PARADISE LOST BOOK V. THE ARGUMENT. MORNING approached, Eve relates to Adam her troublesome dream; he likes it not, yet comforts her: they come forth to their day-labours: their morning hymn at the door of their bower. GOD, to render man inexcusable, sends Raphael to admonish him of his obedience, of his free estate, of his enemy near at hand, who he is, and why his enemy, and whatever else may avail Adam to know. Raphael comes down to paradise; his appearance described, his coming discerned by Adam afar off, sitting at the door of his bower; he goes out to meet him, brings him to his lodge, entertains him with the choicest fruits of paradise got together by Eve; their discourse at table: Raphael performs his message, minds Adam of his state, and of his enemy; relates, at Adam's request, who that enemy is, and how he came to be so, beginning from his first revolt in heaven, and the occasion thereof; how he drew his legions after him to the parts of the north, and there incited them to rebel with him; persuading all but only Abdiel a seraph, who in argument dissuades and opposes him, then forsakes him. morn, her Now 1 rosy steps] Quintus Smyrnæus applies the epithet, podóoφυρος to Aurora. v. Lib. i. 137. A. Dyce. 2 sow'd] Ambo de comis calorem, et ambo radios conserunt. See Anthol. Lat. vol. i. p. 8, ed. Burm. Avieni, Orb. Desc. ver. 580. and Fragm. in Aristot. Poet. Σπείρων θεοκτίσταν φλόγα. Upton. When Adam wak'd, so custom'd, for his sleep ⚫ only] For 'alone.' Spens. F. Q. v. xi. 30. fuming] v. Lucretii. lib. vi. Virg. Geo. ii. 217. 15 'Calls forth the winds. Oh Heaven's fresh fans, quoth he:' and p. 161; now began Aurora's usher with his windy fan Gently to shake the woods on every side.' 7 matin] Virg. Æn. viii. 456. • Et matutini volucrum sub culmine cantus.' Newton. 17 awake] See Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, ver. 10012. (Marchant's Tale.) Rise up, my wif, my love, my lady free, My fairest, my espous'd, my latest found, Heav'n's last best gift, my ever new delight, Awake, the morning shines, and the fresh field 20 Calls us, we lose the prime, to mark how spring. Songs Our tended plants, how blows the citron grove, 25 Such whisp'ring wak'd her, but with startled eye O sole in whom my thoughts find all repose, 40 23 balmy reed] εvodμcô кxdausïo. v. Dionysii Geog. ver. 937. 41 his] In the other passages, where the song of the nightingale is described, the bird is of the feminine gender; v iii. 40. iv. 602. vii. 436. Newton. Shadowy sets off the face of things; in vain, I rose as at thy call, but found thee not; walk; 45 56 And on, methought, alone I pass'd through ways 50 44 wakes] G. Fletcher's Christ's Victorie, p. 1. st. 78. Ambrosia] Virg. Æn. i. 403. 57 Ambrosiæque comæ divinum vertice odorem Hume. |