Abbildungen der Seite

be printed, reprinted, published, or imported from any dom or State, any copy or copies of such map, chart, book thout the consent of the author or proprietor thereof, I obtained in writing, signed in the presence of two or 5 e witnesses; or knowing the same to be so printed, imported, shall publish, sell, or expose to sale, or cause ed, sold, or exposed to sale, any copy of such map, chart, xs, without such consent first had and obtained in writing then such offender or offenders shall forfeit all and every 10 pies of such map, chart, book or books, and all and every eets, being part of the same, or either of them, to the oprietor of such map, chart, book or books, who shall forththe same: And every such offender and offenders shall also pay the sum of fifty cents for every sheet which shall be 15 or their possession, either printed or printing, published, exposed to sale, contrary to the true intent and meaning he one moiety thereof to the author or proprietor of such book or books who shall sue for the same, and the other of to and for the use of the United States, to be recovered 20 debt in any court of record in the United States, wherein cognizable. Provided always, That such action be comin one year after the cause of action shall arise, and not

nd be it further enacted, That no person shall be entitled 25 t of this act, in cases where any map, chart, book or books, been already printed and published, unless he shall first in all other cases, unless he shall before publication deposit py of the title of such map, chart, book or books, in the of the district court where the author or proprietor shall 30 the clerk of such court is hereby directed and required to ame forthwith, in a book to be kept by him for that purwords following, (giving a copy thereof to the said author ■r, under the seal of the court, if he shall require the same). to wit: Be it remembered, that on the

day 35 the year of the independence of the United States A. B. of the said district, hath deposited in this office the ap, chart, book or books, (as the case may be) the right claims as author or proprietor, (as the case may be) in the wing, to wit: [here insert the title] in conformity to the 40 Congress of the United States, intituled 'An act for the ent of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the n mentioned.' C. D. clerk of the district of

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proprietor, and sixty cents for every copy under seal co such author or proprietor as aforesaid. And such rietor shall, within two months from the date thereof, the said record to be published in one or more of the nted in the United States, for the space of four weeks. be it further enacted, That the author or proprietor of chart, book or books, shall, within six months after the eof, deliver, or cause to be delivered to the Secretary of the same, to be preserved in his office.

be it further enacted, That nothing in this act shall be tend to prohibit the importation or vending, reprinting within the United States, of any map, chart, book or printed, or published by any person not a citizen of es, in foreign parts or places without the jurisdiction tates.

be it further enacted, That any person or persons who ublish any manuscript, without the consent and approuthor or proprietor thereof, first had and obtained as uch author or proprietor be a citizen of or resident in ates) shall be liable to suffer and pay to the said author Il damages occasioned by such injury, to be recovered tion on the case founded upon this act, in any court nce thereof.

be it further enacted, That if any person or persons prosecuted for any matter, act or thing done under or is act, he or they may plead the general issue, and give ter in evidence.

May 31, 1790.

blic Statutes at Large of the United States of America, from the of the Government, in 1789, to March 3, 1845. Edited by Richard . 1, 8vo. Boston, 1845, pp. 124-126.


entary to an act, intituled "An act for the encouragement of learnthe copies of maps, charts, and books to the authors and propriees during the time therein mentioned," and extending the benefits ts of designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives the United States of America in Congress assembled, at every person who shall, from and after the first day t, claim to be the author or proprietor of any maps, books, and shall thereafter seek to obtain a copyright eeable to the rules prescribed by law, before he shall be benefit of the act, intituled "An act for the encourage

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he shall, in addition to the requisites enjoined in the third ections of said act, if a book or books, give information he copy of the record, which, by said act he is required one or more of the newspapers, to be inserted at full 5 e title-page or in the page immediately following the title book or books; and if a map or chart, shall cause the rds to be impressed on the face thereof, viz: "Entered act of Congress, the day of (here


te when the same was deposited in the office) by A. B. of 10 (here insert the author's or proprietor's name and

which he resides).

d be it further enacted, That from and after the first day next, every person, being a citizen of the United States, within the same, who shall invent and design, engrave, 15 , or from his own works and inventions, shall cause to and engraved, etched or worked, any historical or other nts, shall have the sole right and liberty of printing, publishing and vending such print or prints, for the term ears from the recording the title thereof in the clerk's 20 escribed by law for maps, charts, book or books: Proll perform all the requisites in relation to such print or e directed in relation to maps, charts, book or books, in I fourth sections of the act to which this is a supplement, reover cause the same entry to be truly engraved on such 25 he name of the proprietor, and printed on every such nts as is herein before required to be made on maps or

nd be it further enacted, That if any print-seller or other soever, from and after the said first day of January next, 30 ime limited by this act, shall engrave, etch or work, as in any other manner copy or sell, or cause to be engraved, ed or sold, in the whole or in part, by varying, adding ishing from the main design, or shall print, re-print, or ale, or cause to be printed, re-printed, or imported for 35 print or prints, or any parts thereof, without the consent rietor or proprietors thereof, first had and obtained, in ed by him or them respectively, in the presence of two lible witnesses; or knowing the same to be so printed or without the consent of the proprietor or proprietors, shall 40 ■ or expose to sale or otherwise, or in any other manner y such print or prints, without such consent first had and aforesaid, then such offender or offenders shall forfeit the es on which such print or prints are or shall be copied,

shall be copied or printed) to the proprietor or proh original print or prints, who shall forthwith destroy further, that every such offender or offenders shall ar for every print which shall be found in his, her, or either printed, published, or exposed to sale, or other f, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this act thereof to any person who shall sue for the same, and ty thereof to and for the use of the United States, to ■any court having competent jurisdiction thereof.

be it further enacted, That if any person or persons the passing of this act, shall print or publish any map. books, print or prints, who have not legally acquired of such map, chart, book or books, print or prints, and to the true intent and meaning of this act, insert therein eon that the same has been entered according to act of ords purporting the same, or purporting that the copy as been acquired; every person so offending shall for he sum of one hundred dollars, one moiety thereof to > shall sue for the same, and the other moiety thereof use of the United States, to be recovered by action of art of record in the United States, having cognizance ided always, That in every case for forfeitures hereinhe action be commenced within two years from the of action may have arisen.

pril 29, 1802.

blic Statutes at Large of the United States of America, from the of the Government in 1789, to March 3, 1845. Edited by Richard 1. 2, 8vo. Boston, 1845, pp. 171–172.


d the jurisdiction of the circuit courts of the United States to cases arising under the law relating to patents.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives the United States of America, in Congress assembled, at the circuit courts of the United States shall have ance, as well in equity as at law, of all actions, suits. and cases, arising under any law of the United States, firming to authors or inventors the exclusive right to e writings, inventions, and discoveries: and upon any filed by any party aggrieved in any such cases, shall to grant injunctions, according to the course and prins of equity, to prevent the violation of the rights of inventors, secured to them by any laws of the United

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February 3

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SEC. 2. And aforesaid tern

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SEC. 3. An


he case may require, shall lie to the Supreme Court of ates, in the same manner, and under the same circumnow provided by law in other judgments and decrees of ourts.

February 15, 1819.

Public Statutes at Large of the United States of America, from the of the Government in 1789, to March 3, 1845. Edited by Richard ol. 3, 8vo. Boston, 1846, pp. 481-482.


ACT to amend the several acts respecting copyrights.



Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representaves of the United States of America, in Congress assemed, That from and after the passing of this act, any erson or persons, being a citizen or citizens of the 15 , or resident therein, who shall be the author or authors or books, map, chart, or musical composition, which may or composed, and not printed and published, or shall made or composed, or who shall invent, design, etch, k, or cause to be engraved, etched, or worked from his 20 any print or engraving, and the executors, administraassigns of such person or persons, shall have the sole erty of printing, reprinting, publishing, and vending books, map, chart, musical composition, print, cut, or whole or in part, for the term of twenty-eight years 25. e of recording the title thereof, in the manner hereinafter

d be it further enacted, That if, at the expiration of the m of years, such author, inventor, designer, engraver, or where the work had been originally composed and made 30 one person, be still living, and a citizen or citizens of cates, or resident therein, or being dead, shall have left a hild, or children, either or all then living, the same ht shall be continued to such author, designer, or endead, then to such widow and child, or children, for the 35 of fourteen years: Provided, That the title of the work all be a second time recorded, and all such other regulaerein required in regard to original copyrights, be comrespect to such renewed copyright, and that within six e the expiration of the first term.

d be it further enacted, That in all cases of renewal of der this act, such author or proprietor shall, within two cony of the record

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