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ed by a people the most ingenious, | lasting ruin and degradation, to most industrious, most persever- that man all appeals from reason ing, and renowned throughout the and public spirit are in vain. world for probity, sincerity, valour, and, above all things, love


N. B. In order that the readers

of country and veneration for her laws a country to which God of the Register may have the seems to have said, Be thou means of communicating these strong, be thou secure, be thou Addresses to others, who do not free, be thou happy'! A coun- take the Register, the Addresses try like this, loaded with an en-are re-printed on the quarter-sheet ormous standing army in time of at the end of this Register, which peace; seized with an ague-fit at quarter sheet may be taken off, the very sound of war: trammel- and sent by post, or otherwise disled by Six Acts and a thousand posed of.

other things, the bare sight of

which, were our fathers to rise from the grave, would drive them back to hide their heads for shame; and, while the world is

pointing the finger of scorn at her, she, amidst a series of convulsions and of miseries, is making sacri

fices the most cruel, with the vain

hope of disguising her feebleness

and her fears! But



After expressing a hope that you have had a merry Christmas, amidst all the numerous practical proofs of the benefits of the Scotch system of "surplus copatol” and enough," cheap currency;" after expressfor,if ing my hope, that you and DocTOR PETER RICARDO MACCUL LOCH will have a happy new year, seeing that the small paper

and more than enough;
there be NOW one man, who
does not see, that our choice lies
between immediate exertion and

money will now be pouring forth clamation and law making, and, again in such liberal quantities finally begging you to give a glass from Threadneedle street; after to the Ministers, and especially to congratulating you on the large Mr. Frederick Prosperity: after profits arising from the "surplus this prelude, Doctor Black, which, copatol" employed in foreign I dare say, you think very tedious, loans and shares, of which you but which I thought not amiss just were one of the greatest advocates at this moment: after all this, I and promoters; after testifying no come to the subject of my letter; fear that brother PETER will lack namely, the "Pigs' meat," you know, Doctor Black.

nothing in the way of audience at these lectures, in which he teaches the benefits of PAPER-MO

NEY and of WENS, and the fatal effects of women (naughty creatures!) having children: after all

this prelude, Doctor Black, not

omitting to express a hope, that

you and brother Peter and the

Edinbro' Reviewers and the Chan

cellor, I mean of the "London

University;" after expressing an

You know, Doctor, that you, speaking of the "PROTESTANT REFORMATION," said, that it was surprising, that such a thing could be read in the nineteenth century; meaning, that the thing was so very foolish, so very gross and worthless, that it was surprising that any body, in this enlightened age, should be found to read it. And then came the base, Scotch insinuation; namely, that it was

anxious hope, that all of you, together with the whole body of intended by me as "pigs' meat," "the best public instructer;" after as reading for the brutishly ignopraying most fervently, that you rant, from whom I wished, by this may all have laid in a good stock work, "to extract money!" A of the very strongest Scotch Whis-blow across your mouth, with a key to keep up your spirits during dirty broom-stick, Doctor, would the approaching season of pro- have been the suitable answer to

that base and blackguard remark. [you intelligence honourable to It is very well known, and you myself and mortifying to you. know it well; for the fact was re- LAWYER SCARLETT, without any corded in the pages of the Re-provocation from me, without my gister, and in those of the Morning ever having even named him, Chronicle too; that I had an in-called me, in his place in Parliatention, when I was in Long Island, ment, during the Six Acts session to write a History of the Church of 1819, a CONTEMPTIBLE of England, at the idea of which SCRIBBLER." Let him now the late Mr. PERRY thought fit to look at my " SCRIBBLINGS" in laugh. I could not, then at any the "TORCH," which CANNING rate, have it in view to profit in thought his Six Acts would EXthis way. But, suppose profit to TINGUISH FOR EVER"! have been my only object, wha Never was triumph equal to objection have you to urge on tha mine. Great, nevertheless, as score? You, who live by daily your mortification must be, Dochire for labours with the pen? TOR BLACK; great as the morWhat is nobody but a Scotch-tification of all the tribe of imman to gain by literary labours? pudent Scotch Quacks must be, Are readers to give money for still I must not omit to make it a nothing in the writing way, except little greater by thrusting under

for their dark and deep and lying and conceited and impudent stuff?

Are readers to pay for nothing but "surplus capital, cheap currency," and receipts to "prevent women from breeding"?

However, this is rather beside the object of my present address, which object is twofold, to give

their noses the following intelli-
gence from New York, relative to
the Scotch insolence to call it.
the "PIGS' MEAT," as you had

"Extract from Mr. JOHN DOYLE,
"Bookseller at New York, to
"seller at Liverpool, dated,
"NEW YORK, 16, Nov. 1825.

"Will you please to mention, "when you are next communicat

*ing with Mr. Cobbett, a cir-| Now, Doctor Black, you had *cumstance which, I dare say, the liberality and delicacy to in"will be gratifying to him to

money out of the pockets of the "poor, ignorant, superstitious Ca

tholics," as you had the Scotch insolence to call them. But, you are continually extolling the welleducated minds of the Americans;

and you are not sparing of your

"know; that his History of the sinuate, that my work was writReformation" has caused the ten with the intention of getting "greatest sensation here of any "book ever offered for sale since "I have been a Bookseller here, " which is now eight years. "Every person who reads any "thing on religion, or English his“tory, has read it, and is talking "about it. It is read by all sects. "And such is the demand for it. "that it is now stereotyping in "this city, and, also, two sepa"rate translations of it making "into the Spanish language; "one by a Mexican, and the other “ by an Irishman, who has lived "with the Spaniards many years "in Colombia and the Islands. it could all be embodied into one "I have just heard from a "Bookseller, who has come to“ day from Philadelphia, that they pose, would never make one sin"are stereotyping it there. This gle man of sense believe, that the " is a thing heretofore unheard of, surprizing sale of this work arose "of any Book, in this country, from any cause other than that of 'except the Bible. I am confi


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praises on the enlightened state
of the Mexicans and Colombians.
Well, then, Scotch Doctor Black,
have all these a relish for "PIGS'

MEAT" too? Oh, no! All the
Scotch scribbling impudence, if

mass, and used for this one pur


great intrinsic merit. It has

dent, from what I see, that mil'lions of them, almost, will be had no extraneous support: it has "sold on this continent. It has the aid of no societies, no combi"created a respect for the Catho

countenance of wealthy people

*lic religion, and a kind of regret nations, of any sort: it has the "for the changes that have taken "place in England, on this sub"ject, with almost every one who "has read it."

even amongst the Catholics them

selves: but, it has, on the con

that base and blackguard remark. [you intelligence honourable to It is very well known, and you myself and mortifying to you. know it well; for the fact was re- LAWYER SCARLETT, without any corded in the pages of the Re- provocation from me, without my gister, and in those of the Morning ever having even named him, Chronicle too; that I had an in- called me, in his place in Parliatention, when I was in Long Island, ment, during the Six Acts session to write a History of the Church of 1819, a CONTEMPTIBLE of England, at the idea of which SCRIBBLER." Let him now the late Mr. PERRY thought fit to look at my " SCRIBBLINGS" in laugh. I could not, then at any the "TORCH," which CANNING rate, have it in view to profit in thought his Six Acts would EXthis way. But, suppose profit to TINGUISH FOR EVER"! have been my only object, wha Never was triumph equal to objection have you to urge on tha mine. Great, nevertheless, as score? You, who live by daily your mortification must be, Dochire for labours with the pen? TOR BLACK; great as the morWhat is nobody but a Scotch-tification of all the tribe of imman to gain by literary labours? pudent Scotch Quacks must be, Are readers to give money for still I must not omit to make it a nothing in the writing way, except little greater by thrusting under for their dark and deep and lying their noses the following intelligence from New York, relative to the "PIGS' MEAT," as you had the Scotch insolence to call it.

and conceited and impudent stuff?

Are readers to pay for nothing

but "surplus capital, cheap currency," and receipts to " prevent women from breeding"?

However, this is rather beside the object of my present address,

"Extract from Mr. JOHN DOYLE,

"Bookseller at New York, to
"seller at Liverpool, dated,
"NEW YORK, 16, Nov. 1825.
"Will you please to mention,

which object is twofold, to give" when you are next communicat

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