Dare ye for this adjure the civil sword Taught ye by mere A. S. and Rotherford? Men whofe life, learning, faith, and pure intent, Would have been held in high esteem with Paul, 10 Mult now be nam'd and printed Heretics By fhallow Edwards a all your tricks, and Scotch what-d’ye-call: But we do hope to find out all Your plots and packing, worfe than thofe of Trent, That fo the Parliament. May with their wholefome and preventive fhears Clip your phylacteries, though bauk your ears, And fuccour our just fears, When they fhall read this clearly in your charge, 20 S ON NET S. I. To the NIGHTINGALE. Nightingale, that on yon bloomy fpray Warbleft at eve, when all the woods are ftill, Thou with fresh hope the lover's heart doft fill, While the jolly hours lead on propitious May. Thy liquid notes that close the eye of day, First heard before the fhallow cuckoo's bill, Portend fuccefs in love; O if Jove's will Have link'd that amorous power to thy foft lay, Now timely fing, ere the rude bird of hate 5 Foretel my hopeless doom in fome grove nigh; 10 As thou from year to year haft fung too late. For my relief, yet hadft no reafon why: Whether the Mufe, or Love call thee his mate,. Both them I ferve, and of their train am I. Donna leggiadra il cui bel nome honora Qual tuo fpirto gentil non inamóra, De fui atti foavi giamai parco, E i don', che fon d'amor faette ed arco, Guardi ciascun a gli occhi, ed a gli orecchi Gratia fola di fu gli vaglia, inanti' III. Qual in colle afpro, al imbrunir di fera Va bagnando l'herbetta ftrana e bella Deh! fofs il mio cuor lento e'l duro feno CANZONE. Ridonfi donne e giovani amorofi M' accoftandofi attorno, e perche fcrivi, Nelle cui verdi fponde Spuntati ad hor, ad hor a la tua chioma Q4 ΤΟ ΙΟ Perche Perche alle fpalle tue foverchia foma? Canzon dirotti, e tu per me rispondi Dice mia Donna, e'l fuo dir, è il mio cuore IV. Diodati, e te'l dirò con maraviglia, Ne Quel ritrofo io ch'amor spreggiar soléa Gia caddi, ov' huom dabben talhor s'impiglia. M' abbaglian sì, ma fotto nova idea V. Per certo i bei voftr' occhi, Donna mia Mentre un caldo vapor (ne fenti pria) Scoffo mi il petto, e poi n'ufcendo poco 15 10 Tutte Tutte le notti a me fuol far piovofe VI. Giovane piano, é femplicetto amante Poi che fuggir me fteffo in dubbio fono, Tanto del forfe, e d' invidia ficuro, Di timori, e fperanze al popol use Sol troverete in tal parte men duro que ca VII. On his being arriv'd to the age of 23. How foon hath Time, the fubtle thief of youth, That I to manhood am arriv'd fo near, And inward ripenefs doth much less appear, Yet be it lefs or more, or foon or flow, 5 10 It fhall be fill in ftricteft measure even To that fame lot, however mean or high, Toward which Time leads me, and the will of Heaven; |