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study of these Private Speeches, even a good scholar wants the help of explanations and notes. It seems strange, that with the exception of a little volume, now out of print, by the late Mr Penrose, nothing of the sort has been hitherto attempted, even in Germany. We wonder that no Cambridge scholar thought of supplying a want which must have been much felt by candidates for classical honours. All the more will such men feel grateful to Messrs Paley and Sandys for the present volume. We can assure them that these two distinguished scholars have done much to enable them to dispense with the help of a private tutor. Before one attempts to read one of these speeches, he should get a clear idea of the subject-matter and of the general argument, or, unless we are much mistaken, he will make but little way with them. Evidently, this is the opinion of the present editors, and so they have prefixed to each speech a short introduction, explaining the nature of the case and the question at issue. And they give further help. To the foot-notes are added little summaries of each paragraph. We strongly recommend the student to read these summaries successively, at one time, before he begins the speech. If he does this, after having clearly got the introduction into his head, he will be well equipped for his work........Messrs Paley and Sandys have put together a book which should be in the hands of all candidates for classical honours at Cambridge. A painstaking student will hardly require more help than he will find here supplied."

The Spectator, June 19, 1875.

"Mr Paley and Mr Sandys...............come forward opportunely to meet the want of schoolmasters and schoolboys or University students, and offer them in the volume before us a selection of six private speeches which are intended to illustrate the questions and practices of Attic Law and Law Courts, together with the details of 'finance, mercantile transactions, loans, securities, interest on money, banking and mining operations, the laws of citizenship, &c.'-in fact, all those things which make up Boeckh's famous work on the Public Economy of Athens. If, as we learn from the preface, no similar work has yet been issued from the graves officina of Germany, there is the more reason why this work should receive encouragement. The text adopted is that of W. Dindorf in the Teubner Series (third edition), with a careful collation by Mr Sandys of the text of Baiter and Sauppe, in the Zurich Oratores Attici; and in the volume before us the greater part of the notes are due to Mr Paley, while his colleague interpolates occasional notes for the sake of fulness or clearness, as well as renderings of particular passages borrowed from Professor Kennedy, all of which are distinguished by his own initial. It is not a little remarkable that the introduction as well as the text of each of the six orations making up this volume should owe so much directly and indirectly to the independent, illustrative, and elucidatory labours of two distinguished brothers of the Kennedy family."

The Saturday Review, March 13, 1875.





Ad Demonicum et

Panegyricus (published in 1868). Second Thousand, 1872. pp. xliv +169. Crown 8vo. 4s. 6d.

"Isocrates has not received the attention to which the simplicity of his style and the purity of his Attic language entitled him as a means of education. Now that we have so admirable an edition of two of his works best adapted for such a purpose, there will no longer be any excuse for this neglect. For carefulness and thoroughness of editing, it will bear comparison with the best, whether English or foreign. Besides an ample supply of exhaustive notes of rare excellence, we find in it valuable remarks on the style of Isocrates and the state of the text, a table of various readings, a list of editions, and a special introduction to each piece.................................. Short summaries of the argument are inserted in suitable places, and will be found of great service to the student. The commentary embraces explanations of difficult passages, with instructive remarks on grammatical usages, and the derivation and meanings of words illustrated by quotations and references. With all this abundance of annotation, founded on a diligent study of the best and latest authorities, there is no excess of matter and no waste of words."-Athenæum.

"The style of Isocrates is discussed in a separate essay, remarkable for sense, clearness of expression, and aptness of illustration. In the introductions to the two orations, and in the notes, abundant attention is given to questions of authenticity and historical allusions."-Pall Mall Gazette.

"By editing Isocrates Mr. Sandys does good service to students and teachers of Greek Prose. He places in our hands, in a convenient form, an author who will be found of great use in public schools, where he has been hitherto almost unknown."— Cambridge University Gazette.

"This work deserves the warmest welcome, for several reasons. In the first place, it is an attempt to introduce Isocrates into our schools, and this attempt deserves encouragement. Then the editor has done everything that an editor should do. We have a series of short introductory essays; on the style of Isocrates, on the text, on the Ad Demonicum and on the Panegyricus. These are characterized by sound sense, wide and thorough learning, and the capability of presenting thoughts clearly and well."-Museum.

"It is in vain to attempt to detail the many beauties of this brilliant oration (the Panegyricus), or to give a just idea of the many-sided knowledge and research which Mr Sandys has brought to bear upon his edition of it."—Contemporary Review.

"The feeling uppermost in our minds, after a careful and interesting study of this edition, is one of satisfaction and admiration; satisfaction that a somewhat unfamiliar author has been made so thoroughly readable, and admiration of the comparatively young scholar who has brought about this result by combining in the task such industry, research, and acumen, as are not always found united in editors who have had decads upon decads of mature experience.”—Saturday Review [12 Dec. 1868].

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