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" You hate me, you despise me ! you do well ; For what I've done I hate and scorn myself. Oh, night, fall on me ! I shall blush to death. "
The refusal, by the author of the Tale of the times - Seite 192
von Jane West - 1810
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British Theatre: Tamerlane, by N. Rowe. 1792. The revenge, by Edward Young ...

John Bell - 1792 - 316 Seiten vain : it is most just, " When women sue, they sue to be deny'd. " You hate me, you despise me I you do well ; " For what I've done I hate and scorn myself. " Oh, night, fall on me! I shall blush to death." Alon. First perish all I " Leon. Say, what have you...
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The Works of the Author of The Night-thoughts, Band 2

Edward Young - 1802 - 402 Seiten
...LEONORA. O my shame! I sue, and sue in vain; it is most just: When women sue, they sue to be deny'd. You hate me, you despise me: You do well: For what...myself. O night fall on me! I shall blush to death. ALONZO. First perish all. LEONORA. Say: what have you resolv'dr My father comes; what answer will you...
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The British drama, Band 1

British drama - 1804 - 946 Seiten
...guilty. A/on. Torment 1 [After a pause, Leon, speaks. Leon. Oh, my shame ! I sue, and sue in vain : it is most just, When women sue, they sue to be denied....well ; For what I've done I hate and scorn myself. Oh, night, fall on me ! I shall blush to death. Alón. First perish all ! Lcoa. Say, what have you...
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The British Drama: pt. 1-2. Tragedies

1804 - 510 Seiten
...guilty. Alon. Torment! [A,ffcr a pause, Leon. speaki. Leon. Oh, my shame ! I sue, and sue in vain : it is most just, When women sue, they sue to be denied....well ; For what I've done I hate and scorn myself. Oh, night, fall on me ! I shall blush to death. Alon. First perish all ! l¿on. Say, what have you...
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Sharpe's British Theatre, Band 7

1804 - 266 Seiten
...Oh, my shame! " I sne, and sne in vain : it is most just, " When women sne, they sne to he deny'd. " You hate me, you despise me \ you do well; " For what I've done I hate and scorn myself. " Oh, night, fall on me! I shall hlush to death." Alon. First perish all! " Leon. Say, what have yon...
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The British Drama: Tragedies. 2 v

1804 - 516 Seiten
...guilty. Alon. Torment ! [After a pause, Leon, speaks. Leon. Oh, my shame ! I sue, and sue in vain : it is most just, When women sue, they sue to be denied. You hate me, you dtspise me ! you do well ; For what I've done I hate and scorn myself. Oh, night, fall on me ! I shall...
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The British drama, Band 1

British drama - 1804 - 954 Seiten
...shame ! I sut, and sue in vain: it is most just, \\ hen women sut, they sue to be denied. \ ou hare me, you despise me ! you do well ; For what I've done I hate aud scorn myself. Oh, night, fall on me ! I shall blush to death. Alnn. First perish all ! hi'tt. Say,...
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The Modern British Drama: In Five Volumes, Band 2

1811 - 620 Seiten
...guilty. Alon. Torment ! [After a pause, LEON, s/ir.ifa. Leon. O my shame ! I sue, and sue in vain : it is most just ; When women sue, they sue to be, you despise me ! you do well; For what I've done 1 hate and scorn myself. Oh, night, fall on me ! I shall blush to death. Alon. First perish all ! Leon....
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The Works of Rev. Dr. Edward Young, Band 2

Edward Young - 1811 - 302 Seiten
...such pains To make me guilty. Alonzo. Torment ! [After a pause Leonora speaks. Leonora. O my shame ! For what I've done, I hate and scorn myself. O night fall on me ! I shall blush to death. Alonzo. First perish all. Leonora. Say ; what have you resolv'd I My father comes ; what answer will...
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The modern British drama, Band 2

British drama - 1811 - 624 Seiten
...guilty. A Ion. Torment ! [After a paute, LEON, speaks. Leun. О my shame ! I sue, and sue in vain : it is most just ; When women sue, they sue to be denied. You hate me, yon despise me! you do well; For what I've done 1 hate and scorn myself. Oh, night, fall on me ! I...
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