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chapter 907 of the Laws of 1869, entitled an act to amend an act entitled An act to authorize the formation of railroad corporations, and to regulate the same, passed April 2, 1850, so as to permit municipal corporations to aid in the construction of said roads, and also to amend chapter 507 of the Laws of 1870, entitled An act to define the powers of commissioners appointed under chapter 907 of Laws of 1867, bonding municipalities to aid in the construction of railroads," which was read the first time, and by unanimous consent was also read the second time, and referred to the committee on the judiciary.

Mr. Perry, from the committee on the affairs of cities, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act to amend an act to amend the charter of the city of Brooklyn, passed April 19, 1871," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Perry, from the committee on insurance, to which was recommitted the bill entitled "An act to enable life insurance companies to restore impaired reserve, and also to transfer their business," reported in favor of the passage of the same, with amendments, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Perry, from the committee on the affairs of cities, to which was referred the Assembly bill entitled "An act to repeal chapter 877 of the Laws of 1871, and to provide for the transfer of the duties of the registrar of arrears of taxes to the collector of taxes and assessments of the city of Brooklyn," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Perry moved to refer said bill to the first committee of the whole. The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative, two-thirds of all the Senators present voting in favor thereof.

Mr. Robertson, from the committee on the judiciary, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act for the security of mechanics and others erecting buildings, and furnishing materials therefor, in any of the counties of this State," reported in favor of the passage of the same, with amendments, and have amended the title so as to read as follows: "An act for the security of mechanics and others erecting buildings, wharves, piers, bulk-heads or bridges, and furnishing materials therefor, in any of the counties of this State," and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Robertson, from the committee on the judiciary, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act relating to lands in the city of New York devised by Francis Wiener, deceased," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Dickinson, from the committee on the affairs of villages, to which was referred the Assembly bill entitled "An act to provide for supplying the village of Peekskill with water, and authorizing the issue of bonds therefor, and to create a board of water commissioners," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Dickinson, from the committee on the affairs of villages, to which was referred the Assembly bill entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to amend the charter of the village of New Rochelle, in the county of Westchester,' passed April 20, 1864," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Dickinson, from the committee on the affairs of villages, to which was referred the Assembly bill entitled "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act to consolidate and amend the several acts relating to the village of Watkins, and to enlarge the powers of the corporation of said village,' passed April 3, 1861," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Dickinson, from the committee on roads and bridges, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act to provide for a vote of the inhabitants of the towns of Little Falls, Manheim, and Danube, in the county of Herkimer, upon the question of the completion of the bridge over the Mohawk river at Finck's basin, in the county of Herkimer, and to provide for the payment of the indebtedness incurred by the commissioners of said towns on said bridge," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Winslow, from the committee on banks, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act to amend an act to incorporate the New York Loan and Improvement Company, passed May 6, 1870," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Foster, from the committee on railroads, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act to authorize the Buffalo, New York and Philadelphia Railway Company to guarantee the bonds of other railroad companies," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Foster, from the committee on railroads, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act to incorporate the New York Warehouse and Railway Company, and to provide improved wharves and warehouses in the city of New York; and also adequate means for the transportation of freight and passengers within the city of New York and county of Westchester," reported in favor of the passage of the same, with amendments, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. D. P. Wood, from the committee on engrossed bills, reported as correctly engrossed the bills entitled as follows:

"An act to authorize the Metropolitan Transit Company to construct and operate certain railroads in the city of New York, and to construct and use for railroad purposes two bridges across the Harlem river." "An act for the relief of Cornelia Townsend."

"An act supplemental to, and amendatory of, chapter 842 of the Laws of 1868, an act entitled 'An act to provide for the transmission of letters, packages, and merchandise in the cities of New York and Brooklyn, and across the North and East rivers, by means of pneumatic tubes to be constructed beneath the surface of the streets, squares, avenues, and public places in said cities, and under the waters of said rivers,' passed June 1, 1868; and of chapter 512 of the Laws of 1869, entitled 'An act supplementary to chapter 842 of the Laws of 1868, in relation to carrying letters, packages, and merchandise, by means of pneumatic tubes, in New York and Brooklyn, and to provide for the transportation of passengers in said tubes."

A message from the Assembly was received and read, as follows: IN ASSEMBLY, ALBANY, March 21, 1872.

On motion of Mr. Wiley, Resolved (if the Senate concur), That a respectful message be sent to

His Excellency the Governor requesting the return of Assembly bill No. 206, entitled "An act to authorize the Buffalo and Springville Railroad Company to change the terminus of their road," to this House for amend


By order,


The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said resolution, and it was decided in the affirmative.

A message from the Assembly was received and read, as follows:

IN ASSEMBLY, ALBANY, March 21, 1872.

On motion of Mr. Husted, Resolved (if the Senate concur), That a respectful message be sent to the Governor requesting him to return to the Assembly the Assembly bill No. 109, entitled "An act to extend the operation and effect of the act passed February 17, 1848, entitled 'An act to authorize the formation of corporations for manufacturing, mining, mechanical or chemical purposes,' and entitled, as the title of said act was amended by an act passed April 28, 1866, 'An act to authorize the formation of corporations for manufacturing, mining, mechanical, chemical, agricultural, horticultural, medical or curative, mercantile or commercial purposes."

By order,


The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said resolution, and it was decided in the affirmative.

Mr. Johnson moved that when the Senate adjourn to-day it adjourn to meet on Monday evening next at half past seven o'clock, P. M.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the negative, as follows:

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Mr. Dickinson offered the following:

Resolved, That one hundred extra copies of Senate bill No. 189, being an act to establish the compensation of county judges, be ordered printed for the use of the Senate.

By unanimous consent, the rule was suspended in order that said resolution might be considered immediately.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said resolution, and it was decided in the affirmative.

Mr. Robertson, from the committee on the judiciary, to which was referred the Assembly bill entitled "An act to legalize the acts of Sherman B. Daboll, as notary public of Madison county," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Robertson, from the committee on the judiciary, to which was referred the Assembly bill entitled "An act to prolong the time for the payment of the capital stock of the Coxsackie Malleable and Grey Iron Company, and for the execution and recording of the certificate thereof,

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and to legalize the acts of said company," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Harrower, from the committee on the militia, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act relating to mounted batteries of artillery of the National Guard," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Baker, from the committee on railroads, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act to enable the Astoria and Hunter's Point Railroad Company to extend their road," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Baker, from the committee on railroads, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act to incorporate the Long Island City and Maspeth Railway Company," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Baker, from the committee on charitable and religious societies, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act authorizing the removal of the remains of all persons interred in Monroe Street Cemetery, in the city of Rochester, to Mount Hope or other cemetery in the city, and the taking of the lands included within the bounds of said Monroe Street Cemetery by the city of Rochester for public school and park purposes; also the issue of bonds by said city to defray the expense thereof," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Madden moved that the bill entitled "An act to incorporate the Gilbert Elevated Railway Company, and to provide a feasible, safe, and speedy system of rapid transit through the city of New York," be considered in the first committee of the whole.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative, two-thirds of all the Senators present voting in favor thereof.

Mr. Benedict moved that the bill entitled "An act for the relief of Cornelia Townsend," be considered in the first committee of the whole. The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative, two-thirds of all the Senators present voting in favor thereof.

Mr. Perry moved that the bill entitled "An act to provide for the transfer of the duties of the registrar of arrears of taxes of the city of Brooklyn, and to abolish the office of the same," be laid upon the table. The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative.

The Senate then resolved itself into a committee of the whole, and proceeded to the consideration of general orders, being the bills entitled

as follows:

"An act to incorporate the Gilbert Elevated Railway Company, and to provide a feasible, safe and speedy system of rapid transit through the city of New York."

"An act for the relief of Cornelia Townsend."

Assembly, "An act to repeal chapter 877 of the Laws of 1871, and to provide for the transfer of the duties of the registrar of arrears of taxes to the collector of taxes and assessments of the city of Brooklyn."

After some time spent therein, the President resumed the chair, and Mr. Bowen, from said committee, reported progress on the first named bill, and asked leave to sit again.

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Mr. Madden moved that said bill be recommitted to the committee on railroads.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative.

Mr. Bowen, from the same committee, reported in favor of the passage of the second named bill, which report was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. Benedict, and by unanimous consent, said bill was read a third time.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to the final passage of said bill, and it was decided in the affirmative, a majority of all the members elected to the Senate voting in favor thereof, and three-fifths of said members being present, as follows:

[blocks in formation]

Ordered, That the Clerk deliver said bill to the Assembly, and request their concurrence therein.

Mr. Bowen, from the same committee, reported in favor of the passage of the last named bill, which report was agreed to, and said bill ordered to a third reading.

Mr. Madden, from the committee on railroads, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act to repeal chapter 916 of the Laws of 1869, so far as it relates to the classification of directors of the New York Central, Hudson River and Harlem Railroad Company," reported in favor of the passage of the same, and said bill was committed to the committee of the whole.

Mr. Madden, from the committee on railroads, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act to amend chapter 140 of the Laws of 1850, and chapter 775 of the Laws of 1867, entitled 'An act to authorize the formation of railroad companies, and to regulate the same," reported adversely thereto, which report was agreed to.

Mr. Benedict offered the following:

Resolved, That Hon. Henry C. Murphy, acting president pro tem, by authority of the President, under rule 4, be authorized to make the proper signature to bills, as such acting president, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Assembly and to His Excellency the Gov


The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said resolution, and it was decided in the affirmative.

By unanimous consent, Mr. Madden, from the committee on railroads, to which was referred the bill entitled "An act to regulate railroad freight in the State of New York," reported in writing, and adversely thereto.

(See Doc. No. 65.)

Mr. Johnson moved to lay the question upon agreeing to the report of the committee on the table.

The President put the question whether the Senate would agree to said motion, and it was decided in the affirmative.

Mr. Weismann moved that the bill entitled "An act to authorize the Second Avenue Railroad Company, in the city of New York, to extend their tracks and operate the same," be considered in the first committee of the whole.

The President then put the question whether the Senate would agree

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