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From 1.30 to 3 o'clock P.M.

1. A person suddenly becomes more or less unconscious and falls down, and on recovery is found to have lost the use of the left arm and leg what are the conditions on which the seizure may depend, and the other symptoms which the patient may present?

2. What are the different kinds of worms which infest the human body? where are they chiefly found? and how do they probably gain access to the system? Mention the chief remedies which may be employed for their expulsion or destruction, and the doses and modes in which they should be given.

3. Mention the chief preparations of Mercury and Opium contained in the British Pharmacopoeia; state the uses to which they are applied, and the doses in which they should be given.

NOVEMBER 15, 1873.

1. Describe a typical case of Enteric Fever (typhoid), and in the absence of a rash distinguish it from acute Tuberculosis, Pyæmia, and Meningitis.

2. You are called to a patient suffering from an acute affection of the Chest after exposure to cold. State your reasons, according to the symptoms and physical signs, for believing that the patient has Bronchitis, Pneumonia, or Pleurisy; or that he has a combination of these conditions. How would you treat him after your diagnosis has been made?

3. What do you understand by a Nervine tonic? Give some examples from the Pharmacopoeia, with doses of the medicines. Write one or two prescriptions for epilepsy.

JANUARY 17, 1874.

1. A person is suddenly seized with severe pain in the abdomen, sickness, and vomiting, followed by prostration of strength; what are the various causes upon which the symptoms may depend? how would you distinguish them? and what treatment would you employ in such cases?

2. What is meant by Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, and Locomotor Ataxy? describe the symptoms of each disease, and the morbid conditions upon which they depend. 3. Mention the different remedies which may be used to check Diarrhoea, and to allay sickness and vomiting, giving the doses and forms in which they should be employed.

Write a prescription for the administration of such a remedy.

APRIL 18, 1874.

1. Describe briefly a case of Acute Rheumatism, with the appropriate treatment. Afterwards state the complications which may arise, giving the diagnosis of pericarditis, endocarditis, pleurisy, and pneumonia, or any other complications which you may remember.

2. Describe a case of Diabetes, detailing the symptoms and treatment, both medical and dietetical, together with the tests for sugar. As far as time will allow mention some of the theories as to its nature or causes.

3. Mention some of the more common aperient medicines contained in the Pharmacopoeia. Write a prescription for an appropriate purge in renal dropsy; another for an occasional pill in chronic hepatic disease, and a third for a medicine suitable for habitual constipation in a young female.

MAY 16, 1874.

1. Mention the incubative period, and describe the course and character of the fever and of the eruption, in Scarlet Fever, Measles, and Small-pox; and mention the complications which are most likely to arise in each disease.

2. Mention the different circumstances under which blood may be expectorated or vomited; and state how you would distinguish the several sources.

3. Mention the proportion of opium contained in the following preparations of the British Pharmacopoeia

Pulvis Ipecacuanha Compositus,

Pulvis Creta Aromaticus cum Opio,
Pulvis Kino Compositus,

Tinctura Opii,

Tinctura Camphora Composita,

Tinctura Opii Ammoniata,

Pilula Saponis cum Opio,

Confectio Opii;

and the proportion of Morphia in the Liquor Morphiæ Hydrochloratis. State the doses in which the different preparations may be given, and the purposes to which they are severally more especially adapted.

Write prescriptions for an anodyne draught, and for a diuretic mixture.

Printed by TAYLOR and FRANCIS, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street.

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