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Early History-Mississippi Valley-Discovery of Florida-Ponce de Leon,

Miruelo, Narvaez, De Soto-Discovery of the Mississippi, and fate of De Soto

-Charter Grant of New France-Jesuit Missionaries, zeal and success-Reach

the Western Lakes-Enterprising views of Discovery-Mesnard, Allouez,

Marquette-Views of the Intendant Talon-Great Congress of Indian Na-

tions at the Falls of St. Mary-Enterprise of Marquette and Joliet-Dangers

pointed out by the Indians-Fox River, Portage, and Wisconsin-Upper

Mississippi discovered-The Illini Indians hospitable-The Missouri passed,

the Ouabache reached, and the Mississippi descended to below the Arkansas

-Return of Marquette and Joliet to Green Bay-Joliet's papers lost-Death

of Marquette-De la Salle, his enterprise, protected and encouraged by Col-

bert and Seignelay-Builds a vessel on Niagara River, and navigates the

Upper Lakes-He reaches the sources of the Illinois River-Descends and

builds a Fort-Learns the course of the Mississippi River, loses his vessel on

the Lakes, and resolves to build a new one-Despatches Hennepin on a voy-

age of discovery up the Mississippi-Leaves Tonti in command, and returns

on foot to Fort Frontenac-Tonti builds Rock Fort-Is driven away by the

Indians-La Salle returns, descends the Mississippi to the sea, and takes pos-

session of the country, by the name of Louisiana-Returns to France, pro-

cures a fleet, and endeavours to discover the mouth of the Mississippi by sea

-Passes the mouth, and lands in St. Bernard's Bay-His misfortunes, fruit-

less searches, and assassination-Joutel and Anastasius return by the Missis-

sippi to Fort Crevecoeur, and thence to Quebec-Attempts to decry the merits

of La Salle's discoveries-Hennepin's alleged discoveries-His two publica-

tions, and interpolations-The claims of England to the Mississippi founded

on Hennepin's books-The claims of France-Conflicting opinions of French

and English Colonists-New France neglected-French possessions in the

West include the whole Valley of the Mississippi-Iberville and his brothers

-Expedition fitted out to discover the mouth of the Mississippi-Iberville

successful-Passes up the River-Finds a letter from Tonti to La Salle-

Builds a Fort at Biloxi, and returns to France-Possession taken of the whole

basin of the Mississippi, by France, under the name of Louisiana............

NOTES TO CHAPTER I................................

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Views of La Salle with respect to the Illinois country-Communication be-

tween Quebec and the Gulf of Mexico-Jealousy, and claim of England—

Exploring Expedition on part of England-Explorations by Bienville and

Sauvole-Application of French Protestant emigrants-Bienville prevents the

English from taking possession of the Mississippi-Belief still entertained of

the route by water to the South Sea-Also of the existence of gold and silver

mines, &c. in the country-French views not agricultural-Le Sueur on the

Upper Mississippi-Fallacious views as to the natural productions of the.

country-Baron La Hontan, his travels and discoveries-Mixture of the true,

and the romantic and fabulous-The Illinois country, its extent-The Five

Nations, their relations to France and England-Grand Council called by De

Callieres-The post and settlement of Detroit founded-Other posts growing

up, in the West-Allies of the English in Wisconsin-Attempt on Detroit-

Trade of the West-Armed occupation by France of the Mississippi Valley-

-Forts Chartres, Cahokia, Prairie du Rocher, Kaskaskia-Treaty of Utrecht,

its want of effect-Unsettled questions of boundaries-Localities of the Indian

tribes-The Indians of the Northwest-Colony at the mouth of the Missis-

sippi-Its neglect of agriculture and wild speculations-Le Sueur's copper-

mine on Blue Earth River-Louisiana made a government independent of

New France-Change in the political system of the colony-unsuccessful

attempts of France to colonize-Boundaries of Louisiana-Rio del Norte-

Crozat's Patent- Mississippi Scheme-Slavery authorized in Crozat's mono-

poly-Population of Louisiana-Ill success of Crozat-His losses; surrenders

his patent-Delusive hopes of wealth, in France-Wretched state of the

French Public Treasury-John Law proposes relief-Paper currency as a

substitute for precious metals-Law's Bank established-Its operations-De-

clared a royal bank-Becomes a commercial company-Great powers granted

to the "Mississippi Company"-Bank of France associated with it-Company

of the Indies-Monopolies granted to it-The Mint, and Taxes of the nation

farmed by it-Law, Comptroller General of France-Emigrants to Louisiana,

their character-Routes from the St. Lawrence to the Lower Mississippi-

The great bubbles burst-Consequences extend to the settlements of the Mis-

sissippi Valley-Similarity of Credit System of 1719 and 1834-Delusion as

to the mineral wealth continues-Mining on the Upper Mississippi-War be-

tween France and Spain-Chain of forts established on the Mississippi-Site-

of New Orleans selected-Le Sueur's fort on St. Peter's River-He takes

possession of the upper country-Fort Chartres built-Population of the Ill-

nois country-Posts of Michillimackinac, Green Bay, Chicago, St. Joseph's,

Sault St. Marie, and Detroit-English and French trade with the Indians-

Influence of France unbounded, over the Indians, except the Iroquois-The

Five Nations-Ottagamies adhere to the English-Attempt to destroy Detroit

-Siege of Detroit-Defeat and great loss of the Ottagamies-Their hostili-

ties and depredations-French expedition against them under Louvigny-

Stronghold at Butte des Morts-The Foxes capitulate-Hostages delivered-

Treaty not complied with by the Foxes-They renew their depredations→

Expedition under De Lignerie unsuccessful-Progress of settlements in the

West-Villages in the Illinois country-The Natchez nation, their destruc-

tion-The "Company of the Indies" surrenders its charter-War against the

Chickasaws-Artaguette and Vincennes-Their death-Situation of the Illi-

nois country-Ambitious views of France as to the Great West-Resisted by

the English colonies-George Washington-His mission to the French com-

mander-First signal of the war of the Revolution-Death of Jumonville-

Washington capitulates-France in possession of the whole Valley of the

Mississippi-English and French encroachments, although with the same in-

tent, not so regarded by the Indians-Peace in Europe, but war in America—

Boundaries between English and French possessions the cause-War of 1756.

--Braddock's defeat; Wolf's victory; surrender of all Canada-Disaffection

of the Indians-Rogers takes possession of Detroit, and other western posts

-Pontiac-He orders Rogers to stop in his march-Protects him on condi-

tion-French power in the West for ever overthrown-Feelings against the

English-Henry, the English trader-His interview with an Indian chief-.

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NOTES TO CHAPTER II..............

Treaty of 1763-England possesses all New France and Louisiana-Protection

of eminent domain-Carver's Grant-Illinois and Wabash Companies-Classes

of grants in the Territory of Michigan, and in Wisconsin-De Vaudreuil's

Grant-French inhabitants under English rule--Indians unfriendly to the

English-Pontiac's designs-His great confederacy-Calls a grand council,

and states his plans to them-Unexpected attacks on the British posts-

Black rain at Detroit-Surprise and capture of Michillimackinac-Henry's

personal account of it-Fort at Green Bay abandoned-Fort at St. Joseph's

captured-Situation of Detroit-Stratagem of Pontiac-Discovered and pre-

vented-Siege of Detroit-Barbarities of the Indians-Reinforcements arrive

-Captain Dalyell's sortie, defeat, and death-Siege abandoned by the In-

dians-Arrival of General Bradstreet-Concludes a peace with the Indian

tribes-Pontiac does not consent-His death-His character-Absence of

settlements in Wisconsin-Captain Carver's intentions and attempts-His

travels and remarks-No Europeans on the Upper Mississippi, as settlers, in

1766-Evidence as to Carver's Grant-The Illinois country-Peaceable set-

tlements of the French-Their mode of life-Their villages and general

regulations of property-Tranquillity and happiness-Their religion-Changes

under British rule-Settlements decline-Emigration to Spanish Louisiana

-Population of the Illinois country-British occupy the forts-Colonel

Clark's Expedition-His plan adopted by Virginia-British influence over

Indians the source of the depredations on the frontier settlements--Claims

of Virginia to the Northwest, by her royal charters-Clark assembles his

force-Descends the Ohio-Marches overland to Kaskaskia-Captures the

town and fort-Fears of the inhabitants-They apply to Clark-His answer

-Their rejoicings-Cahokia surrenders-Fort Sackville, or Vincennes, sub-

mits-Oath of allegiance taken-Clark establishes forts-County of Illinois

established by Virginia-Indians make treaties with Clark-The British

governor collects his forces--Resolves to make Clark prisoner--Governor

Hamilton's character-He arrives before Vincennes-Captain Helm alone in

the fort--Obtains honorable terms-Clark determines on retaking Vincennes

-Marches from Kaskaskia-Hardships suffered by his forces-Arrive at the

town and capture it-Attack the fort-Hamilton capitulates, and is sent pri-

soner to Virginia-Clark's views on Detroit-Captures a convoy of supplies

-The result of Clark's enterprises-The five States of the Northwestern

Territory-The Northwest during the Revolutionary War-Claims of States

proposed to be relinquished-Plans devised and debated in Congress--Deeds

of cession by States-Geographical boundaries of the new States not defined

understandingly-Revision of deeds of cession proposed-New boundaries

of States-Resolutions of Congress on this subject-Ordinance of 1787-As-

sent of Virginia to alteration of her deed of cession-Review of sixth article

of ordinance of 1787..


British retain the Western posts-Effect on the Indians-Land speculations in
the West-Washington's opinion-Cession of title by the States-Retrospec-

tive view-Steuben sent to take possession of Western posts-He is refused

the possession-Causes assigned-Boundary line not to be crossed-British

strengthen the posts-Great council of Indian tribes-Treaties of Fort Har-

mar-Not adhered to-Brant and the Northern confederacy-St. Clair, go-

wernor of the Northwestern Territory-Indians deny the validity of his treaties

-State of the case-Ordinance of 1787-Unwise proceeding of government

-British policy and agency-Encouragement given to Brant-Influence of

McKee, Elliott, and Girty-Mission of Gamelin to the Western tribes, and

his report-Conduct of British agents-United States adopt war measures

against the Indians-St. Clair's levies, and dissensions-Harmar's Expedition,

and two defeats-Discord in his army-Indian villages destroyed-Indian

account of the battles-Action of the government in relation to the Indian

War-Peace messengers and warlike preparations-British agents and Indians

dissatisfied-American policy explained-Scott's Expedition-Wilkinson's

Expedition-St. Clair organizes his army at Fort Washington-Commences

his march-Builds Forts Hamilton and Jefferson-Reaches the waters of the

Wabash-Army encamps-Attacked by the Indians and entirely defeated-

Great loss of the Americans-Causes of defeat-St. Clair exculpated-New

army authorized by Congress to be raised-General Wayne appointed to its

command--Peace still offered to the Indians-The chiefs of the nations are

invited to the seat of government-Commissioners meet the Indians in coun-

cil-Indians insist on the Ohio boundary-Attempts at peace fruitless-The

causes-British erect a new fort on the Maumee-Spain offers assistance to

Indians-Wayne assembles his forces at Fort Washington-Final report of

the peace commissioners-Wayne moves his army-Establishes Fort Green-

ville--Goes into winter quarters-Buries the bones on the field of St. Clair's

defeat-Fort Recovery built-Attack by the Indians on an escort-Wayne

learns the movements of the Indians and the British agents-Indians attack

Fort Recovery, and are repulsed-Wayne marches from Greenville-Builds

Fort Defiance-Sends a peace messenger to the Indians-The reply of the

Indians-Wayne marches on-Leaves his heavy baggage-Moves down the

Maumee-Battle, and complete victory-Wayne destroys Indian and British

property-Effect of the victory on the Indians-The army returns-Fort

Wayne built-Fort Loramie built-Army in winter quarters at Greenville-

Indian spirit subdued-The tribes disposed to peace measures- -Opposition

made by the British agents-Great council held-Propositions made by the

English governor of Detroit-Brant coincides-Indians do not consent-They

send peace messengers to the Americans-The preliminaries of peace entered

into-Great council held at Greenville, and treaty made-Terms of the treaty

-Other events during the Indian War-Genet, French minister; his schemes

to involve the United States in war-His attempts in the West; contemplated

invasion of Louisiana and Florida-Separation of the Western States, and

revolt in the Spanish provinces, projected-Genet issues commissions-Ex-

citement among the Western people-Action of the United States govern-

ment-Genet recalled by France, who disowns his acts-Free navigation of

the Mississippi insisted on by the United States; denied by Spain-Governor

Miro relaxes the stringent measures in relation to duties-He grants special

privileges of trade on the Mississippi-Attempts of Spain to dismember the

Union-Operations in relation to the navigation of the Mississippi-Unsuc-

cessful attempts of government to treat with Spain-Baron Carondelet's po-

licy and attempts to separate the West-Treaty of Madrid-Free navigation

of Mississippi secured-New Orleans a free port of deposit-Yazoo specu-

lation-Projected British invasion of the Spanish provinces, by way of the

lakes and the Illinois-Spanish posts withheld from the Americans-The

causes-Spanish perfidy and duplicity-Powers proceeds to Detroit, the head-

quarters of Wilkinson-Conduct of Wilkinson-New Orleans ceases to be a

port of deposit, unless duties are paid-The act of the Intendant reversed by

the King of Spain-Jefferson sends ministers to France and Spain-Spain

cedes Louisiana to France-Diplomacy of the American ministers relative

to the purchase of Louisiana-All Louisiana purchased from France-Spain

objects, but renounces opposition-Effectual agency of Mr. Livingston-

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