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not approve of universal freedom, which was the unanimous sentiment and principle of those deputies. The resolution was not at first altogether acceptable, but it was so judiciously worded, and so ably supported by Mr. Cobbett, that, according to my recollection, it was voted unanimously. When the baronet failed, on the opening day of the sessions, distinctly to undertake the bringing in a bill, Mr. Cobbett was greatly irritated; as may be seen from the hasty note he wrote to me on the occasion, as follows:


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"January 28, 1817.

Independent of any other person's opinions, it, however, belongs to me to show, that notwithstanding my willing co-operation with Sir Francis, subsequent to the time aforesaid, always in the hope, and always striving, that such co-operations should be serviceable to the cause of constitutional reform, on true legislative principles, according to the improved knowledge of the age, I was neither blind, nor accessary, to the baronet's omissions. In cabinet consultation with him, or with any man, I never concurred in projecting modes of reform, with which, in the forurn, I could afterwards finds fault.

"Sir Francis has anticipated Lord Even after I was acquainted with the "C., and had given a notice RELATIVE insult on my understanding, as well as "TO parliamentary reform!' Lord on the common sense of all who knew "C. has gone over to see the precise how absorbed I was in an anxiety for "terms of the notice; but, at any rate, the reform, in the pretence that it was "he is resolved not to be driven from" thought I did not wish for a seat in "the bill in the end. Thus, you see, Parliament;" such was my repugnance no good, and as much harm as he can, to injure in any degree the cause of li"W. C." berty, by then exposing that declaration, or publishing a written one of 2d of June, that I withheld all public mention of either; and likewise voted for the baronet's own election. Whether, in that, I did, or did not, according to my intention, serve the cause of freedom, now depends on him for whom that vote was given.

" is at our service!

But now,

Whether the irritation of Mr. Cobbett have, or have not, since hurried him sometimes beyond the just line of censure on a public character, I have no need to remark; but certain, however, it is, that in his Registers which have appeared subsequent to the 17th of November-the memorable nomination when the double-dealing of day for filling the present vacancy for June has been proved by the doubleWestminster (written of course long dealing of November, longer silence before)-with uncommon force of lan- would not only be personal meanness guage, Mr. Cobbett has told the public and insensibilty, but a deficiency in why, in his judgment, which events have public fidelity. In June, it was shown to have been a prophetic kind of " THOUGHT," forsooth! that an judgment, it must be a prime object with anxious and indefatigable reformer the baronet, that I, of all men, should" did not wish" for an increase of means not be placed in Parliament.+

* His Lordship then lodged on the terrace, in Palace-yard, opposite the door of West

minster Hall.

+ "I saw" what the baronet had done "for the express purpose of keeping you out."Dec. 5, p. 324.

"The baronet dreaded you, as an associate, above all men living," &c. p. 325.-" And he resolved, that if he could avoid it, you should not be his companion."-p. 325.-" He had, by the intrigues of his Rump, caused you to be kept out of Parliament."-Dec. 12, p. 358.

It was this division, created solely by the baronet's dread of you, and, indeed, his hatred

of your teasing, baiting, goading on to action, that emboldened the Whigs to come forward." (a)-p. 359.

They well know, that if the baronet had not set his Rump to intrigue for Kinnaird, you would have had no opposition."-p. 370.

"There is not a man in the kingdom, who does not clearly see, that you have been excluded by the wishes of the baronet."-p. 368.

(a) These words do not convey a correct idea of my conduct. Contenting myself with an inflexible adherence to self-evident and demonstrated principles, I ever left them to operate as they might; but never harassed the baronet with personal importunities,

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for promoting his object, "ten times | whose pretensions he himself tells you tenfold !" are paramount?”


In November, when that pretext could Surely, nothing but the circumstance, no longer serve, another was as readily of his own seat being now safe, could coined and a most extraordinary one it have inspired this aggravated insult, this was. Sir Francis Burdett, as chairman repetition of an offence, before so deeply of a meeting for the purpose of a nomi- felt! nation, formally declared, that "he How truly contemptible is crooked knew, indeed, of only one individual policy! The whole is of a piece. All "whose pretensions to the support of littleness, darkness, and double-dealing! the meeting were paramount to those Can aught that is great, noble, generous, of Mr. Hobhouse and that was his and truly devoted to the freedom of our “venerable friend, Major Cartwright. unhappy country, spring from such a "But he was thoroughly convinced source? It may! For if we should that it would be impossible to IN- hold our peace the very stones would "SURE the Major's election for West- immediately cry out. "minster."

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Short, indeed, were his memory, did he not recollect the consternation caused by that experiment; which even for awhile put in jeopardy his own return, and which placed him on the poll below his colleague! Was it not the shock given to public feeling on that occasion, which INSURED" the "personal friend's" defeat?

I am not one of those readily-desponding mortals, who, when divisions occur,

for divisions must needs be, but woe unto them by whom they come-fearfully infer that freedom will suffer. No. To its ultimate triumph, divisions are in truth as necessary, as the fan or the thrashing floor, for dividing the chaff from the sound and solid grain!

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What pitiful manoeuvring! In June we have one manoeuvre: in November another. In June the obstacle is a thought" in November it is a "belief."* The election of the person of paramount pretensions," it was believWith this recent experience of the ed, "could not be INSURED!-Could fallibility of his own judgment, respect- not be INSURED. Good God ! Was ing the inclinations of the Westminster ever before such language addressed to electors at large, what are we to think, a public nomination meeting of a few when in the same breath, he proclaims hundred inhabitants of a city containing the "paramount pretensions" of his fourteen or fifteen thousand electors—a "venerable friend," gives it as his city claiming a proud pre-eminence for opinion that he cannot succeed,-and patriotism and independence-and then yet ventures on recommending another, having a representative to choose? and a still newer "personal friend” Was such a city, through such a meetthan the former, whose nominationing, ever before, in the same manner, proved so unfortunate, and with pre-at the same moment, and by the same tensions he thus acknowledges to be inferior?

Here, Gentlemen, allow me to ask you a plain question.-Were we now going to another general election, and the baronet's own return not yet INSURED, would be, with a recollection of the June experiment on the patience of the electors, impressed on his mind, now venture on an exact counterpart of that presumptuous experiment; by starting a second" personal friend," against one

orator, told of two persons, one of whom had for more than forty years steadily marched onward for the goal of reform, without having even once taken a suspicious step; and was moreover a wellknown fellow-citizen;-the other, however amiable and promising, a youthful and new acquaintance, whose march

But *The word reported is "convinced." whatever strength this might be intended to give to the expression, it was not possible to be more than belief.

was yet to begin, where such a conclu- To conclude: I have now performed sion was come to as that of the baronet? a task not at all to my taste. I should What orator before ever so made his infinitely have preferred a continuance distinction between two competitors for of a friendly political connexion, long confidence, in a trust of the highest im- maintained, and, on my part, with the portance to his auditors and the state; utmost fidelity, to what has taken place; and in the same breath declared, that, for that connexion in its latter period, although one of them had "paramount afforded me a pleasing prospect of being pretensions" to support, he recommended shortly placed in a situation to have the other, and earnestly prayed their given me, for promoting the cause of unanimity" in his favour!!! radical reform, for the salvation of our country, ten times ten-fold means.


How luckless hath been that persevering reformer's “wish" for better means of promoting his object! Most unfortunately, that "wish" happened to be unknown to a brother reformer who had the best means of knowing it,-to one, who must have "thought" his venerable friend with paramount pretensions to a seat in Parliament, the essence of inconsistency, not to have entertained that "wish!"

But that connexion having, by the other party to it, been put an end to, I have thought it right to submit to you, who have a great interest in knowing the truth, the foregoing facts and reasonings.

To you it must be left to judge, how far Mr. Cobbett, in his writings, prior to a possibility of his having any knowledge of the second act, in the WestBut, as ill-luck would have it, in minster election drama of 1818, was summer that wish" becomes the vic-justified in his opinion, respecting the tim of a “THOUGHT;" in autumn, motives of Sir Francis Burdett's conduct when the thought has passed away, the towards myself; and how far that deepthroat of the "wish" is cut by a" BE-sighted person has shown himself a LIEF;" and such a BELIEF! Does not prophet, with regard to the close of the this talking about believing and wishing, baronet's political career. bring to mind the old adage on the proneness of men to believe as they themselves wish?

But no matter! At all events we can, at the worst, divert ourselves with the tricks played before us. If we cannot turn them to use, they may serve us for sport. But it is the proper end of farce to treat us with a laugh at folly, and the exposure of double-dealing, while it leaves behind a little moral instruction. And have we not been feasted in both ways, and with that benefit?

When, last summer, it was intended to deck untried, inexperienced youth, in the spoils of long-tried fidelity, the veteran reformer was discovered to have the crime of being "OLD:" this winter, when versatility is thought to be coming into fashion, he is, it seems, accused of the sin of "INFLEXIBILITY!"-inflexible, indeed, would be his risible muscles, were they not moved by such exhibition of the tricksters!

*So he was informed by a correspondent who heard the accusation.

It will, however, be allowed, that I have not kept a malicious silence, indulging a secret wish, that Mr. Cobbett's prophecies may come to pass, for exposing and disgracing one by whom I feel myself to have been ill-treated; but that I have bestowed on the party as wholesome a warning, and as sound advice, for the public good, and his own reputation, as could have been given him by his best "personal friend," under a sense of the highest obligation received

at his hands.





In my last Register I gave an account of these uses in the following words:

We use the corn-flour in my family, FIRST as bread, two-thirds wheaten and one-third corn-flour; SECOND, in batter puddings baked, a pound of flour, a

quart of water, two eggs, though these and corn-flour, that being a beautiful last are not necessary; THIRD, in plum-country for rye, and not so very good puddings, a pound of flour, a pint of for wheat. I should add here, that there water, half a pound of suet, the plums, is some little precaution necessary with and no eggs; FOURTH, in plain suet- regard to the grinding of the corn. The puddings, and the same way, omitting explanation given to me is this: that to the plums; FIFTH, in little round do it well, it ought to be ground twice, dumplings, with suet or without, and and between stones such are used in the though they are apt to break, they are grinding of cone-wheat, which is a very good in this way; in broth, to bearded wheat, which some people call thicken it, for which use it is beyond all rivets. This, however, is a difficulty measure better than wheaten-flour. which will be got over at once as soon as there shall be only ten small fields of this corn in a county.

Now, to make BREAD, the following are the instructions which I have received from Mr. SAPSFORD, baker, No. 20, the corner of Queen Anne-street, Wimpole-street, Marybonne. As I have frequently observed, the corn-flour is not so adhesive, that is to say, clammy as the wheat and rye flour are. It is, therefore, necessary; or, at least, it is best to use it, one-third corn-flour and two-thirds wheat or rye flour. The rye and the corn do not make bread so bright as the wheat and the corn, nor quite so light; but it is as good bread as I ever wish to eat, and I would always have it if I could. Now, for the instructions to make bread with wheatflour and corn-flour. Suppose you are going to bake a batch, consisting of thirty pounds of flour; you will have, of course, twenty pounds of wheat-flour and ten pounds of corn-flour. Set your sponge with the wheat-flour only. As soon as you have done that, put ten pints of water (warm in cold weather, and cold in hot weather) to the cornflour; and mix the flour up with the water; and there let it be for the present. When the wheat sponge has risen, and has fallen again, take the wettedup corn-flour, and work it in with the wheat sponge, and with the dry wheat-one in that county. flour that has been round the sponge. Let the whole remain fermenting together for about half an hour; and then make up the loaves and put them into the oven. The remainder of the process every one knows. These in- My book on the raising, planting, and structions I have, as I said before, from cultivating Timber-Trees and UnderMr. Sapsford; and I recollect also, that wood, taking every tree at its SEED, and this is the way in which the Americans showing how it is to be made into ▲ make their bread. The bread in Long TREE, in the most expeditious and proIsland is made nearly always with rye fitable manner. Octavo, price 14s.

I have just received some very fine corn from Mr. DURBAM, at Sandwich. The parcel weighed about a pound perhaps. Mr. Durbam paid the carriage; but the porterage was sixpence. I therefore beg my friends not to send me any more parcels of any sort by coach; for their paying the carriage is, under the laws which I have the honour to be obliged to submit to, no protection at all to me. For a parcel weighing about a pound, and the porterage of which was in the fellow's hands before I knew it, I paid ten-pence! When Mr. Durbam's parcel came, with the ticket of sixpence porterage upon it, the porterage was refused, and the honest person who brought the parcel was told he might take it away if he would. Anxious, doubtless, that I should not be disappointed, he asked what I would give for it, and being told two-pence, he took it. The parcel was become his own, or that of his master, and he was humane enough to part with it for two copper pennies, just half as much as William Sutton, a Hampshire lad, was condemned to death for having, with a parcel of others, extorted four copper pennies, from some


AMONGST many others who have

thanked me for this book are, Mr. Dox


THIS must be reserved for another

KIN of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Mr. week. Oh! what bloody work it is!

HODGES, one of the members for the county of Kent. Mr. DONKIN said to me, that by following my instructions,

Published this day, No. 9 of the

he had plantations as lofty in five, as HISTORY of GEORGE IV., price other people had in twelve or more sixpence.

years. Mr. HODGES, who has tried my Also, TWOPENNY TRASH, for mode of trenching, has applied it to January, 1832.

hops also, and, in a letter, an extract
from which he authorises me to publish,
he says;
"I performed this method in
"a very stiff, poor field, after thoroughly
"under-draining it, preparatory
"planting it with hops; and I have no





BARNFIELD, W. jun., Mark-la., wine-mer.
BISSILL, W., Quarndon, Leicesters., bowl-


CROSBEE, T., Birmingham, caster.
ELLISON, L., Knaresborough, Yorks., flax-
GILLING, T., Stoke-la., Somersets., paper-


GRAY, J.,Blackman-st., Southwark,victualler.
HIATT, J., Crown-court, Broad-street, and
Wandsworth-road, wine-mercbant.
HOLDSTOCK, J. B., Liverpool, commission-


HOPKINS, J., Hare-st., Woolwich, grocer.
JOHNSON, J. N., J. Foster, and J. Walsh,
Liverpool, oilmen.
JONES, W., Pwlimelyn, Flints., lead-mer.
MARTIN, J. A., Earls-Colne, Essex, victu.
MURRAY, A., Mark-lane, flour-factor.
NAVIN, G., Bridgewater, Somersets., grocer.
NELSON J., Roll's buildings, Chancery-la.,

"no hesitation in attributing the vigour ALVES,J., Norton-st., Fitzroy-sq., bill-broker. "and the produce of that plantation to "the effect of that mode of trenching." The Rev. Mr. MORRICE, of GREAT BRICKHILL, Bucks, never could grow strawberries at all, and hardly any-thing well, till he got my " ENGLISH GARDENER," which also contains the instructions for trenching. He at once trenched his whole garden agreeably to those instructions; and now everything flourishes in it, and he has the finest strawberries that can be imagined. Now if the FOOL-LIAR, who sent about his franked circular to proclaim the COBBETT-CORN (that I gave for nothing) to be a "fraud," had a square foot of land upon the face of this globe, I should not at all wonder if he were to send round another franked circular (if) he could find out the readers of the above books), containing the copy of a voluntary oath that he had taken before the Lord Mayor declaring that he had tried the method, and had found it to be" the greatest fraud that ever was palmed upon the public." Leaving this HUGE FOOL, however, to trench, when he gets it, his square foot of land as he pleases, I strongly recommend to those who have my books, or either of them, to pay particular attention to what I say about preparing the ground. Both books are perfect in all their parts; but as to the preparation of the ground, their contents should be known to every

one who cultivates the earth.

SADLER, T., W., Old Bailey, oil-man.
SHEFFIELD, C., Commercial-terrace, Com-
mercial-rd., Limehouse, china-dealer.
SNELL, W., Totness, Devons., linen-draper.
SNOW, W., Wandsworth-road, Vauxhall,


SPRINGETT, Linton, Kent, cattle-dealer.
STOTT, S., Rochdale, Lancashire,corn-dealer.
THWAITES, G., and S. Toplis, Cirencester-
pl., Fitzroy-sq., upholders.
WEBB, W. T., Swan-yard Bermondsey-street,


WOODHEAD, S., Ovenden, Yorks., worsted


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