Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

Seals, a chapter on, 78
Sebeto, ballad on the passage of the,
see Passage.
Shakspeare Papers--No. VI.Timon of
Athens, 225; No. VII. Polonius,470
Shawn Gow and the Little Grey Man
of the Fairies, 305

Sheridan, Louisa H. PlainCase by,543
Seige of Belgrade, a specimen of alli-
teration, 312

Sling the Monkey, see Nights at Sea.
Slocomb, Mr., 160

Snuff-box, the, a tale of Wales, 342
Sporting Ramble in the Highlands, see

Spring, lines on, 484.

Soissons, Countess of,her intimacy with
the Duchess of Orleans, 124; exiled to
Champagne, 125; her character, 133
Songs--National Songs in France, 253
255, 259; Be quiet, do! I'll call my
Mother, 390; à Song, 479
Sonnets-toFriendship, 148; in aChurch-
yard, 208; to, 600
Southby,the clown, remarks on his per-
formances, 622

Stanzas on contemplating the Heavens
at Midnight, 166
Stein, Jean, remarks on his picture,
the Cuisine Maigre, 367
Stickleback Family, account of the
private theatricals of the, 86
"Stories of Waterloo," Memoir of the
Rev. Robert Hogg by the author of
the, 182
Storm.Demon,the,see Mariner's Dream
Sutherland, Duke of, his collection of
works of art, 173

Switzerland, popular and national
poetry of, 485

Tale of Grammarye, 91

Tales of an Antiquary, Family Dra-
maticals, by the author of, 83.
Tell me, gentle Laura, why, Nutmegs
for Nightingales No. IV. 464
Temptations ofSt. Anthnoy, a poem,100
That Roman Nose, Nutmegs for Night-
ingales No. III. 464

The Laurel, the Rose, and the Vine, a
poem, 120

There's no mistake in that! a poem,242
The Ruse-the Duello-and the Naval
Sportsman, see Nights at Sea.
Thoms, W.J.Versailles, and a Chapter
on clowns, by, 244, 617
Three Damsels, the, a poem, 203
Three Sisters,the, romanceofreallife,66
Timonof Athens,seeShakspeare Papers
Toulmin Camillo, ode to the Queen of
Spring by, 577

Tweezle, Peregrine, Misfortunes and
Consolations of, 516
Twist, Oliver, see Oliver.
Two of a Trade-the Persian Barber,
story of, 159

Two Sisters, the, 278


[blocks in formation]

Valliere, Duchess de la, remarks re-
specting 248

Vaslyn, story of Mr Buggins by, 563
Versailles, palace of, remarks on the

Museum in,244; Napoleon's design of
renovating, 246; review of the occu-
piers,247; the Duchess de la Valliere,
248; Madame de Montespan, 249;
Madame de Maintenon, 250
Verses--on the Devil, 304; on Sheridan
Knowles,463; onOld Mountain Dew,

Vincente, Father Don, the bibliophilist
story of, 565

Wade, J. A., Village Bride's Farewell,
and Critiques on Critics, by, 395,396
Wagen, Dr. Artists and Works of Art
in England by, 173

Walpole, Hon. Horace, his account of
a riot in Drury-Lane Theatre, 621
Walter Childe, legend of, see Childe.
Wedgewood Hieroglyph, true history
of the one called the WillowPattern,


Welcome Back, the, 377
Whitehead,C.Narrative of John Ward
Gibson by, 355

Widow Cured, or more than the Doc-
tor at fault, 553
Windsor ball of the latest fashion,611.

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