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can hurt it; but true it is, Advice that is not warranted from Wifemen, proves more forceable and perilous than the Power of an Enemy."

The Scripture telleth us, that the Thought perifheth that taketh not Counsel.

A King of the Lacedemonians afked how a Kingdom might ever ftand? was answered two Ways, If a King take Counfel of wife, honest Men, that they speak freely, and do Juftice uprightly; there was never Cenfor that judged, Senator that ordered, Emperor that commanded, Counfel that executed, Orator that persuaded; nor any other mortal Man, but fometimes he committed Errors, and deserved either Blame or Punishment for his Mifdoings, and if he were wife, defired what to do.

St. Gregory faith, no Man can give fo faithful Counsel, as he who loves one more than his Gifts; then who are, or can be fo true Counsellors to our noble King, as a House of Commons, that hath no Relation to a King's Gift, but only to his Honour, flourishing Eftate, and Safety?

This is the Time to amend evil Counsellors paft, and to let evil Counfellors fee their Errors. This is the Time for all Men to put to their Helps, some with their Hands to fight; others with their Advice to counsel; and for mine Advice, this it is, that you prefent to his Majefty in all Humbleness your willing Minds and Hearts to repair, and fit to Sea his Majefty's Navy, yourselves to have Power to make them able and ferviceable with the Advice of experienced Men, that you may call unto you. This a Matter of great Importance at this prefent, for the Safety of King, Realm, and Subject; for the Strength of the Kingdom much depends upon this Bulwark, which we may well term the Walls of England.

His Majefty fhall find himself much eafed by its Bufinefs; fhall be carried without his Trouble or Care; Money fhall not be fought, but that ever be provided by you, his Majefty may difpofe of the reft of his Revenue at his Pleasure.

By your Frugality and Hufbandry, his Majefty fhall have Occafion to judge of Things pait, of yours in prefent, and hereafter it will ferve for a. Precedent to walk after; it will stop the Mouths of malignant Tongues, that inform his Majesty of the Unwillingness of the Subject to give, and it will make it apparent that their true Grief is not in the Matter of giving, but to fee the evil employing of it, when it is given.

If any Man fhall pervert this good Meaning and Motion of yours, and inform his Majefty, it is a Derogation from his Honour to yield to his Subjects upon Conditions, his Majefty fhall have good Caufe to prove fuch Mens Eyes malicious and unthankful, and thereby to difprove them in all their other Actions; for what can it leffen the Reputation of a Prince, whom the Subjects only and wholly obeyeth, that a Parliament, which his Majefty doth acknowledge to be his highest Counsel, fhould advise him, and he follow Advice of fuch a Counfel? What Difhonour rather were it to be advised

advised and ruled by one Counsellor alone, against whom there is just Ex. ception taken of the whole Common-wealth?

Marcus Purtio faith, That that Common-wealth is ever lafting, where the Prince feeks to get Obedience and Love, and the Subjects to gain the Affection of the Prince; and that Kingdom is unhappy where their Prince is ferved out of Ends and Hope of Reward, and hath no other Affurance of them, but their Services.

The End of Volume the Third.

ERRATA. In the Account of the Earl of Northumberland's Death in the Tower, for Dagger, read Dagge.



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