Said then the omnific Word; 'your discord end!" Nor staid; but, on the wings of cherubim Uplifted, in paternal glory rode Far into Chaos, and the world unborn; For Chaos heard his voice: him all his train Followed in bright procession, to behold Creation, and the wonders of his might. Then staid the fervid wheels, and in his hand He took the golden compasses, prepar'd In God's eternal store, to circumscribe This universe, and all created things: One foot he centred, and the other turn'd Round through the vast profundity obscure; And said, 'Thus far extend, thus far thy bounds, This be thy just circumference, O world!' Thus God the heaven created, thus the earth, Matter unform'd and void: darkness profound Cover'd the abyss; but on the watery calm His brooding wings the Spirit of God outspread, And vital virtue infus'd, and vital warmth, Throughout the fluid mass; but downward purg'd The black tartareous cold infernal dregs, Adverse to life: then founded, then conglob'd Like things to like; the rest to several place Disparted, and between spun out the air; And earth, self-balanc'd, on her centre hung. "Let there be light,' said God; and forth. with light
Ethereal, first of things, quintessence pure, Sprung from the deep; and from her native east To journey through the aëry gloom began, Spher'd in a radiant cloud, for yet the sun Was not; she in a cloudy tabernacle
Sojourn'd the while. God saw the light was good; And light from darkness by the hemisphere Divided light the Day, and darkness Night, He nam'd. Thus was the first day even and Nor past uncelebrated, nor unsung By the celestial quires, when orient light
Exhaling first from darkness they beheld; Birth-day of heaven and earth; with joy and shout The hollow universal orb they fill'd, [prais'd And touch'd their golden harps, and hymning God and his works; Creator him they sung, Both when first evening was, and when first morn. "Again, God said, Let there be firmament Amid the waters, and let it divide The waters from the waters; and God made The firmament, expanse of liquid pure, Transparent, elemental air, diffus'd In circuit to the uttermost convex
Of this great round; partition firm and sure, The waters underneath from those above Dividing for as earth, so he the world Built on circumfluous waters calm, in wide Crystalline ocean, and the loud misrule Of Chaos far remov'd; lest fierce extremes Contiguous might distemper the whole frame; And heaven he nam'd the Firmament; so even And morning chorus sung the second day.
"The earth was form'd, bus in the womb as yes Of waters, embryon immature involv'd, Appear'd not over all the face of earth Main ocean flow'd, not idle; but, with warm Prolific humour softening all her globe, Fermented the great mother to conceive, Satiate with genial moisture; when God said, • Be gather'd now, ye waters under heaven, Into one place, and let dry land appear." Immediately the mountains huge appear Emergent, and their broad bare backs upheave Into the clouds; their tops ascend the sky: So high as heav'd the tumid hills, so low Down sunk a hollow bottom broad and deep, Capacious bed of waters; thither they Hasted with glad precipitance, uproll'd, As drops on dust conglobing from the dry: Part rise in crystal wall, or ridge direst,
For haste; such flight the great command im.
On the swift floods; as armies at the call Of trumpet (for of armies thou hast heard) Troop to their standard; so the watery throng, Wave rolling after wave, where way they found, If steep, with torrent rapture, if through plain, Soft ebbing; nor withstood them rock or hill; But they, or under ground, or circuit wide With serpent error wandering, found their way, And on the washy ooze deep channels wore; Easy, ere God had bid the ground be dry, All but within those banks, where rivers now Stream, and perpetual draw their humid train. The dry land, Earth; and the great receptacle Of congregated waters, he call'd Seas; [earth And saw that it was good and said, 'Let the Put forth the verdant grass, herb yielding seed, And fruit-tree yielding fruit after her kind, Whose seed is in herself upon the earth.' He scarce had said, when the bare earth, till ther Desert and bare, unsightly, unadorn'd, Brought forth the tender grass, whose verdure clad Her universal face with pleasant green; Then herbs of every leaf, that sudden flower'd Opening their various colours, and made gay Her bosom, smelling sweet: and, these scarce
Forth flourish'd thick the clustering vine, forth The swelling gourd, up stood the corny reed (crept Embattled in her field, and the humble shrub, And bush with frizzled hair implicit: last Rose, as in dance, the stately trees, and spread Their branches hung with copious fruit, or gemm'd Their blossoms: with high woods the fields were
With tufts the valleys, and each fountain-side; With borders long the rivers: that earth now
Seem'd like to heaven, a seat where gods might Or wander with delight, and love to haunt [dwell, Her sacred shades: though God had yet not rain'd Upon the earth, and man to till the ground None was; but from the earth a dewy mist Went up, and water'd all the ground, and each Plant of the field; which, ere it was in the earth, God made, and every herb, before it grew On the green stem: God saw that it was good : So even and morn recorded the third day.
"Again the Almighty spake, • Let there be High in the expanse of heaven, to divide [lights The day from night; and let them be for signs, For seasons, and for days, and circling years; And let them be for lights, as I ordain Their office in the firmament of heaven, To give light on the earth; and it was so. [use And God made two great lights, great for their To man, the greater to have rule by day, The less by night, altern; and made the stars, And set them in the firmament of heaven To illuminate the earth, and rule the day, In their vicissitude, and rule the night, And light from darkness to divide. God saw Surveying his great work, that it was good: For of celestial bodies first the sun A mighty sphere he fram'd, unlightsome first, Though of ethereal mould: then form'd the moon Globose, and every magnitude of stars, And sow'd with stars the heaven, thick as a field: Of light by far the greater part he took, Transplanted from her cloudy shrine, and plac'd In the sun's orb, made porous to receive And drink the liquid light; firm to retain Her gather'd beams, great palace now of light. Hither, as to their fountain, other stars Repairing, in. their golden urns drew light, And hence the morning planet gilds her horns
By tincture or reflection they augment Their small peculiar, though from human sight So far remote, with diminution seen. First in his east the glorious lamp was seen, Regent of day, and all the horizon round Invested with bright rays, jocund to run His longitude through heaven's high road; the grey Dawn, and the Pleiades, before him danc'd, Shedding sweet influence: less bright the moon, But opposite in levell'd west was set, His mirror, with full face borrowing her light From him; for other light she needed none In that aspect, and still that distance keeps Till night; then in the east her turn she shines, Revolv'd on heaven's great axle, and her reign With thousand lesser lights dividual holds, With thousand thousand stars, that then appear'd Spangling the hemisphere: then first adoin'd With their bright luminaries that set and rose, Glad evening and glad morn crown'd the fourth
"And God said, 'Let the waters generate Reptile with spawn abundant, living soul: And let fowl fly above the earth, with wings Display'd on the open firmament of heaven." And God created the great whales, and each Soul living, each that crept, which plenteously The waters generated by their kinds; And every bird of wing after his kind; And saw that it was good, and bless'd them, saying, 'Be fruitful, multiply, and in the seas, And lakes, and running streams, the waters fill; And let the fowl be multiplied on the earth.' Forthwith the sounds and seas, each creek and bay With fry innumerable swarm, and shoals Of fish that with their fins, and shining scales, Glide under the green wave, in sculls that oft Bank the mid sea: part single, or with mate,
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