would have them according to their kind; art as often fails as succeeds in attempts to ameliorate. The lambs of the Tunis breed are white, red, tawney, [From Mr. Nicholson's Journal of Natubluish, and black, but the fewest of the latter. All, except the black, grow white in the general colour of the fleece, though most commonly coloured in spots; and either tawney or black generally marks the cheeks and shanks, and sometimes the whole head and face. A perfectly white Tunisian is as much deteriorated by this singularity of departure from stock, as is an Albino negro, who is an anomaly in the African race of men. I have seen some nearly white sheep of this breed, and tolerably high-blooded, after three or four crosses with this object; but I never liked them the better for this circumstance, which I always considered a departure from blood and race. The whiteness of fleece was obtained from the sires or dams of the crosses. The sire commonly gives the character to the progeny. I would not, however, be understood to say, that mixtures, or crosses with well-selected sheep of other kinds, are prejudicial. On the contrary, I have had, and have seen with others, fine sheep of half, threequarters, and seven-eighths blood. But not all of these crosses (especially where white fleece is the object) shew the tail in perfection; and I think many are defi

This experiment has been tried on an old peach tree, languishing in an orchard. Refuse flax stalks were spread at its foot, and far enough round to cover all its roots, when it soon recovered its strength, pushed out vigorous shoots, and was loaded with larger and better fruit than before.

The leaves of trees, falling in autumn, may be employed in the same way with advantage; but dry branches, or something else, should be laid over them, to prevent their being blown away by


the wind. The leaves of walnut trees appear to produce the best effect.

Observations upon Luminous Ani. mals. By James Macartney, Esq.

[From the Transactions of the Royal So

ciety for the Year 1810.]

his assistance, with that liberality which so eminently distinguishes him as a real lover of science. I am indebted to him for an inspection of the valuable journal he kept during his voyage with Captain Cook; for permission to copy the original drawings in his possession, of those luminous animals discovered in both the voyages of Cook; and for some notes upon the luminous appearance of the sea, that were presented to him by Captain Horsburg, whose accuracy of observation is already known to this learned Society.

In the following paper, I shall first examine the grounds on which the property of showing light has been ascribed to certain animals, that either do not possess it, or in which its existence is questionable. I shall next give an account of some luminous species, of which some have been inaccurately described, and others quite

The property which certain animals possess of emitting light is so curious and interesting, that it has attracted the attention of naturalists in all ages. It was particularly noticed by Aristotle and Pliny amongst the ancients, and the publications of the different learned societies in Europe contain numerous memoirs upon the subject. Notwithstanding the degree of regard bestowed upon the history of luminous animals, it is still very imperfect; the power of producing light appears to have been attributed to several creatures unknown. I shall endeavour to which do not possess it; some species which enjoy it in an eminent degree have been imperfectly described, or entirely unobserved; the organs which afford the light in certain animals have not been examined by dissection; and lastly, the explanations that have been given of the phænomena of. animal light are unsatisfactory, and in some instances palpably erro


As this subject forms an interesting part of the history of organized beings, I have for some years availed myself of such opportunities as occurred for its investigation. Having communicated the result of some of my researches to the. Right Honourable Sir Joseph Banks, he immediately offered me

explain from my own observations, and the information communicated to me by others, many of the circumstances attending the luminous appearance of the sea. I shall then describe the organs employed for the production of light in certain species, and lastly, I shall review the opinions which have been entertained respecting the nature and origin of animal light, and relate the experiments I have made for the purpose of elucidating this part of the subject.

The property of emitting light has been reported to belong to several fishes, more particularly the mackarel, the moon-fish (tetraodon mola), the dorado, mullet, sprat, &c.



Mr. Bajon observed during the migration of the dorados, &c. that their bodies were covered with luminous points. These, however, proved upon examination to be minute spherical particles that adhered to the surface of these fishes; and, he adds, appeared to be preeisely the same sort of points that illuminated the whole of the sea' at the time. They were therefore in all probability the minute kind of medusa, which I shall have occasion to describe hereafter.

Godebeu de Riville states, in a paper sent to the Academy of Sciences at Paris, that on opening the scomber pelamis while alive, he found in different parts of its body an oil which gave out much light but it should be observed, that Riville had a particular the ory to support, for which this fact was very convenient, and that other parts of his memoir bear marks of his inaccuracy. It may be added, that if the oil of fishes were usually luminous, which Riville supposed, it would be almost universally known, instead of resting on a solitary observation.

As far as I am able to determine, from what I have seen, the faculty of exhibiting light during life does not belong to the class of fishes. It appears probable, that some fishes may have acquired the character of being luminous, from evolving light soon after death.

Some species of lepas, murex, and chama, and some star-fish have been said to possess the power of shining; and the assertion has been repeated by one writer after another, but without quoting any authority.

Brugueire upon one occasion saw,

as he supposed, common earthworms in a luminous state; all the hedges were filled with them; he remarked that the light resided principally in the posterior part of the body.

Flaugergues pretended to have seen earthworms luminous in three instances: it was at each time in October; the body shone at every part, but most brilliantly at the genital organs.

Notwithstanding this concure rence of testimony, it is next to impossible, that animals so frequently before our eyes as the common earthworms should be endowed with so remarkable a property, without every person having observed it. If they only enjoyed it during the season for copulation, still it could not have escaped notice, as these creatures are usually found joined together in the most frequented paths, and in garden walks.

In different systems of natural history, the property of shining is attributed to the cancer pulex. The authorities for this opinion are Hablitzl, and Thules and Bernard. The former observed, upon one occasion, a cable that was drawn up from the sea exhibit light, which, upon closer inspection, was perceived to be covered by these insects. Thules and Bernard reported that they met with a number of this species of can. cer on the borders of a river, entirely luminous. I am nevertheless disposed to question the luminous property of the cancer pulex, as I bave often had the animal in my possession, and never perceived it emit any light.

The account given by Linnæus of the scolopendra phosphorea is

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so improbable and inconsistent, that one might be led to doubt this insect's existence, particularly as it does not appear to have been ever seen, except by Ekeberg, the captain of an East Indiaman, from whom Linnæus learnt, its history.

I now proceed to the description of those luminous animals that have been discovered by the Right Honourable Sir Joseph Banks, Captain Horsburgh, and myself.

On the passage from Madeira to Rio de Janeiro, the sea was observed by Sir Joseph Banks to be unusually luminous, flashing in many parts like lightning. He directed some of the water to be hauled up, in which he discovered two kinds of animals that occasioned the phænomenon; the one, a crustaceous insect which he called the cancer fulgens; the other a large species of medusa, to which he gave the name of pellucens.

The cancer fulgens bears some resemblance to the common shrimp; it is, however, considerably less, the legs are furnished with numerous setæ. The light of this animal, which is very brilliant, appears to issue from every part of the body.

The medusa pellucens measures about six inches across the crown, or umbella; this part is marked by a number of opake lines, that pass off from the centre to the circumference. The edge of the umbella is divided into lobules, which succeed each other, one large and two small ones alternately. From within the margin of the umbella, there are suspended a number of long

cord shaped tentacula. The central part of the animal is opake, and furnished with four thick irre gularly shaped processes, which hang down in the midst of the tentacula.

This zoophite is the most splendid of the luminous inhabitants of the ocean. The flashes of light emitted during its contractions, are so vivid as to affect the sight of the spectator.

In the notes communicated to Sir Joseph Banks by Captain Horsburg, he remarks that the luminous state of the sea between the tropics is generally accompanied with the appearance of a great number of marine animals of various kinds upon the surface of the water; to many of which he does not, however, attribute the property of shining. At other times, when the water which gave out light was examined, it appeared only to contain small particles of a dusky straw colour, which dissolved with the slightest touch of the finger. He likewise observes, that in Bombay, during the hot weather of May and June, he has frequently seen the edges of the sea much illuminated by minute sparkling points.

At sunrise on April 12, 1798, in the Arabian sea, he perceived several luminous spots in the water, which conceiving to be animals, he went in the boat and caught one. It proved to be an insect somewhat resembling in appearance the wood-louse, and was about one-third of an inch in length. When viewed with the microscope, it seemed to be formed by sections of a thin crustaceous substance. During the time


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