Abbildungen der Seite
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

PRICE OF STOCKS FOR EACH MONTH IN 1818.-Lowest and Highest.


814 991 99 1064

28779478 | 991


India Exchequer, S. Sea Irish


navy. Ann.



Bills 24

Stock. 5 pr. ct.




[blocks in formation]



109 pr.

80 pr.

| 20


[blocks in formation]



103 pr.

30 pr.



[blocks in formation]

13 pr.

[ocr errors][merged small]


97 pr.

21 pr.


[blocks in formation]

7247207 1064201 2924 96 pr. 757, 79793; 1034, 20

204 224 |

81 pr.

17 pr. 864

20 pr.

4 pr.


4 dis.

68 pr.

17 pr. 824 1074 24 dis.



1054 201

85 pr.

18 pr.

64 dis.



74 | 754, 934 754,994

1054 194 226

75 pr.


4 dis.

[ocr errors]

774 96

108 204

2334 92 pr.



[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]


From Dec. 20, 1817, to Dec. 20, 1818, inclusive.

January. Feb.

March. April. May. June. July. August.

Sept. Oct,

Nov. Dec.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Total Bankruptcies, 1056. Decreased from the last year, 519




and have agreed upon the fol-
lowing Resolutions:

1. That the laws regulating or restraining the rate of interest have been extensively evaded, and have failed of the effect of imposing a maximum on such rate; and that of late years, from the constant excess of the market rate of interest above the rate limited by law, they have added to the expense incurred by borrowers on real security, and that such borrowers have been compelled to resort to the mode of granting annuities on lives, a mode which has been made a cover for obtaining higher interest than the rate limited by law, and has farther subjected the borrowers to enormous charges, or forced them to make very disadvantageous sales of

their estates.

2. That the construction of such laws, as applicable to the transactions of commerce as at present carried on, have been attended with much uncertainty as to the legality of many transactions of frequent occurrence, and consequently been productive of much embarrassment and litigation.

3. That the present period, when the market rate of interest is below the legal rate, affords an opportunity peculiarly proper for the repeal of the said laws.


The Select Committee appointed
to inquire into the Education of
the Lower Orders, and to Re-
port their Observations there

upon, together with the Minutes of the Evidence taken before them from time to time, to the House; and who were instructed to extend their Inquiries to Scotland; Have considered the Matters to them referred, and agreed upon the following Report:

Your Committee rejoice in being able to state, that since their first appointment in 1816, when they examined the state of the Metropolis, there is every reason to believe, that the exertions of charitable individuals and public bodies have increased, notwithstanding the severe pressure of the times; and that a great augmentation has taken place in the means provided for the instruction of the Poor in that quarter. They are happy in being able to add, that the discussion excited by the first Report, and the arguments urged in the Committee to various patrons of charities who were examined as witnesses, have had the salutary effect of improving the administration of those institutions and inculcating the importance of rather bestowing their funds in merely educating a larger number, than in giving both instruction and other assistance to a more confined number

of children. As the management of those excellent establishments is necessarily placed beyond the control of the legislature, it is only by the effects of such candid discussions that improvements in them can be effected.

Since the inquiries of your Committee have been extended to the whole island, they have had reason to conclude, that the


means of educating the Poor are steadily increasing in all considerable towns as well as in the metropolis. A circular letter has been addressed to all the clergy in England, Scotland, and Wales, requiring answers to queries. It is impossible to bestow too much commendation upon the alacrity shown by those reverend persons in complying with this requisition, and the honest zeal which they displayed to promote the great object of universal education, is truly worthy of the pastors of the people, and the teachers of that gospel which was preached to the poor.

Your Committee have lost no time in directing and superintending the work of digesting the valuable information contained in the returns, according to a convenient plan, which will put the House in possession of all this information in a tabular form. They have received important assistance in this and the other objects of their inquiry, from two learned barristers, Mr. Parry, and Mr. Coe of the Court of Chancery, who have devoted much of their time to the subject. It appears clearly from the returns, as well as from other sources, that a very great deficiency exists in the means of educating the poor, wherever the population is thin and scattered over country districts. The efforts of individuals combined in societies are almost wholly confined to populous places.

Another point to which it is material to direct the attention of Parliament, regards the two opposite principles, of founding

schools for children of all sorts, and for those only who belong to the established church. Where the means exist of erecting two schools, one upon each principle, education is not checked by the exclusive plan being adopted in one of them, because the other may comprehend the children of sectaries. In places where only one school can be supported, it is manifest that any regulations which exclude dissenters, deprive the poor of that body of all means of education.

Your Committee, however, have the greatest satisfaction in observing, that in many schools where the national system is adopted, an increasing degree of liberality prevails, and that the church catechism is only taught, and attendance at the established place of public worship only required, of those whose parents belong to the establishment; due assurance being obtained that the children of sectaries shall learn the principles and attend the ordinances of religion, according to the doctrines and forms to which their families are attached.

It is with equal pleasure that your Committee have found reason to conclude, that the Roman Catholic poor are anxiousto avail themselves of those Protestant schools established in their neighbourhood, in which no catechism is taught; and they indulge a hope, that the clergy of that persuasion may offer no discouragement to their attendance, more especially as they appear, in one instance, to have contributed to the support of schools, provided that no cate

chism was taught, and no reli gious observances exacted. It is contrary to the doctrine as well as discipline of the Romish church, to allow any Protestant to interfere with those matters, and consequently it is impossible for Romanists to send their children to any school where they form part of the plan.

Your Committee are happy in being able to state, that in all the returns, and in all the other information laid before them, there is the most unquestionable evidence that the anxiety of the poor for education continues not only unabated, but daily increasing; that it extends to every part of the country, and is to be found equally prevalent in those smaller towns and country districts, where no means of gratifying it are provided by the charitable efforts of the richer classes.

a sum of money might be well employed in supplying this first want, leaving the charity of individuals to furnish the annual provision requisite for continuing the school, and possibly for repaying the advance.

Whether the money should be vested in commissioners, empow ered to make the fit terms with the private parties desirous of establishing schools, or whether a certain sum should be intrusted to the two great institutions in London for promoting education, your Committee must leave to be determined by the wisdom of Parliament.

In the numerous districts where no aid from private exertions can be expected, and where the poor are manifestly without adequate means of instruction, your Committee are persuaded, that nothing can supply the deficiency but the adoption, under certain material modifications of the parish school system, so usefully established in the northern part of the island, ever since the latter part of the seventeenth century, and upon which many important details will be found in the Appendix.

In humbly suggesting what is fit to be done for promoting universal education, your Committee do not hesitate to state, that two different plans are advisable, adapted to the opposite circumstances of the town and country districts. Wherever the efforts of individuals can support. The modifications will be the requisite number of schools, it would be unnecessary and injurious to interpose any parlia mentary assistance. But your Committee have clearly ascer tained, that in many places private subscriptions could be raised to meet the yearly expenses of a school, while the original cost of the undertaking, occasioned chiefly by the erection and purchase of the school-house, prevents it from being attempted.

Your Committee conceive, that

dictated principally by the necessity of attending to the distinction, already pointed out, between districts where private charity may be expected to furnish the means of education, and those where no such resource can be looked to; and the tables subjoined to this Report, will afford important lights on this subject. It appears farther to your Committee, that it may be fair and expedient to assist the parishes where no school-houses are erected,

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