Abbildungen der Seite
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A few plain sign-posts for the use of the student-Early English
poems-Chaucer-"The Canterbury Tales"-Green's descrip-

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tion of them-Taine's estimate of Chaucer-A blank in the re-

cords of our literature-The English Renascence-The Italian

Renascence-Some Scotch poets-The poetry of Nature-Eliza-

bethan poetry-The first regular English drama-The first

regular English satire-Spenser - A thorough knowledge of

Spenser essential to the student of English poetry-Leigh Hunt

on Spenser "The Faery Queen "-The first regular English

tragedy-The first English comedy-Shakespeare-Guides to

Shakespearian study-Principles of study-Chronology of Shake-

speare's plays-The sources from which Shakespeare borrowed

the plots of his plays-Shakespeare's contemporaries and imme-

diate successors-Ben Jonson-Wit-combats at the "Mer-


Webster-Ford-Chapman-Minor Elizabethan poets-The first

English metaphysical poem-Courtly poets-Pastoral poetry-

Shakespeare's poems and sonnets-The "Fantastic School "-

Herbert and Herrick-Butler, the poet of the Restoration-

Marvel-Wither-Quarles-Donne-Cowley-Milton, the third

great name in English poetry-Morley's analysis of the parallel-

ism in structure of "L'Allegro" and "Il Penseroso"-Milton's

literary labours-"Paradise Lost"-"Samson Agonistes❞—

Dryden-The dramatists of the Restoration-Pope-His charac-

teristics as a poet-Criticisms of Pope-Thomson, the first of

our Nature-poets-Gray-Goldsmith-Collins-Minor poets-

Cowper-The main features of his poetry-Burns-The story of

his life-Carlyle's estimate of Burns-Crabbe-Wordsworth,

the greatest of the Nature-poets-His poetical life-Coleridge-

Southey-Campbell's war songs and lyrics-Rogers-Moore-

Bryon-Shelley-Shelleyan literature-Keats-Scott-Hood-


son-His artistic sense-The study of Tennyson-The Vic-

torian poets

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The highest morality must be shaped and inspired by religious prin-
ciples-The why, the whence, and the whither of life-The
vastness of the field-Latimer-Hooker-Lord Bacon - The
Baconian philosophy-The Idola of the human mind and the
ideas of the divine-The "inductive method"-The study of
Nature-The Newtonian method-The English "Democritus"
-Hall-Milton-Hobbes, the philosopher of Malmesbury-The
selfish system of philosophy-Hobbes's challengers-Boyle-
Ray-Dr. Henry More, the great English Platonist-Christian
Platonism-Tulloch's examination of More's philosophico-religi-
ous system-Jeremy Taylor-Chillingworth-The Cambridge
Rationalists-Cudworth-Whichcote - Baxter - Fuller - Bar-
row-South-Locke-The objects of human knowledge-Locke
on toleration and his treatises of government-Popular rights
-Sir Thomas Browne-Dr. Clarke of Norwich-Dr. Daniel
Waterland - Dr. Humphrey Prideaux - The third Earl of
Shaftesbury-Dr. Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne-The Berkeleian
philosophy-Viscount Bolingbroke-Bishop Butler-Christian
ethics-Some devotional writers-David Hume-Hume's ideo-
logy-Dr. Adam Smith-Answers to Hume-The philosophy of
common sense - Priestley-Tucker-Paley's system of moral
philosophy-Dr. Watson, Bishop of Llandaff-Robert Hall-
Thomas Chalmers-Dr. Thomas Brown-A group of metaphy-
sicians-The Tractarian movement-Cardinal Newman-F. W.
Newman-The Hares-Archbishop Whately-Deans Trench,

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