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World's Champion Shorthand Writer

In the National Shorthand Reporters' Association shorthand speed contest held in Philadelphia on August 16, Mr. Martin J. Dupraw, writer of Gregg Shorthand, duplicated his victory of 1925 by winning the World's Championship Trophy for 1926.


Although the speed of the 1926 tests was increased by 20 words a minute, Mr. Dupraw broke all records for accuracy. By taking three five-minute dictations at 220, 260, and 280 words a minute, and transcribing the entire 3,800 words on the typewriter with but 8 errors, against the previous best record of 19 errors when the dictations were 20 words a minute slower. Mr. Dupraw conclusively demonstrated the inherent accuracy of Gregg Shorthand and its limitless speed possibilities.


Gregg Shorthand is the only system that has produced more than one champion in the National Shorthand Reporters' Association contests. Inaugurated in 1909. Since 1921 the cup has been won five times by Gregg writers. The winners were:

1921 Albert Schneider
1923 Charles L. Swem

1924 Charles L. Swem
1925 Martin J. Dupraw

1926 Martin J. Dupraw

Mr. Schneider and Mr. Dupraw both studled Gregg Shorthand in the New York High School of Commerce, Mr. Schneider is now a member of the shorthand reporting staff of the United States Congress. Mr. Swem was for eight years personal stenographer and reporter to Woodrow Wilson while he was President of the United States.


You, too, can win with Gregg Shorthand because it is easier to learn, easier to write, easier to read-and is the swiftest of all systems.

GREGG SHORTHAND, THE STANDARD SYSTEM Gregg Shorthand is the standard American system is taught in more than 95% of all high schools in the United States that teach shorthand. In the private commercial schools "Gregg" and "Shorthand" are synonymous.

Write nearest office for "Romance of Shorthand Reporting"


New York



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I'll Make You a Finished Dancer in 10 Days!

By ARTHUR MURRAY World Famous Dancing Authority

I don't care how poorly you dance now-I don't care if you've never been on a dance floor in your life-if you can do the simple step pictured above I'll guarantee to make you a finished dancer in ten days!

Just think! In ten days' time you will be able to do the Charleston, the French Tango, the Ritz Fox Trot, the Debutante Waltz, and all the other smart new steps or I'll return every penny you have paid me!


That's a fair offer, isn't it? There's no excuse now for playing wallflower -no excuse now for passing up good times because you can't dance! method of teaching dancing is so simple and easy to understand that you can learn any of the latest steps in one evening, right in your own room, without music or partner. And in ten days' time you will be ready to take your place as the best dancer in your set!

How to Be Popular

Think what it means to be popular, sought after, admired! The dances I teach you in my course are not only the standardized steps, but

also the brand new ones- -the peppy, zippy Charleston that has captivated society, the sensational, modern dances that have swept the world!

The sooner you learn to do the new dances, the sooner you start upon this sure path to popularity-the sooner you get some real fun out of life. You'll always be welcome everywhere. Better still, you'll be in great demand-for every one wants to dance with the good dancer, the one who knows all the latest steps!

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To prove that I can make you a finished dancer in ten days' time, I am willing to send you five lessons from my remarkable course-absolutely free! Just send the coupon (with 25c to cover cost of printing and mailing) and these valuable lessons will be forwarded at once. Also a free copy of my new book "The Short Cut to Popularity."

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