PARADISE REGAIN'D. I BOOK I. Who ere while the happy garden fung, By one man's firm obedience fully try'd Thou Spirit who ledft this glorious eremite Against the spiritual foe, and brought'st him thence 10 Now had the great Proclamer, with a voice More awful than the found of trumpet, cry'd Repentance, and Heav'n's kingdom nigh at hand 20 To all baptiz'd: to his great baptism flock'd With awe the regions round, and with them came From Nazareth the son of Jofeph deem'd To the flood Jordan, came as then obscure, As to his worthier, and would have refign'd' 30 39 40 O ancient Pow'rs of air and this wide world, For much more willingly I mention air, 45 50 .55 And |