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" Alas ! from the day that we met, What hope of an end to my woes ? When I cannot endure to forget The glance that undid my repose. Yet time may diminish the pain : The flower, and the shrub, and the tree, Which I rear'd for her pleasure in vain, In time... "
The refusal, by the author of the Tale of the times - Seite 239
von Jane West - 1810
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Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 714 Seiten
...glance that undid my repose. Yet time may diminish the pain : The flower, and the shrub, and the tree, Which I rear'd for her pleasure in vain, In 'time may have comfort for me. His " Levities" are by their title exempted from the severities of criticism; yet it may be remarked...
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The works of the poets of Great Britain and Ireland. With prefaces ..., Band 1

Great Britain - 1804 - 716 Seiten
...glance that undid my repose. Yet time may diminish the pain : The flower, and the shrub, and the tree, Which I rear'd for her pleasure in vain, In time may have comfort for me. His " Levities" are by their title exempted from the severities of criticism ; yet it may be remarked...
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Poems on Various Subjects: Selected to Enforce the Practice of Virtue, and ...

E. Tomkins - 1804 - 416 Seiten
...glance that undid my repose. Yet time may diminish the pain : The flow'r, and the shruh, and the tree, Which I rear'd for her pleasure in vain, In time may have comfort for me. The sweets of a dew-sprinkled rose, The sound of a murmuring stream, The peace which from solitude...
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The lyre of love [ed. by P.L. Courtier].

Lyre - 1806 - 204 Seiten
...glance that undid my repose ? Yet time may diminish the pain : The flower, and the shrub, and the tree, Which I rear'd for her pleasure in vain, In time may have comfort for me ! The sweets of a dew-sprinkled rose, The sound of a murmuring stream, The peace which from solitude...
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The Poetical Works of William Shenstone: In Two Volumes. Collated with the ...

William Shenstone, Thomas Park - 1808 - 342 Seiten
...hope of an end to my woesr Yet time may diminish the pain: The flow'r, and the shrub, and the tree, Which I rear'd for her pleasure in vain, In time may have comfort for me. The sweets of a dew-sprinkled rose, The sound of a murmuring stream, The peace which from solitude...
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The cabinet of poetry, containing the best entire pieces in the works of the ...

Cabinet - 1808 - 524 Seiten
...glance that undid my repose. Yet time may diminish the pain : The flower, and the shrub, and the tree, Which I rear'd for her pleasure in vain, In time may have comfort for me. The sweets of a dew-sprinkled rose, The sound of a murmuring stream, The peace which from solitude...
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Specimens of the British poets, Band 2

British poets - 1809 - 526 Seiten
...glance that undid my repose. Yet time may diminish the pain : The flow'r, and the shrub, and the tree, Which I rear'd for her pleasure in vain, In time may have comfort for me. The sweets of a dew-sprinkled rose, The sound of a murmuring stream, The peace which from solitnde...
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Vocal Poetry: Or, A Select Collection of English Songs. To which is Prefixed ...

John Aikin - 1810 - 330 Seiten
...glance that undid my repose. Yet time may diminish the pain : The flower, the shriib, and the tree, Which I rear'd for her pleasure in vain, In time may have comfort for me. The sweets of a dew-sprinkled rose, The sound of a murmuring stream, The peace which from solitude...
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets: Prior. Congreve. Blackmore ...

Samuel Johnson - 1810 - 494 Seiten
...glance that undid my repose. Yet time may diminish the pain; The flower, and the shrub, and the tree, Which I rear'd for her pleasure in vain, In time may have comfort for me. His levities are by their title exempted from the severities of criticism ; yet it may be remarked,...
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Watts, A. Philips, West, Collins, Dyer, Shenstone, Young

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - 556 Seiten
...glance that undid my repose. Yet time, may diminish the pain : The flower, and the shrub, and the tree, Which I rear'd for her pleasure in vain, In time may have comfort for me. The sweets of a dew -sprinkled rose, The sound of a murmuring stream, The peace which from solitude...
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