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Lady. But it was not the effect of accident that occafioned you to lay violent hands upon my fille de chambre.

Yor. Violent hands, Madam! - I touched her but with one hand; and a jury of virgins, Madam, could have brought it in nothing more than the chance-medley of fenfation.

After this congress, a new treaty was entered into, by which all possible care was taken for the exigencies of inns, beds, corking-pins, naked fille de chambres, unlucky breeches, buttons, &c. &c. &c. So that if we had planned a new convention for the demolition of the harbour of Dunkirk, and that of Mardyke, it could not have been done with more political circumspection; nor could one have thought it possible to have been evaded, either by design or accident.


NATURE! whatever shape thou weareft,

whether on the mountains of Nova Zembla, or on the parched foil of the torrid tropics, still thou art amiable! still shalt thou guide my footsteps! With thy help, the life allotted to this weak, this tender • fabric, shall be rational and just. Those gentle emotions which thou inspirest by an organized congeniality in all thy parts, teach me to feel; instruct me to participate another's woes, to sympa

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thize at distress, and find an uncommon glow of fatisfaction at felicity. How then can the temporary, transient misfortunes of an hour cloud this brow, where Serenity was wont to fix her reign? No, avaunt ye way - ward jaundice spleens!-- feize on the hypocrite, whose heart recoils at every forged puritanic face; -- affail the mifer, who fighs even when he beholds his treasures, and thinks of the instability of bolts and locks. Reflect, wretch, on the still greater instability of life itself; calculate, caitiff, the days thou hast to live fome ten years, or lefs; allot the portion thou now spendest for that period, and give the rest to the truly needy.

Could my prayers prevail, with zeal and reafon joined, mifery would be banished from the earth, and every month be a vintage for the poor!



OME over - rigid priest may perhaps imagine my prayer should have preceded breakfast and business, and that then my negotiation with the fair Piedmontoise might have been more fuccefsful. It might fo.

My life has been a tissue of incidents, interwoven by the hand of Fortune after a whimsical but not distasteful pattern: the ground is light and chearful, but the flowers are so variegated, that scarce any weaver of fancy will be able to imitate it.

A letter from Paris, from London, from you, Eugenius! - Oh my friend! I'll be with thee, at the Hotel de Saxe, ere you have tarried the double rotation of diurnal reckoning.

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THEN I will meet thee, faid I, fair spirit,

at Bruffels! - 'Tis only returning from Italy thro' Germany to Holland, by the route of Flanders." What a conflict between love and friendship! Ah Madame de L--! the Remise door has ruined my peace of mind. The monk's horn - box recals you every moment to my fight;-and those eyes, which view thy fair form in fancy, realize a stream that involuntarily flows!

If ever I wished for an inflexible heart, callous to anxiety, and equally insensible to pleasure and to pain, 'tis now: but this is blafphemy against the religion of fentiment, and I will expiate my crime. How? I will pay that tribute which is due to friendship, though it cost my affections the toll even of life.


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WHEN I had embraced this resolution, I be

gan to think what apology I could politely make to the Piedmontoise lady for my abrupt departure, and non-performance of the treaty I had entered into as far as Turin. If any part of our former connexion had the appearance of being infringed upon, the incidents and accidents which occafioned the seeming infraction, might in fome measure palliate the circumstances; but here is a direct violation of our fecond treaty, that was so religiously ratified. How then can the potentates of the earth be confidered as culpable for the renewal of a war, after a definitive treaty of peace, confidering the many unforeseen and unexpected events by which the temple of Janus may be thrown open!

Whilst I was in this foliloquy, she entered the room, and told me, that the voiturins were ready, and the mules harneffed. Eugenius, if a blush be a mark of innate modesty, or shame, and not of guilt, I will confess to thee, that whilst my face was crimfoned o'er with the tinge of confcious impropriety, my tongue faultered, and refused its office. Madam, faid I, a letter" and here I stopt. She saw my confufion, but could not account for it.

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"We can stay, Sir, till you have wrote your letter." -My confufion increased ; - and it was not till after a pause of some minutes, when I summoned to my aid the powers of resolution and friendship, that I was able to tell her, "I must " be the bearer of it myself."

Didst thou ever, when in want of money apply to a dubious friend to assist thee? What then were thy feelings, whilst thou wast viewing the agitations of his muscles, the terror or compassion of his eye; or finking the tender emotions of the heart, and turning to thee with a malicious sneer, he asked thee. "What security?" Or, wert thou ever enamoured with an imperious haughty fair one, on whom thou hadst lavished all thy wishes, hopes, and joys; when having at length marshalled thy resolution to declare thy paffion, catching her eyes at the first opening of thy foul, thou sawest indignation and contempt lurking in each pupil arming for thy destruction: Eugenius, figure to yourself the beauteous Piedmontoise collecting all her pride and vanity into one focus, with female resentment for their engineer.



C'est la politeffe Angloise: mais cela ne convient pas a des honnêtes gens.

"This is English politeness; but it should not " be exercised upon decent people.

Why, in the name of fate, or chance, or fatal sway, or what you will, should the incidents of

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