Abbildungen der Seite
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CHIOS, Island, Ionia. Lion, Vase, Ship, Bacchus, Apollo.
Lion, Cissa.

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* This form of name is most likely connected with Sumir, Sumerian.

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Grapes, Nicæa.


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ORTHOSIA, Caria. Bacchus.

Grapes, Thasus.

TABA, Caria, Vase.

Vase, Thebes.


Sun, Delos, Thelpusa, Atella, Eutella, &c.

Cos, Island, Caria. Crab, Snake, Wand, Apollo.

Snake, Cassope.

Wand, Cius.

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* It bears the inscription, "I am the sign of Phanes."

RHODUS, Island, Caria. Sun, Bacchus, Ship, Palm.

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* Although this word has a Greek form, the symbol decides its relation.

+ Apollonia here appears to have nothing to do with Apollo.

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Lyre, Acanthus, Cythnus, Cydna.
Bow, Lacanatis.

ASPENDUS, Pamphylia. Bull, Lion, Triskele, Shield.

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* As there have been many discussions about the Lycian language, it is interesting to see that Lycia was colonized by the same populations as the other regions.

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SELGE, Pisidia. Thunderbolt, Stag, Lance, Bow.
Stag, Saga-lassus (Goat).

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CELENDERIS, Cilicia. Apollo, Lyre, Goat, Horse, Apollo.

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Issus (Alexandria ad Issum), Cilicia. Bacchus.

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