The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments: And Other Rites and Ceremonies of the Church, According to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America; Together with the Psalter, Or Psalms of DavidT. Nelson, 1864 - 805 Seiten |
Im Buch
Ergebnisse 1-5 von 82
... worship , different forms and usages may without offence be allowed , provided the substance of the Faith be kept entire ; and that , in every Church , what cannot be clearly determined to belong to Doctrine must be referred to ...
... worship , different forms and usages may without offence be allowed , provided the substance of the Faith be kept entire ; and that , in every Church , what cannot be clearly determined to belong to Doctrine must be referred to ...
... worship , and discipline , in such manner as they might judge most convenient for their future prosperity ; consistently with the constitution and laws of their country . The attention of this Church was in the first place drawn to ...
... worship , and discipline , in such manner as they might judge most convenient for their future prosperity ; consistently with the constitution and laws of their country . The attention of this Church was in the first place drawn to ...
Seite 5
... In his hand are all the corners of the earth ; and the strength of the hills is his also . The sea is his , and he made it ; and his hands prepared the dry land . O come , let us worship and fall down , MORNING PRAYER . 5.
... In his hand are all the corners of the earth ; and the strength of the hills is his also . The sea is his , and he made it ; and his hands prepared the dry land . O come , let us worship and fall down , MORNING PRAYER . 5.
Seite 6
... worship and fall down , and kneel before the LORD our Maker . For he is the Lord our God ; and we are the people of his pasture , and the sheep of his hand . O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness ; let the whole earth stand in ...
... worship and fall down , and kneel before the LORD our Maker . For he is the Lord our God ; and we are the people of his pasture , and the sheep of his hand . O worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness ; let the whole earth stand in ...
Seite 7
... worship thee , the Father everlasting . To thee all Angels cry aloud ; the Heavens , and all the Powers therein . To thee Cherubim and Seraphim continually do cry , Holy , Holy , Holy , Lord God of Sabaoth ; Heaven and earth are full of ...
... worship thee , the Father everlasting . To thee all Angels cry aloud ; the Heavens , and all the Powers therein . To thee Cherubim and Seraphim continually do cry , Holy , Holy , Holy , Lord God of Sabaoth ; Heaven and earth are full of ...
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The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments: And Other ... Episcopal Church Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2013 |
The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments: And Other ... Episcopal Church Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2015 |
The Book of Common Prayer, and Administration of the Sacraments Episcopal Church Keine Leseprobe verfügbar - 2015 |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
Almighty Amen angels art thou Baptism behold beseech thee Bishop bless children of men Christ our Lord Church cometh death deliver doth dwell earth enemies EPISTLE eternal everlasting evermore evil eyes faith Father fear forgive give thanks unto glorious glory God the Father God's goeth GOSPEL gracious hear heart heaven heavenly Holy Ghost Holy Spirit honour humble HYMN Israel Jerusalem Jesus Christ King kingdom Lesson live Lord Jesus Christ mighty Minister Morning Prayer peace praise the LORD pray Presiding Bishop Priest Psalm of David rejoice right hand righteous saints saith unto salvation Saviour say unto sing sinners sins Sion song soul strength thine things thou art thou hast thou shalt throne thy commandments thy holy thy mercy thy Name thy servant thy sight thy word tongue trust ungodly unto the LORD unto thee verse voice world without end worship