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Barnes, Florence Berenice, Some aspects of memory of the insane, 209. Bergamasco, I., Il tempo di reazione semplice agli stimoli tattili ed acustici negli stadi iniziali della demenza precoce, 214.

Binswanger, L., Ueber das Verhalten des psychogalvanischen Phanomens beim Assoziationsexperiment, 207.

Boschi, Gaetano, Sur les accessoires de l'habillement dans la démence
précoce et dans la psychose maniaque-dépressive, 556.

Bruce, Lewis C., The symptoms and etiology of mania, 210.
Diefendorf, Allen Ross, and Raymond Dodge, The experimental study
of the ocular reactions of the insane from photographic records, 798.
Hamilton, Allen McLane, The development of the legal relations con-
cerning the insane, with suggestions for reform, 800.

Laignel-Lavastine, M., Troubles psychiques par perturbations des
glandes à sécrétion interne, 558.

Marie, A., Contribution à l'étude de la toxicité urinaire dans les maladies mentales et nerveuses, 554.

Ormsby, H. B., Veronal dermatitis, 212.

Perazzolo, Silvio, La pressione sanguigna nei malati di mente, 213. Peterson, Frederick, and C. G. Jung, Psycho-physical investigations with the galvanometer and pneumograph in normal and insane individuals, 204.

Pini, O., Ricerche sul potere riducente delle urine nella frenosi maniacodepressiva, 557.

Ramadier, J., et L. Marchand, La glande thyroide chez les alienes, 556.
Shaw, C. J., Observations on the opsonic index to various organisms
in control and insane cases, 212.

Steiner, Virginio, Contributo all'eziologia della demenza precoce, 801.
Tissot, F., Epilepsie et ponction lombaire, 214.

Tomaschny, Dr., Der Kopfschmerz bei der dementia præcox, 557.
Zablocka, Marie-Emma, Zur Prognosestellung bei der dementia præcox,

A review of our present knowledge concerning the sero-diagnosis of gen

eral paralysis, Ernest Jones, 653.

Alcoholic psychoses in hospitals for the insane, James M. Keniston, 525. Amnesia, Traumatic, W. W. Richardson, 509.


Arteriosclerosis, Clinical and anatomical analysis of 23 cases of insanity
arising in the sixth and seventh decades with special reference to the
incidence of, and senile atrophy and to the distribution of cortical pig-
ments, E. E. Southard and H. W. Mitchell, 293.

Austria, "Am Steinhof," Hospital and sanatoria in Vienna for mental and
nervous patients of lower, L. Vernon Briggs, 707.

Autointoxication, The question of, in acute depressive psychoses, Victor
C. Myers, Jessie W. Fisher and A. R. Diefendorf, 607.

Bancroft, Charles P., Presidential Address, Hopeful and discouraging
aspects of the psychiatric outlook, 1.

Bancroft, C. P., Reception hospitals and psychopathic wards in state hos-
pitals for the insane, 57.

Barnes, Francis M., Jr., A clinical study with blood examinations of two
atypical cases related to the dementia præcox group, 559.

Barnes, Francis M., Jr., A study of the metabolism of two atypical cases
related to the dementia præcox group, 591.

Berkley, Henry J., and Richard H. Follis, An investigation into the merits
of thyroidectomy and thyro-lecithin in the treatment of catatonia, 415.

Blind, Mental state of the, Wm. Rush Dunton, Jr., 103.

Blood examinations of two atypical cases related to the dementia præcox
group, A clinical study with, Francis M. Barnes, Jr., 559.


Barrus, Clara, Nursing the insane, 550.

Beers, Clifford Whittingham, A mind that found itself, 215.

Church, Archibald, and Frederick Peterson, Nervous and mental dis-
eases, 795.

Contributions from Department of Neurology, Harvard Medical
School, 551.

Fourth annual report of the Henry Phipps Institute for the study,
treatment and prevention of tuberculosis, 550.

Gierlich, N., and M. Friedmann, Studies in paranoia, 547.

Levy, Paul-Emile, Neurasthénie et névroses, leur guérison définitive et
cure libre, 794.

Ninth annual report of the State Board of Insanity of the Common-
wealth of Massachusetts, 549.

Nineteenth annual report New York State Commission in Lunacy, 385.
Report from the Pathological Department, Central Indiana Hospital
for the Insane, 1903-1906, 551.

Sommer, H. J., Index of 1180 postmortems of the insane, 388.
Thirty-seventh annual report of the Board of Commissioners of Public
Charities of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for 1906, 551.
Thomson, H. Campbell, Diseases of the nervous system, 796.
Worcester, Elwood, and Isador H. Coriat, Religion and medicine, 545.
Ziehen Th., Psychiatrie für Aerzte und Studierende bearbeitet, 386.

Briggs, L. Vernon, "Am Steinhof," Hospital and sanatoria in Vienna for
mental and nervous patients of lower Austria, 707.

Catatonia, An investigation into the merits of thyroidectomy and thyro-
lecithin in the treatment of, Henry J. Berkley and Richard H. Follis,

Clarke, C. K., Notes on some of the psychiatric clinics and asylums of Ger-
many, 357.


Letter from France. Present day questions concerning criminal re-
sponsibility, 168.

Cortical pigments, Clinical and anatomical analysis of 23 cases of insanity
arising in the sixth and seventh decades with special reference to the
incidence of arteriosclerosis and senile atrophy and to the distribution
of, E. E. Southard and H. W. Mitchell, 293.

Cotton, Henry A., and E. E. Southard, A case of central neuritis with
autopsy, 633.

Criminal, imbecile, or both? Charles W. Hitchcock, 519.

Criminal instincts, The imbecile with, Walter E. Fernald, 731.

Dementia præcox group, A clinical study with blood examinations of two
atypical cases related to the, Francis M. Barnes, Jr., 559.

Dementia præcox group, A study of the metabolism of two atypical cases
related to the, Francis M. Barnes, Jr., 591.

Depressive psychoses, The question of autointoxication in, Victor C. Myers,
Jessie W. Fisher and A. R. Diefendorf, 607.

Diefendorf, A. R., Victor C. Myers and Jessie W. Fisher, The question of
autointoxication in acute depressive psychoses, 607.

Dunton, Wm. Rush, Jr., Mental state of the blind, 103.

Experimental observations into the etiology and treatment of paresis, John
D. O'Brien, 77.

Farrar, Clarence B., Some origins in psychiatry, IV, 83.

Fernald, Walter E., The imbecile with criminal instincts, 731.
Ferris, Albert Warren, Italian immigration and insanity, 717.

Fisher, Jessie W., Victor C. Myers and A. R. Diefendorf, The question of
autointoxication in acute depressive psychoses, 607.

Follis, Richard H., and Henry J. Berkley, An investigation into the merits
of thyroidectomy and thyro-lecithin in the treatment of catatonia, 415.
Franz, Shepherd Ivory, The knee-jerk in paresis, 471.

Franz, Shepherd Ivory, and Mary O'Malley, A case of polyneuritis, of
autotoxic origin, with Korsakow's syndrome; with report of autopsy
and microscopical findings, 279.

General hospitals, Neuropathic wards in, Campbell Meyers, 533-

General paralysis, A review of our present knowledge concerning the sero-
diagnosis of, Ernest Jones, 653.

Gregory, M. S., Reception hospitals, psychopathic wards and psychopathic
hospitals, 63.

[blocks in formation]

Hitchcock, Charles W., Imbecile, criminal, or both? 519.

Hospital and sanatoria in Vienna for mental and nervous patients in lower
Austria, "Am Steinhof," L. Vernon Briggs, 707.

Hospitals for the insane, Alcoholic psychoses in, James M. Keniston, 525.
Hospitals for the insane, The proper size of, Charles W. Pilgrim, 337.
Hospitals for the insane, Tuberculosis in, Richard H. Hutchings, 751.
Hurd, Henry M., Psychiatry as a part of preventive medicine, 17.
Hutchings, Richard H., Tuberculosis in hospitals for the insane, 751.
Hydrocephalus, A pathological study of a case of, Samuel T. Orton, 229.

Imbecile, The, with criminal instincts, Walter E. Fernald, 731.

Imbecile, criminal, or both? Charles W. Hitchcock, 519.
Italian immigration and insanity, Albert Warren Ferris, 717.

Jones, Ernest, A review of our present knowledge concerning the sero-
diagnosis of general paralysis, 653.

Keniston, James M., Alcoholic psychoses in hospitals for the insane, 525.
Knee-jerk, The, in paresis, Shepherd Ivory Franz, 471.

Korsakow's syndrome, A case of polyneuritis, of autotoxic origin, with;
with autopsy report and microscopical findings, Mary O'Malley and
Shepherd Ivory Franz, 279.

Mental factors in psychiatry, The rôle of, Adolf Meyer, 39.
Mental state of the blind, Wm. Rush Dunton, Jr., 103.

Metabolism, A study of the, of two atypical cases related to the dementia
præcox group, Francis M. Barnes, Jr., 591.

Meyer, Adolf, The rôle of the mental factors in psychiatry, 39.
Meyer, Adolf, The problem of the state in the care of the insane, 689.
Meyers, Campbell, Neuropathic wards in general hospitals, 533.

Mills, Wesley, Psychology in relation to physiology, psychiatry and general
medicine, 25.

Mitchell, H. W., and E. E. Southard, Clinical and anatomical analysis of
23 cases of insanity arising in the sixth and seventh decades with
special reference to the incidence of arteriosclerosis and senile atrophy
and to the distribution of cortical pigments, 293.

Mosher, J. Montgomery, A consideration of the need of better provision
for the treatment of mental disease in its early stage, 499.

Myers, Victor C., Jessie W. Fisher and A. R. Diefendorf, The question of
autointoxication in acute depressive psychoses, 607.

Neuritis, A case of central, with autopsy, Henry A. Cotton and E. E.
Southard, 633.

Neuropathic wards in general hospitals, Campbell Meyers, 533.


"A mind that found itself." The National Committee of Mental Hy-
giene, 189.

Annual meeting of the American Medico-Psychological Association,

Annual meeting of French alienists, 543.

Canada and defective immigration, 186.

Death of Dr. Argyll Robertson, 770.

Death of Dr. Brower, 770.

Death of Professor Joffroy, 770.

Detroit Society of Neurology and Psychiatry, 769.

Extraordinary longevity in an insane woman, 382.

Fourth Belgian Congress of Neurology and Psychiatry, 543.

Healing cults, 767.

Maryland Psychiatric Society, 542, 769.

Paresis as a menace to public safety in transportation, 541.

Pellagra and pellagrous insanity in the United States, 381.

Philadelphia Psychiatric Society, 769.

Reciprocity between nursing staffs of hospitals for the insane and
general hospitals, 188.

Resignation of Dr. Clouston, 194.

Responsibility of physicians signing certificates of insanity, 377.

The Henry Phipps Psychiatric Clinic, 764.

The Phipps Psychiatric Clinic at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, 197.

O'Brien, John D., Experimental observations into the etiology and treat-
ment of paresis, 77.

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