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risk of producing intergal war and ge- sister, is also paid by the West Indies. neral bloodshed; and in the total ruin of This Mr. PRENTICE appears to know the only really valuable colonies which nothing at all about this matter, but has belong to this country. So much for the stupid effrontery to say, that I have the first falsehood of Mr. PRENTICE. called canters and hypocrites all who Sufficiently malignant that falsehood. think that Englishmen ought not to be But, gentlemen, how shall I express my taxed in order to enable West Indian contempt of the man who could have owners to keep slaves. If the "schoolput upon paper the second falsehood; master" really be " abroad," it is evinamely, that I have branded also as dent that he has not yet called on Mr. canters and hypocrites "all who think Prentice, who might advantageously ❝ that Englishmen ought not to be taxed, take a lesson on grammar as well as on "in order to enable the owners of es- politics. The blacks may be Mr, PRENtates in the West Indies to hold their TICE's brethren, for any-thing that I <black brethren in thraldom?" There know or care; but the West India is no answer to a falsehood like this, proprietors and occupiers are the breother than that of calling the utterers of thren of Englishmen; and Englishmen the falsehood by a name which need not have stood by and seen them taxed be put upon paper, but which will sug- without mercy; but have never paid gest itself to every man. But, gentlemen, one farthing of tax for them. In short, the thing to admire here is, the profound, Gentlemen, with regard to this Negro the gross, the worse than animal IGNO-question, this is what I have always RANCE of this Mr. Prentice, who sets said; that I never employed a slave for himself up as a teacher of politics to the a single moment in my life; that, in enlightened people of Manchester. He the abstract, I hate slavery; that it is does not know, then, that the old West an abomination to observe men to be India Islands have not taken from Eng- silent. with regard to the sufferings of land, for ages and ages, one single penny the Irish, aye, and of the English too, in the way of tax; that, while millions while they are affecting to be shocked on millions have been squandered on at the treatment of the Negroes, while, the worthless colonies of North Ame- it is notorious that there is no Negro rica, the West Indies have not only slave who is not better fed and more maintained their own internal govern- kindly treated, not only than the halfment and paid the troops stationed starved and hunted-down Irish; but there, but have been loaded with enor- also than the far greater part of the mous charges in the shape of pensions weavers of Lancashire and Yorkshire;, and sinecures to the aristocracy of that the question of emancipation of the England. He does not know, then, Negroes demands the decision of a that the great sinecures of the two previous question, namely, whether it be W VYNDHAMS, in virtue of which they desirable for us to keep the West Indies have received nearly about a mil- or not? For that without Negro lion of money, have been paid by the slavery we cannot keep them. This is, West Indies. He does not know what I have always said upon the subthen that governors, deputy-governors, ject of Negro slavery, and we see that all sorts of law officers, whole tribes of the colonies are now threatening to lords and ladies that we see swaggering separate from us. But, Gentlemen, if about in England, draw their pensions any of you happen to have a twist upon from the West Indies. He does not this subject, is it not wonderful that you know, then; this great politician does never ask how it is that the UNITED not know, that even the two famous STATES are so happy and so free, while pensions of the dead BURKE, which I Negro slavery, more rigid than that' have so often mentioned, and which are which exists in our West Indies, is upstill paid, are paid by the West Indies; held in more than one-half of that, and that the famous pension to the two country? Let Mr. PRENTICE, that great HUNNS, Canning's mother and half-doctor in politics, explain to you how

We now come to the CAVIL before alluded to; namely, that my Address said nothing about universal suffrage, annual Parliaments, and voting by ballot. And, what was I to talk about them for in this Address? I was not writing on the subject of the nature of reform: I was talking about the measures which I would endeavour to cause to be adopted if I were chosen as a Member of a Parliament called together under the bill which is now before the House of Lords, and to which bill I was willing, and am willing, to give a fair trial; and I say further, that if a Parliament, constituted according to that bill, will give us the thirteen measures that I have described in my Address, No. 1, 'I shall be quite content with such a sort of Parliament; but if it will not give us those measures, then I shall be for a further change."

that is; and when he has done that, first, that possessed by those who, being and accounted to you for his more than perfectly thoughtless, are carried away animal ignorance with respect to our by mere sound; and the other part inbeing taxed for the West Indies, let habiting the heads of men full of prig him again pursue his RESOLUTION ish conceit. If these two descriptions not to pass over the defects and omis- of persons want. a representative, whose sions of my Address. very simple business would be to keep on crying ballot, ballot, ballot, from the first of January to the thirty-first of December, with an occasional intermix-' ture of the cry of universal suffrage, annual parliaments, and no Negro siavery. If this be what they want, I cannot serve them; but, to save them the trouble, I will undertake to find them one that shall. I will catch them a jackdaw, in my neighbour Lord Holland's new gingerbread church, that shall squall ballot, lallot, ballot, and deal forth the rest of the monotonous eloquence, to their heart's content, I warrant them; and having a sort of frill round his neck, and his head being slightly powdered, he may serve them in the double capacity of Member of Parliament and parson. This is the Member for them! In his diet, he will be very sparing; half a handful of soaked peas, with now and then a small bit of lean meat, will suffice. In his journies to Manchester and back again, he will be nearly as swift as the wind; and being a constant comfort, a constant source of hope to Mr. PRENTICE, while at Manchester, he may, in his journies up and down, fly off and pass an hour in consoling my friend, Mr. Price, at Upton. Say no more about it, then: the thing is done he will be ready for the day of election, and I will warrant the thoughtless and the prigs, that the opening speech that he will make shall be such as to merit their cordial support.

As to this matter, Mr. PRENTICE chimes in precisely with my friend, Mr. Paice, of Upton-on-Severn, who seems to be really in pain, to be absolutely sick, for the want of the sight of the word ballot everlastingly recurring in the Register, forgetting, apparently, wholly forgetting, that he worked like a horse to get Captain SPENCER in for the county of Worcester, upon the pledge given by the Captain, that he would support the bill, the whole bill, and nothing but the bill, which bill said not a word about the ballot!

Gentlemen, electors of Manchester, in so great a number of persons, how ever enlightened, the mass taken as a whole, there will probably be some few who are an easy prey to noisy, professional men, who are as insincere as they are noisy. These few persons are the depository of the nonsense of Manchester. It is the sense of Manchester, and not its nonsense, of which I am ambitious of being the representative. The nonsense consists of two parts;

Now, gentlemen, having dispatched this preliminary matter, and hereby promising you that nothing shall induce me again to notice, in my addresses to you, any-thing that Mr. PRENTICE can say, I now proceed to maintain, the justice, the expediency and the practicability of my thirteen measures, the first of which was described in the following words :

1. To put put an end to all pensions, sinecures, grants, allowances, half-pay, and all

other emoluments now paid out of the taxes, except for such public services as, upon a very scrupulous examination, shall be found fully salaries to the American sta to reduce a 917

to merit them; and

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them in their old age. We know that the law sends a man to fail and to hard labour and bodily punishment of the most degrading kind if he will not work as 972 9w 18d: sai to maintain his wife and children: We If any one will look into the Pension- might ask how a labouring man is to list and the list of sinecures, he will lay by any thing, when the magistrates find that, generally speaking, they have in Hampshire and Wiltshire do not albeen granted to persons who it is in-flow him enough barely to find bread for possible can ever have rendered any himself and his family. The magistrates public service whatsoever. A great of Hampshire, of which Sir Trofas part of them are females: and whole BARING was one, fixed a scale of wages families of them, male as well as female, which would not give half enough of stand on the Pension List. Lord" & AL-¶ bread for the maintenance of a labourer THORP, Some time ago, said that these and his family, to say nothing of theat pensions were gifts of charity Cha-and drink and clothing and lodging and to 300 2-bfeq rity! Good God! When the Catholic fuel 29x61 Church made its institutions of charity Bat in the teases which, this in this country, it acted on the principle state of things, chables a man to gettolaid down by the apostle; namely, that gether, by extraordinary good luck, that it was men's duty to give to the combined with almost more that mortal needy; but to give out of a property, and even out of or a cottage, earnings; for, says he, "We worked law deal with him and with his property ? "with our own hands,that we might have Let me relate a fact. An old man, al "to give to him who needed." Our Go- his life-time a hard labourer, and then vernment has proceeded upon exactly at an age tonching four-score, possessed the contrary principle; for it has taken two tenements worth fifteen pounds a


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or thereabouts. Upon the rent of working man, to give it to persons who these cottages, and upon the labour that did not need, in order to keep them in he was able to perform, he, at that exluxury and without work. He who treme age, kept himself from the parish, will not work shall not eat," says the and hoped to do so for the remainder of Bible; but our Government says, by its his life. Now mark, he had had acts, He that will not work shall eat, who had had several children, and who and have plenty, and he that will work was dead, leaving the widow and these shall be half starved. Upon the Pen-children. The poor fatherless children sion-list are two women of the were able to work and did work for the name of RICKETTS: there is, besides, a farmers of the parish, and their earnings RICKETTS Who is the Collector-General were sufficient to maintain them. Now, for the county of Hants, with a large pray mark the farmers gave salary. I want to know why we should certain portion of their wages in the keep these two women of the name of shape of wages; but, according to the RICKETTS; and can discover no reason custom which has long prevailed in the other than that they are related to Lady South of England, gave them part of NORTHESK and to Lady MILDMAY, their weekly pay out of the poor-rates: whose son has married one of the BA- which, according to the law, made them RINGS, and one of whose sons is a Mem-paupers. Being paupers, the law comber for Winchester. Lord ALTHORP pelled the grandfather to maintain them says that these are gifts of charity. Let if he had the means! And the parishus see, then, how this principle is ob-officers, by order of the magistrates, served in the treatment of the working went and demanded from the poor old classes. They are everlastingly re-grandfather a repayment of that money proached for not laying by something which they paid the children weekly of the earnings of their youth to keep out of the poor-rates. This money a

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they knew that they must lose those thing like this were to be made by any habits and that fitness before they en-man in the United States of America, he tered into the service; and the answer must instantly flee the country. But, to them is, that they should now set to Gentlemen, electors of Manchester, work to re-acquire the necessary habits, when we have taken a view of the milor, that they should have saved, out of lions a year which this dead-weight their salaries and pay, a sufficiency to swallows up; twice as many millions, maintain them during the rest of their observe, as are required to carry on the lives; or, at any rate, to give them a start whole of the twenty governments of the in some useful pursuit. United States of America, including their, Mark, I beseech you, what is said to army and militia; including their great the working people. They are ever-navy, and including also the interest of lastingly told to lay by, in the days of their remaining debt, which they have their youth and strength, the means of reduced to a mere nothing because they sustaining them; aye, and even their had no dead-weight;" besides the children and grand-children, when that money which this costs; besides the youth and that strength shall have been intolerable burden which this imposes supplanted by age and by feebleness, upon us in the present day, do pray. To induce the working classes to do consider the scourge which it is provid this, what bales of Acts of Parliamenting for our children that are now in the have been passed to encourage cradle.

fifty millions of money; and unless we be resolved legally to put an end to this system, this particular department must continue to cost us at this rate. Monstrous as this is, however, in this immense cost, and in the oppressions that arise from it, we see but a part of the evil. The persons who are maintained

"Friendly Societies," parochial and This "dead-weight;" these allow even county Friendly Societies; to in-ances, half-pay, and other things of the duce them to put even their farthings sort, have, since the peace was made, into that precious place of deposit called cost us nearly about one hundred and a Savings' Bank. Handbills, dirty tracts, even sermons, have been poured out upon them to induce them to put by their pennies, at the expense of both their bellies and their backs; to the constant pinching of the former, and the constant exposure of the latter to the cold. What audacious insolence is this! With what contempt must these ad-in this manner amount in number to visers view the intellects of the working people; while their earnings are taken from them to furnish allowances and half-pay to those who have lived like lords during the days of their active employment, and in order to furnish them with those means of living in their old age which they ought to have saved out of their salaries and pay.

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more than twenty thousand. They have been encouraged to marry by a provision having been made beforehand for their wives and children; and with regard to the army, there the half-pay people have been allowed to sell their half-pay, and thus to perpetuate the burden by continually putting young men in the place of old men. All these people are at work breeding gentlemen and ladies for us to keep; for as to work, that one soul of them never will. See what a burden here is preparing for this devoted nation! Three times twenty thousand widows and children, perhaps, at this very moment! At a hundred a year upon an average, here is six millions a year in store for us to pay; besides the pay to the officers themselves. Nay, the evil by no means stops here; for, byand-by, there will arise a necessity, an

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