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Defac'd, deflower'd, and now to death devote?
Rather how hast thou yielded to transgress
The strict forbiddance, how to violate

The sacred fruit forbidd'n! some cursed fraud
Of enemy hath beguil'd thee, yet unknown,
And me with thee hath ruin'd, for with thee
Certain my resolution is to die:

How can I live without thee? how forego
Thy sweet converse and love so dearly join'd,
To live again in these wild woods forlorn?
Should God create another Eve, and I
Another rib afford, yet loss of thee
Would never from my heart: no no, I feel
The link of nature draw me: flesh of flesh,
Bone of my bone thou art, and from thy state
Mine never shall be parted, bliss or woe.

So having said, as one from sad dismay
Recomforted, and after thoughts disturb'd
Submitting to what seem'd remediless,




Thus in calm mood his words to Eve he turn'd.
Bold deed thou hast presum'd, advent❜rous Eve,
And peril great provok'd, who thus hast dar'd
Had it been only coveting to eye

That sacred fruit, sacred to abstinence,
Much more to taste it under bann to touch. 925

901 devote] Hor. Od. iv. xiv. 18.

'Devota morti pectora liberæ.' Todd.

922 hast] So it is in the first edition; in the second it is printed by mistake hath dar'd; and that is followed by some others. Newton.

But past who can recal, or done undo?
Not God omnipotent, nor Fate, yet so
Perhaps thou shalt not die, perhaps the fact
Is not so heinous now, foretasted fruit,


Profan'd first by the serpent, by him first 930
Made common and unhallow'd ere our taste;
Nor yet on him found deadly, he yet lives,
Lives, as thou said'st, and gains to live as man
Higher degree of life, inducement strong
To us, as likely tasting to attain
Proportional ascent, which cannot be
But to be Gods, or angels demigods.
Nor can I think that GOD, creator wise,
Though threat'ning, will in earnest so destroy
Us his prime creatures, dignify'd so high,
Set over all his works, which in our fall,
For us created, needs with us must fail,
Dependent made; so GoD shall uncreate,
Be frustrate, do, undo, and labour lose,
Not well conceiv'd of God; who, though his power
Creation could repeat, yet would be loth

Us to abolish, lest the adversary


Triumph and say; Fickle their state whom Gon
Most favours, who can please him long? Me first
He ruin'd, now mankind; whom will he next?
Matter of scorn, not to be given the foe.
However I with thee have fix'd my lot,
Certain to undergo like doom; if death

925 past] See Pind. Olymp. ii. 29; and Sophocles Trach.745.

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Consort with thee, death is to me as life;
So forcible within my heart I feel
The bond of nature draw me to my own,
My own in thee, for what thou art is mine;
Our state cannot be sever'd, we are one,
One flesh; to lose thee were to lose myself.

So Adam, and thus Eve to him reply'd.

O glorious trial of exceeding love,
Illustrious evidence, example high,
Engaging me to emulate, but, short
Of thy perfection, how shall I attain,




Adam, from whose dear side I boast me sprung,
And gladly of our union near thee speak,
One heart, one soul in both; whereof good proof
This day affords, declaring thee resolv❜d,
Rather than death or aught than death more dread
Shall separate us link'd in love so dear,
To undergo with me one guilt, one crime,
If any be, of tasting this fair fruit,

Whose virtue, for of good still good proceeds,
Direct, or by occasion, hath presented
This happy trial of thy love, which else
So eminently never had been known.
Were it I thought death menac'd would ensue
This my attempt, I would sustain alone
The worst, and not persuade thee, rather die
Deserted, than oblige thee with a fact




978 alone] Eve says in the Adam. Exs. of Grotius, p. 54. Omne ruat in me malum,

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Si quod futurum est. Parcat! O parcat viro!

980 oblige] Newton has observed the force of 'oblige,' to

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Pernicious to thy peace, chiefly assur’d
Remarkably so late of thy so true,

So faithful love unequall'd; but I feel
Far otherwise th' event, not death, but life
Augmented, open'd eyes, new hopes, new joys, 985
Taste so divine, that what of sweet before
Hath touch'd my sense, flat seems to this and harsh.
On my experience, Adam, freely taste,

And fear of death deliver to the winds.

So saying, she embrac'd him, and for joy 990 Tenderly wept, much won that he his love Had so ennobled, as of choice to incur Divine displeasure for her sake, or death. In recompense, for such compliance bad Such recompense best merits, from the bough 995 She gave him of that fair enticing fruit With liberal hand: he scrupled not to eat Against his better knowledge, not deceiv'd, But fondly overcome with female charm. Earth trembled from her entrails, as again In pangs, and Nature gave a second groan,


render obnoxious to guilt or punishment. Cic. pro domo suâ, viii. Cum populum Romanum scelere obligâsses.'

Fin. i. 14. and Hor. Od. ii. 8. 5.

'sed tu simul obligásti Perfidum votis caput.'

989 winds] A sort of proverbial expression. Hor. Od. i. xxvi. i.

[blocks in formation]

1001 Nature] See Virg. Georg. iv. 493, and Stat. Theb. xi.


Ter nigris avidus regnator ab oris

Sky lowr'd, and, mutt'ring thunder, some sad drops
Wept at completing of the mortal sin
Original; while Adam took no thought,
Eating his fill, nor Eve to iterate

Her former trespass fear'd, the more to soothe
Him with her lov'd society, that now,

As with new wine intoxicated both,

They swim in mirth, and fancy that they feel
Divinity within them breeding wings



Wherewith to scorn the earth: but that false fruit
Far other operation first display'd,

Carnal desire inflaming; he on Eve
Began to cast lascivious eyes, she him
As wantonly repaid; in lust they burn:
Till Adam thus 'gan Eve to dalliance move.
Eve, now I see thou art exact of taste,
And elegant, of sapience no small part,
Since to each meaning savour we apply,
And palate call judicious; I the praise



Yield thee, so well this day thou hast purvey❜d.
Much pleasure we have lost, while we abstain'd
From this delightful fruit, nor known till now
True relish, tasting; if such pleasure be

In things to us forbidden, it might be wish'd, 1025
For this one tree had been forbidden ten.
But come, so well refresh'd, now let us play,
As meet is, after such delicious fare;

Intonuit, terque ima soli concussit, et ipsi
Armorum fugere Dei.'

and Val. Flac. viii. 117.

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