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St. Paul; and yet it does not relate the whole, or even give us the clofing scene of his life.

Paul, therefore, and his beloved Barnabas, fet out from Antioch upon their momentous embassy. Having arrived at Cyprus, a large ifland in the Mediterranean fea, they travelled through it, preaching by the way. At Paphos, a principal town, a fingular occurrence happened. Sergius Paulus, the deputy or Roman governor of the country, difcovered a favourable difpofition, and expreffed a defire to hear the Gospel. But Elymas, â noted magician in the place, endeavoured to prejudice him againft it, probably through a fear of lofing his own confequence. Immediately, however, at the word of Paul, this vile oppofer of the faith, who laboured to keep others in fpiritual darknefs, was ftruck blind; and the ruler, convinced by the miracle, embraced the truth. Many circumfances confpire to prevent the free access of the minifters of Chrift to perfons of high rank. They, whofe intereft or afcendancy is likely to be fubverted by an admiffion of the Gofpel, may always be expected to refift it: and therefore Satan, doubtlefs, employs his inftruments, if poffible, to exclude religion from courts and palaces. But our God, who is mighty, can fuddenly confound the purposes of his enemies, and render them fubfervient to his counfels. In due time, through the ftrong influence of his Spirit, even "kings fhall fall down before him," and become "the nurfingfathers" of his Church *.

From Cyprus, Paul and his companions went to Perga in Pamphylia; and there they were deferted by John Mark, who very dishonourably declined the fervice, and returned to Jerufalem. He did not renounce the faith; but his conduct was highly blamable, and produced bad confequences. Ah! what pain do fincere perfons feel, on account of fuch * Pfal. lxxii. 11. Ifa. xlix. 23. P


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cafes! Yet, confidering what human nature is, we may expect to fuffer, not only through the apoftafy of falfe brethren, but alfo through the imprudence, loth, and cowardice of real Chriftians. We ought to mourn for the difcredit brought upon our profeffior, and yet at the fame time remember, that "the foundation of God ftandeth fure *.

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The zealous preachers, whom we are here contemplating, continued their progrefs. At Antioch in Pifidia, (a different town and far distant from the Antioch before mentioned) they attended the public worship of the Jewish fynagogue on the fabbath-day. After the ufual fervice, being permitted to addrefs the people, Paul arofe and fpake in a moft animated manner, declaring and enforcing the grand truths of the Gofpel. To imprefs their minds in favour of his doctrine, he began with explaining fome of the divine difpenfations towards their ancestors, particularly in promifing the Saviour, and gradually preparing them for his reception. He then proceeded to exhibit Jefus as the Chrift, who had been predicted. He reprefented him as defpifed and rejected by the inhabitants of Jerufalem, and there moft injuriously suffering the death of the cross. But he maintained, that the whole of thefe tranfactions had occurred agreeably to their own fcriptures, and that according to exprefs prophecies, which they themfelves acknowledged, Jefus had been raifed from the grave, and proved to be the very Saviour, whom they profeffed to look for. He folemnly entreated them to confider that full and free redemption, which was propofed to every believer, and warned them, by a tremendous denunciation, not to reject the gracious offer. Let us learn from the Apostle's fermon to be thankful for the clear light of the Gofpel, with which we are favoured. "Unto us is the word of this falvation fent." But do we truly understand its import? or, do we cordially fubmit to the terms? O let us beware, left we come under the condemna

*2 Tim. ii. 19.

tion of the defpifers, who fhall perish with aggravated ruin!

What was the effect of Paul's addrefs? The generality of the congregation appear not to have been properly impreffed: but certain Gentiles, who were prefent, requested that they might have an opportunity, on the following fabbath, of hearing the fame truths enforced. Many of the Jews, alfo, and profelytes to their religion, after the difmiffion of the Tembly, accompanied Paul and Barnabas, who in their private exhortations endeavoured to perfuade them to perfevere in a steadfast attachment to the Gofpel. On the subsequent fabbath, the immenfe crowds of people, who were collected, excited the envious difpleature of the Jews: and accordingly, they began to oppofe and blafpheme the doctrine delivered. Not difcouraged, however, but rather animated by the violence of thefe objectors, Paul declared, that, though the first offer of mercy had been tendered to them, yet upon their refufal the invitation would be given to the Gentiles. Many of the latter defcription rejoiced at the intimation, and, through the rich and ⚫ fovereign grace of God, embraced the Chriftian faith. From them, likewife, the truth of God was diffeminated throughout all the neighbouring country.

The fuccefs was great; but that very circumftance rendered the adverfaries more farious; and a formidable hoft of perfecutors confpired together. In confequence, Paul and his beloved affociate were forcibly driven from the place. Yet, even under that fevere ftorm, the fincere converts remained unshaken, and experienced a feafon of peculiar happinefs. While their enemies raged and threatened, "the difciples were filled with joy, and with the Holy Ghoft."

Surely, that violence is not to be dreaded, how extreme foever it may be, which cannot prevent us from receiving the lively comforts of religion, and

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which may have a tendency to promote them in our fouls. If only, like the Chriftians at Antioch, we be favoured with an abundant measure of inward peace and confolation from the divine Spirit, we fhall not be greatly moved by the vehemence and menaces of oppofers. Wherever the Gofpel meets with any fignal fuccefs, it may be expected to produce contentions and feparations among thofe, who were before united. It draws forth from many perfons that enmity of the heart against real godliness, which had been concealed, and covered perhaps with the garb of piety. Among the perfecutors were DEVOUT as well as honourable women: and frequently, thofe, who have made a fhew of fanctity, and been admired on that account, are the firft to raise objections. Many, alfo, among ourfelves, like thofe of old, are difgufted with the large congregations, which generally attend the zealous preachers of the word of God, efpecially when those congregations confift chiefly of the poorer fort. That, which ought to be matter of rejoicing, excites envy and difpleafure. Let thofe, however, who labour in the Gospel, be content to follow the fteps of the Apoftles, "by honour and difhonour, by evil report and good report; as deceivers, and yet true *."

Paul and Barnabas departed from Antioch, and upon quitting the place fhook off the duft of their feet, as a teftimony against the unbelieving inhabitants, agreeably to the directions of Jefus to his difciples t. Thence they proceeded to Iconium, and there opened their meffage with remarkable fuccefs. In that city they continued for a confiderable time, and with great courage declared the truth of God, which He was pleafed to confirm by various miracles, and to make effectual to the converfion of many perfons. But a furious oppofition was raised

#2 Cor. vi. 8. + Mar. vi, 11.

Acts xiv. 1, &c.


against them, exa ly fimilar to what they experienced at Antioch. They had numerous friends among the people; but others, by calumniating their characters and doctrine, prejudiced them in the estimation of the public. A party was formed, and a feheme laid, in which the men of chief power were engaged, to harass and by violent death destroy thefe new preachers. They, however, being apprized of the defign,. made their efcape to Lyftra, and both there and throughout the neighbourhood, notwithstanding their paft and the prospect of fresh dangers, they laboured. with unremitting ardour for the propagation of the Gospel.

At Lyftra a poor cripple, who had been lame from his birth, received an initantaneous cure by the word of St. Paul. The miracle, being openly performed, excited general attention. But fuch was the blindnefs and wretched ftupidity of the people, that, inftead of defiring to be inftructed by these eminent teachers, they began to deify them, and actually prepared for them idolatrous facrifices. With wild vo ciferations they cried out, "The gods are come down to us in the likenefs of men.' Barnabas they called Jupiter, as being of the most ftately appearance; and Paul obtained the title of Mercury, because he was the principal speaker.

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This circumftance could not but be diftreffing to them, who fought no vain applaufe, and wifhed to direct the regard of all to their Lord and Master. They were ftruck with horror at the offer of divine honours, and feemed to feel more pain on that account, than for their feverest perfecutions. They rent their clothes, in abhorrence of the profaneness, ran among the multitude with peculiar eagernefs, reproved them for their folly in worshipping men of the fame infirmities with themfelves, and exhorted them to turn from fuch fenfelefs practices to. the fervice of the living. God, the Creator and Preferver of heaven and earth..

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