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No. 1.

Viscount Palmerston to Count Ste. Aulaire.

M. l'Ambassadeur, Foreign Office, January 20, 1847. WITH reference to the verbal communications which I have had with your Excellency upon the affairs of Tahiti, I have the honour to state to your Excellency that I have received from almost every part of Great Britain the most numerous and earnest representations, requesting Her Majesty's Government to obtain from that of France permission that such of the people of Tahiti as may wish to withdraw from the island and to remove and settle elsewhere, may do so without molestation; carrying with them of course any moveable property which they may possess, or being allowed to dispose of that or any other property which they may have in the island, if they wish to do so.

Her Majesty's Government cannot imagine that the Government of France can have any objection to consent to this request, a compliance with which will afford very great satisfaction to a large portion of the British nation, while at the same time it would probably put an end to local differences and contests which must be more or less embarrassing to the Government of France.

It will afford Her Majesty's Government great pleasure if your Excellency can enable me to state to the memorialists that the above-mentioned permission will be granted by the French Government to the people of Tahiti.

I am, &c. (Signed)


No. 2.

Count Ste. Aulaire to Viscount Palmerston.

Londres, le 1 Février, 1847.

LE Soussigné, Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire de Sa Majesté le Roi des Français près Sa Majesté Britannique, a reçu la note que son Excellence le Vicomte Palmerston, Principal Secrétaire d'Etat de Sa Majesté Britannique pour les Affaires Etrangères, a bien voulu lui adresser, le 20 Janvier dernier, pour lui exprimer le désir de savoir si les habitans de Tahiti qui voudraient quitter cette île pour s'établir ailleurs, pourraient s'en éloigner sans opposition de la part des autorités locales.

Le Soussigné est en mesure d'annoncer à son Excellence le Vicomte Palmerston, que, dès le 2 Décembre dernier, M. le Ministre de la Marine et des Colonies à écrit à M. le Gouverneur des établissements Français de l'Océanie, pour lui prescrire de n'opposer aucun obstacle à l'émigration vers les îles du nord-ouest des indigènes de Tahiti qui demanderaient à abandonner l'île, dans la vue de se soustraire à l'autorité du Protectorat.

Le Soussigné se félicite d'avoir à annoncer à son Excellence Lord Palmerston une décision qui lui sera agréable, et dans laquelle son Excellence verra une nouvelle preuve de la modération et de l'esprit de conciliation que le Gouvernement du Roi apportera toujours dans ses rapports avec les naturels de Tahiti.

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THE Undersigned, &c., has received the note which his Excellency Viscount Palmerston, &c. addressed to him on the 20th of January last, and in which he expressed a desire to learn whether such of the inhabitants of Tahiti as might wish to quit that island in order to establish themselves elsewhere, would be allowed to depart therefrom without opposition on the part of the local authorities.

The Undersigned is enabled to announce to his Excellency Viscount Palmerston, that as long ago as the 2nd of December last, the Minister of the Marine and Colonies wrote to the Governor of the French establishments of Oceania, instructing him to offer no obstacle to the emigration to the islands of the north-west, of such of the natives of Tahiti as might desire to depart from that island with the view of withdrawing from the authority of the Protectorate.

The Undersigned therefore congratulates himself on having to communicate to his Excellency Lord Palmerston a decision which will be satisfactory to him, and in which his Excellency will see a new proof of the moderation and of the spirit of conciliation which the Government of the King will always manifest in its relations with the natives of Tahiti.

He avails, &c.

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Declaration of the Plenipotentiaries of Great Britain and France, acknowledging the Independence of the Islands of Huahine, Raiatea, and Borabora, and of the small Islands adjacent thereto.

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HER Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and His Majesty the King of the French, being desirous of removing a cause of discussion between their respective Governments, relative to the islands in the Pacific Ocean which are hereinafter designated, have thought proper reciprocally to engage:

1. Formally to acknowledge the independence of the Islands of Huahine, Raiatea, and Borabora (to the leeward of Tahiti), and of the small islands adjacent to and dependent upon those islands.

2. Never to take possession of the said islands, nor of any one or more of them, either absolutely, or under the title of a Protectorate, or in any other form whatever.

3. Never to acknowledge that a Chief or Prince reigning in Tahiti can at the same time reign in any one or more of the other islands above mentioned; nor, on the other hand, that a Chief or Prince reignPrince_reigning in any one or more of those other islands can reign at the same time in Tahiti; the reciprocal independence of the islands above mentioned, and of the Island of Tahiti and its dependencies, being established as a principle.

The Undersigned, Her Britannic Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and the Minister Plenipotentiary of His Majesty the King of the French at the Court of London, being furnished with the necessary powers, hereby declare, in consequence, that their said Majesties take reciprocally that engagement.

SA Majesté la Reine du Royaume Uni de la Grande Bretagne et d'Irelande, et Sa Majesté le Roi des Français, désirant écarter une cause de discussion entre leurs Gouvernemens respectifs, au sujet des îles de l'Océan Pacifique désignées ci-après, ont cru devoir s'engager réciproquement:

1o. A reconnaître formellement l'indépendance des Iles de Huahine, Raiatea, et Borabora (sous le vent de Tahiti), et des petites îles adjacentes qui dépendent de celles-ci.

2o. A ne jamais prendre possession des dites îles, ou d'une ou plusieurs d'entre elles, soit absolument, soit à titre de Protectorat, ou sous aucune autre forme quelconque.

3°. A ne jamais reconnaître qu'un Chef ou Prince régnant à Tahiti puisse en même tems régner sur une ou plusieurs des autres îles susdites; et réciproquement, qu'un Chef ou Prince régnant dans une ou plusieurs de ces dernières, puisse régner en même tems à Tahiti; l'indépendance réciproque des îles désignées ci-dessus, et de l'Ile de Tahiti et dépendances, étant posée en principe.

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In witness whereof the Under

signed have signed the present Declaration, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms.

Done in duplicate at London, the nineteenth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty-seven.


En foi de quoi les Soussignés ont signé la présente Déclaration, et y ont fait apposer le sceau de leurs


Fait double à Londres, le dix-neuf Juin, l'an de Grâce mil huit cent quarante-sept.


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