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The first town of note, to which they came, was Philippi; and, during their continuance there, fome occurrences happened, which demand particular attention. The facred hiftorian minutely records the converfion of an individual, which proved the beginning of a large and profperous church. On the fabbath day they took the opportunity of addreffing certain women, affembled together in a place fet apart for prayer. Many, it fhould feem, were prefent, but we read only of one perfon, named Lydia, who received real advantage. She liftened to the word with eagerness but this favourable difpofition is accounted', for; "the Lord opened her heart." Immediately fhe felt the efficacy of the Gofpel, both she and her family were baptized, and her houfe was opened for the accommodation of thofe, who had brought her the glad tidings of falvation. Ah! why is it, that others refufe even an attentive hearing? Because ignorance, prejudice, pride, and fenfuality, render us all averfe to fuch fubjects. Our minds are, as it were, clofed against the truth of God, and refift its admiffion. Ŏ let us pray, that the Lord would remove the obstruction, and open our hearts! Thus only will the doctrine of Chrift find a ready entrance, and make a lafting impreffion..

How various are the methods of grace! Lydia, probably, was wrought upon in a gentle manner,. without any ftrong terrors or violent emotions. But we proceed to confider another converfion, of a different fort, and one in which the hand of God was more vifibly exerted. Some fingular circumftances, which preceded, were evidently ordered by the divine providence with a view to this event..

A certain damfel at Philippi under a demoniacal poffeffion, pretending to a power of divination, bore a public and repeated teftimony to St. Paul and his affociates, as the fervants of the most high God, and teachers of the only way of salvation. It might feem


from fuch an atteftation, that she was in league with the preachers of the Gofpel, and that they were all impoftors of the fame kind, equally deferving of neglect and contempt. That there might be no ground, however, for the, fufpicion, the Apoftle commanded the evil spirit to depart. The damfel was a flave, and her owners had reaped large pecuniary advantages from her magical art. They now found, that their gain was at an end, and with great indignation dragged Paul and Silas before the magiftrates of the city, accufing them of fedition. Thus it frequently happens, that interested perfons, whofe difhoneft profits are likely to fuffer, bitterly inveigh against the zealous preachers and profeffors of our holy religion, and charge upon them that very disturbance, of which they themfelves are the authors. By flanderous reproaches and malicious, calumnies Satan and his agents may fo far prevail, as to bring the faithful fervants of God into temporary danger and diftrefs.

The populace rofe up with fury against these ambaffadors of Chrift: the officers themselves treated. them moft injuriously, condemned them without any fair examination, tore off their clothes, caufed them. to be fcourged with many ftripes, caft them into prifon, and left them in the hands of an auftere and inhuman jailer: he, too, as if he were glad of his. commiffion, thruft them into one of the clofeft cells, and fecured their feet in the flocks. Yet this fituation was not diftreffing to them, as we might have concluded. The darkness and horrors of the dungeon could not exclude the light of God's countenance though their wounded bodies fuffered fharp anguifh, divine confolations flowed in upon their minds. At midnight they were heard to pray aloud and to fing hymns of praife. Their cafe, then, may encourage us to "commit the keeping of our fouls. to God in well-doing," whatever dangers may threaten


"In the fear of the Lord is ftrong confidence:


and his children fhall have a place of refuge." They poffefs a never-failing fource of peace and joy, of which they cannot be deprived by ftripes, chains, and


It foon appeared, that this painful difpenfation was appointed to accomplish the moft gracious defigns. The Lord interpofed for the vindication and deliverance of his oppreffed fervants. While they were engaged in exercises of devotion, the earth trembled,the prifon was fhaken to its foundation, the doors thrown open, and all the fetters of the prifoners inftantly broken. In this awful fcene, our attention is chiefly directed to the jailer. Alarmed and terrified,. under an apprehenfion that all the perfons committed to him had escaped, he was about to dispatch himself with his own fword. But, when Paul had happily diverted him from his purpose, the ftout-hearted finner, overwhelmed with fear and confternation, fell down at the feet of the very men, whom he had so lately treated with infult and cruelty, and cried out in deep concern for his foul, "Sirs, what must I do to be faved?" Aftonishing change indeed, accomplifhed by no less a power, than that which produced the miraculous convulfion of the earth

Paul and Silas could not but liften to his words with peculiar delight. They were ready to inftruct the enquiring penitent, and, forgetting their own ftripes, were moft eager to heal his wounded con-fcience. Immediately they preached Chrift to himand his family, affuring them that on their believing: they fhould obtain falvation. The effect was wonderful. The jailer was converted, and, while by faith he committed himfelf to Jefus, divine peace and joy fprung up in his heart. How different, alfo, his outward behaviour, as well as his inward affections! He brought out. Paul and Silas from their confinement,.

Prov. xiv. 26.


washed their lacerated bodies, and gave them food for their refreshment: both he and his domeftics were baptized, and, probably, his houfe became a churchfor God. Thus the violent oppofition eventually promoted "the furtherance of the Gofpel." O why fhould you fear, if you are engaged in the caufe of God and his truth? But if you are fighting against Him, you cannot poffibly prevail, however ftrong may be your party, or profound your schemes.

In the morning, the magiftrates, probably terrified by the earthquake, ordered the prifoners to be dif miffed. But Paul, with the confidence of an upright man, remonftrated against the injurious treatment they had received, obferving that as Roman citizens they were entitled to peculiar privileges, and might demand fatisfaction. After this bold reprefentation, they obtained a proper conceffion from the officers, and an honourable discharge. They did not rigorously infift on their rights, but fhewed that they were men of peace; for, as foon as they had visited and comforted: the brethren, they quitted the town, left any further tumults might be excited.-Such was the firft plant. ing of the church at Philippi, of which the most fa-vourable teftimony is given in the facred records; and from fuch fmall beginnings, under the bleffing of ourGod, works of extenfive usefulness often take their rife.

Not difcouraged by the violence they had met with, our Apoftle and his affociates preffed on to other fervices. Having paffed through fome confiderable cities in Macedonia, they came to Theffalonica, which was a place of peculiar note*. There alfo, according to his custom, St. Paul reforted to the fynagogue of the Jews, addrefled his countrymen on the grand topics of the Gofpel, and proved from their own fcriptures, that Jefus is indeed the promised Meffiah.

* Acts xxii. 1, &C..


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Nor did he fpeak in vain: many believed his report, and joined his company. But others foon difcovered a different fpirit. The Jews, who rejected his word, raised a violent and furious oppofition: they collected certain low and profligate fellows, and threw the whole town into commotion. The boufe, where Paul lodged, was affaulted; and, though he escaped, Jason his hoft and fome of the brethren were dragged before the magiftrates, and accused as perfons difaffected to the government, and as general disturbers of the peace, who had turned the world upfide down." The profecution, indeed, was dropped, but it became necessary for Paul and Silas to fly from the place under cover of the night.

It may be afked, Is this the pure doctrine of Jefus Chrift, which is every where fpoken against, which caufes divifions and animofities in families, towns, and neighbourhoods? Can that fyftem, which breathes nothing but benevolence, and is calculated to promote univerfal happiness, be liable to fuch objections, and produce fuch confequences? Yes, thefe are the very calumnies, thefe the effects, which we are taught will ufually attend the faithful declaration of the Gospel : but they are to be afcribed to the perverfenefs of its oppofers, and not to the nature or tendency of its. principles. We ought not, therefore, to be ftag. gered in our belief or profeffion of the truth. Shall the minifters of Chrift dread the refentment of the world? There is a way to avoid it: there is a method of preaching, which gives no difturbance. Is this the scheme you would recommend? Would you have them accommodate their meffage to men's vitiated taste, and say, "Peace, peace, when there is no peace?" Then, indeed, there might be no perfecution; but the profpect hereafter would be tremendous: the deceived and the deceiver would perish together *.

#Matt. xv. 14.


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