Abbildungen der Seite

For preservation of site of Fort Johnston, South Carolina,
for the said half calendar
For Fort Pulaski, Georgia, for the said half calendar year
And for the said fiscal year


And for the said fiscal year

For Fort Pickens, Pensacola harbor, Florida, for the said half calendar year

$6,500 00 30,000 00 30,000 00

7,000 00

And for the said fiscal year

For Fort McRee, Pensacola harbor, Florida, for the said half calendar year

6,000 00

4,000 00

4,000 00

And for the said fiscal year

For Fort Barancas, Pensacola harbor, Florida, for the said half calandar year

25,000 00

33,000 00

And for the said fiscal year

For repairs of Fort Morgan, Mobile point, Alabama, for the said half calendar year

8,000 00

For repairs of Fort Jackson, Mississippi river, Louisiana, for the said half calendar year

For repairs of Fort Dupre, Louisiana, for the said half calendar year

10,000 00

3,500 00

10,000 00

And for the said fiscal year

10,000 00

For repairs of Fort St. Philip, Mississippi river, Louisiana, for the said half calendar year

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

For Fort Livingston, Grand Terre island, Barrataria bay,

Louisiana, for the said half calendar year

20,000 00

And for the said fiscal year

30,000 00

For repairing and rebuilding barracks at Fort Gibson, at its present site, or in the vicinity thereof

15,000 00

For the completion of the works at Fort Smith, Arkansas, for the said half calendar year

20,000 00

For the completion of barracks, quarters, and storehouses, at Fort Atkinson, Turkey river, for the said half calendar year

6,000 00

808,500 00

H. R. No. 661.

For pensions for the half calendar year beginning the first day of January and ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and for the fiscal year beginning the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

For revolutionary pensions under the act of the eighteenth
March, one thousand eight hundred and eighteen, for

the said half calendar year

[blocks in formation]

For pensions to widows and orphans, under the act of fourth of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, for the said half calendar year

And for the said fiscal year

For five years' pensions to widows, under the act of seventh of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-eight, for the said half calendar year

And for the said fiscal year

$4,500 00 222,250 00

10,000 00 120,000 00

1,000 00

For arrearages prior to July, one thousand eight hundred and fifteen, payable through the Third Auditor, for the said half calendar year

And for the said fiscal year

2,000 00

For arrearages and half-pay pensions, through the Second
Auditor, for the said fiscal year

500 00

For half-pay pensions, payable through the Third Auditor, for the said fiscal year

H. R. No. 655.

For pensions under the act of March three, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, to widows of revolutionary soldiers

3,000 00

380,000 00 1,197,490 00

H. R. No. 660.

For fulfilling treaty stipulations with the various Indian tribes, and for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian department, for the half calendar year beginning the first day of January and ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and for the fiscal year beginning the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and forty-three, and ending the thirtieth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and forty-four, and for other purposes.

For the fulfilment of the treaties with various Indian tribes, for the said half calendar year

And for the said fiscal year

[ocr errors]

For the payment of three drafts, drawn on the Department by Governor Doty, for goods, provisions, and presents, procured and delivered by him to the Sioux Indians, while holding the treaty with them in one thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and which treaty was rejected by the Senate at its late session, for said half calendar year

[ocr errors]

For the removal to the west of the Mississippi of two hun-
dred and fifty of the New York Indians, of the Seneca,
Cayuga, and Onondaga tribes, and for fulfilling other
treaty stipulations with them, provided that so many are
willing to emigrate, for the said half calendar year
For current expenses of the Indian department for the
said half calendar year -

$723,708 00 749,065 00

13,776 49

20,477 50

53,500 00

And including four hundred and fifty dollars paid by order of General Z. Taylor, for two white boys ransomed from the Camanche Indians, and for the said fiscal year

93,300 00

For subsistence of the Choctaw claimants and their Indian witnesses during their attendance at the sitting of the commissioners appointed under the "Act to provide for the satisfaction of claims arising under the fourteenth and nineteenth articles of the treaty of Dancing Rabbit creek," concluded in September, one thousand eight hundred and thirty

$15,000 00

For the removal of the Choctaws to the west of the Mississippi

[ocr errors]

For carrying into effect the treaty with the Chippewa In-
dians, concluded October fourth, one thousand eight hun-
dred and forty-two
For carrying into effect the treaty with the Sax and Fox
Indians, concluded October eleventh, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-two -

For defraying the expenses of a negotiation with the Kan-
zas Indians, or other tribes on the waters of the Mis-
souri river, for the purpose of obtaining a tract of land
for the permanent and perpetual residence of the Sacs
and Foxes, as stipulated in the second article of the
treaty ratified February fifteenth, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-three

To satisfy contracts entered into in the month of August, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, by Major General Thomas S. Jesup, then commanding the army in Alabama, with the Creek tribe of Indians

67,490 00

51,000 00

299,566 34

1,500 00

12,000 00 2,100,383 33

H. R. No. 697.

For carrying into effect the treaty between the United States and Great Britain, concluded at Washington on the ninth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two.

For the payment of salaries, and for other expenses of the commission, including the purchase or repair of instruments, wages to persons employed, and other contingencies

[ocr errors]

For the payment in equal moieties to the States of Maine
and Massachusetts, in conformity with the provision of
the fifth article of the treaty
For the payment of the accounts of the States of Maine
and Massachusetts for all claims for expenses incurred
by them in protecting the heretofore disputed territory
on the Northeastern frontier of the United States, and
making a survey thereof, as provided by the fifth article
of the treaty-
For Massachusetts
For Maine

$15,000 00

300,000 00

10,792 95 206,934 79

H. R. No. 678.

For the protection of commerce on Lake Michigan.

For the construction of a harbor at the most suitable situation at or near Milwaukie, in the Territory of Wisconsin, to be made under the survey of an officer to be appointed by the Secretary of War, for the said half calendar year

And for the said fiscal year

$15,000 00

15,000 00

For continuing the public works at the harbor of Chicago, in the State of Illinois, for the said half calendar year And for the said fiscal year

10,000 00

15,000 00

For continuing the public works at the harbor of St. Joseph,

in the State of Michigan, for the said half calendar year And for the said fiscal year

10,000 00

15,000 00

80,000 00

H. R. 380. gia militia

H. R. 738. For an examination and survey of the harbor of Memphis, in Tennessee

H. R. 641. To test the practicability of establishing a system of electro-magnetic telegraphs by the United States

For the payment of seven companies of Geor

$3,000 00

30,000 00

19,399 87

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]

Civil and diplomatic list, six months ending June 30, 1843
Civil and diplomatic list, one year ending June 30, 1844*
Military service for same periods -

Naval service for same periods

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

65,708 52

$1,870,172 50

8,388,936 42

4,973,134 11

9,082,733 22

62,000 00

SOS,500 00

1,197,490 00

2,100,383 33

532,727 74

80,000 00

3,000 00

30,000 00

19,399 S7

65,708 52

29,214,185 71


By the act making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic service, No. 804:

Commissioner to the Sandwich islands

[merged small][ocr errors]

By the act for carrying into effect the treaty between the United
States and Great Britain, No. 697:

A commissioner for running, marking, and tracing the boundary
line between the United States and British possessions in North

A clerk to said commissioner

By the act providing the means of future intercourse between the United States and the Government of China, No 720 : Mission to China

[blocks in formation]

* This item includes the appropriations for the Post Office Department, which are paid exclusively out of the revenues of that Department, and therefore are no charge on the Treasury, and

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