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hostility, and produced a pointless epigram or two from those whose frauds he had exposed. Whether a funeral monument should be in colours or not, is a point of taste, and therefore admits of various opinions. But the Doctor has one remark on this bust, which, as it relates to our poet's likeness, I cannot leave without observation. He says, vol. ii. p. 623, "There is a very close and remarkable similitude between the engraving from the Felton Shakspeare, and the bust at Stratford." Again, a little after: "Whether we consider the general contour of the head, or the particular conformation of the forehead, eyes, nose, or mouth, the resemblance is complete." It is however but candid to add, that Dr. Drake in a note informs us, that these observations rest on "the fidelity of the engraving prefixed to Reed's edition of Shakspeare, 1803."

Alas! there are four engravings from this picture, all unlike, more or less, to that, and to each other. Mr. Gilchrist, an acute and able writer also on such subjects, has remarked, that "the late Mr. Steevens failed to communi

cate to the public his confidence in the integrity of Mr. Felton's picture." What basis Mr. Gilchrist may have had for this observation, will be rather strikingly apparent, when the reader shall have perused the very ample discussion into which I shall be drawn, while examining its former pretensions. In the mean time, having before me a very faithful copy in oil from this picture, I would refer the decision to any eye, accustomed to works of art; and am confident that it must be pronounced, utterly unlike the bust, in every one of these points of presumed similarity.

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From Mr Ozias Humphry's Drawing of the Chandos Picture made for the late Mr.Malone in the Year 1783.



THE progress of this inquiry has now brought us to the third of the received likenesses of our poet, which was formerly in the possession of the late Duke of Chandos. It is a head, painted on canvass, and seemed to Sir Joshua Reynolds to have been left unfinished by the artist. This is the portrait of Shakspeare, which has been so frequently engraved, and to which the fancy of each succeeding engraver has added every conceivable variety of feature, expression, and dress.


No picture within the last hundred years been more frequently copied. Sir Joshua Reynolds painted one in 1760 for Bishop Newton, which came into Mr. Malone's possession. A very animated copy of it, I have contemplated with pleasure, among the gifts of Mr. Capell,

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