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Of her enraged ftepdame Guendolen


Commended her fair innocence to the flood,
That stay'd her flight with his cross-flowing course.
The water nymphs that in the bottom play'd,
Held up their pearled wrifts and took her in,
Bearing her ftrait to aged Nereus hall,

Who, piteous of her woes, rear'd her lank head,
And gave her to his daughters to imbathe
In nectar'd lavers ftrow'd with afphodil,

And through the porch and inlet of each fenfe
Dropt in ambrofial oils till fhe reviv'd, wan
And underwent a quick immortal change,
Made Goddess of the river; ftill the retains
Her maiden gentleness, and oft at eve
Vifits the herds along the twilight meadows,
Helping all urchin blafts, and ill-luck figns




That the fhrewd medling elfe delights to make,

Which the with precious vial'd liquors heals.
For which the fhepherds at their festivals
Carol her goodnefs loud in ruftic lays,

And throw fweet garland wreaths into her ftream 850
Of panties, pinks, and gaudy daffadils. !

And, as the old fwain faid, fhe can unlock

The clafping charm, and thaw the numming fpell,

If the be right invok'd in warbled fong,

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For maidenhood fhe loves, and will be swift

To aid a virgin, fuch as was herself,
In hard-befetting need; this will I try,
And add the power of fome adjuring verse.



Sabrina fair,

Listen where thou art fitting



Under the glaffy, cool, tranflucent wave,
In twitted braids of lilies knitting

The loofe train of thy amber- dropping hair;

Liften for dear honor's fake,

Goddefs of the filver lake.

Liften and fave.

Liften and appear to us


In name of great Oceanus,

By th' earth-fhaking Neptune's mace,"

And Tethys' grave majestic pace


By hoary Nereus' wrinkled look,
And the Carpathian wifard's hook,
By fcaly Triton's winding fhell,
And old footh-faying Glaucus' fpell,
By Leucothea's lovely hands,

And her fon that rules the ftrands,
By Thetis tinfel - flipper'd feet,
And the fongs of Syrens fweet,
By dead Parthenope's dear tomb,
And fair Ligea's golden comb,
Wherewith fhe fits on diamond rocks,
Sleeking her foft alluring locks,



By all the nymphs that rightly dance
Upon thy ftreams with wily glance,

Rife, rife, and heave thy rofy head


From thy coral - paven bed,

And bridle in thy headlong wave,

Till thou our fummons anfwer'd have.

Sabrina rifes, attended by water - nymphs, and

By the rufhy-fringed bank,
Where grows the willow and the ofier dank,

Liiten and fave.



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My fliding chariot stays,

Thick fet with agat, and the azurn fheen
Of turkis blue, and emrald' green,

That in the channel ftrays;


[blocks in formation]

And I must hafte ere morning hour

To wait in Amphitrite's bower.



Sabrina defcends, and the Lady rifes out of her feat.

SPI. Virgin daughter of Locrine,

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Come, Lady, while Heav'n lends us grace,

Let us fly this curfed place,

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And our fudden coming there

Will double all their mirth and chear;
Come let us hafte, the ftars grow high,

But night fits monarch yet in the mid fky.


The Scene changes, prefenting Ludlow town and the Prefident's caftle; then come in country dancers, after them the attendent Spirit, with the two Bro thers and the Lady.

S 0 NG.

SPI. Back, Shepherds, back, enough your play, Till next fun-fhine holiday;


Here be without duck or nod

Other trippings to be trod

Of lighter toes, and fuch court guife


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Their faith, their patience, and their truth,

And fent them here through hard afsays

With a crown of deathlefs praise,
To triumph in victorious dance
O'er fenfual folly, and intemperance.



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