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upon you; by the great and unparallel'd Abilities and Conduct of our Friends, when they were once in the bigbeft Pofts; by our quiet and peaceable Deportment fince they were removed; by the Meekness of our Tumults, and the good Temper of our Addreffes; by our tender Regard to Confciences truly fcrupulous; by our uncommon Zeal for the hereditary Right of the illuftrious Houfe of Hanover; by the moving Cry of the Church's Danger, fo agreeable a Sound in your facred Ears, by our fincere Promife to fupprefs all diforderly Tumults, now they are over; and our unfeign'd Refolution to be very peaceable and fubmiffive when we are uppermoft; by the entire Conformity of our Practices to our Profeffions; by the Paffiveness of our Principles, and the Activeness of our Natures; by the little Regard paid to your General, and the little Confidence placed in your Miniftry by the Allies abroad; by the particular Seafonableness of the Time, when your Armies are in full Heart, penetrating into the Enemy's Country; by the Wishes of the common Adverfary abroad, who boafts of what we are now doing; and by the Entreaties of all the Papifts and Nonjurors at home, who are acting the fame Part with us; by the Terrors we have ftruck into all our Opponents, and the Preparations we have made for a happy Election: By every Thing dear and facred to us, we beseech your Majefty to be directed by our infallible Witdom; to difcard fuch a General, fuch a Miniftry, and fuch a Houfe of Commons, as have given you so small Proofs of their Ability, or Zeal, to ferve the Nation; and to enter entirely into a new Scheme, which will prove fo great a Satisfaction to all your Allies, and fo deadly a Blow to France, abroad; and will fo effectually extinguifh all the Hopes of the Pretender's Friends at home. This is the true Meaning of all our Zeal in addreffing your Majefty; and these are the united Prayers of

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Your Majesty's most quiet, most peaceable, and most passively obedient Subjects.

An EXPLANATION of fome Hard Terms now in Ufe; for the Information of all fuch as Read or Subscribe



Ntimonarchical Principles] Such Principles, in other Words, as are abfo-* lutely neceffary for defending our prefent Conftitution, and hindering it from being turn'd into an abfolute Monarchy; and preventing the People's Fondness for a neighbouring Prince. Monarchy is a Greek Word, and fignifies the Government of one fingle Perfon by his own Will and Pleasure. Anti fignifies against, or contrary to; fo that by antimonarchical Principles are meant fuch Principles as are against the abfolute Government of one Perfon by mere Will and Pleasure, and without Laws.

Antimonarchical Men] Thefe are a rebellious Sort of Men, who prefer the Preservation of our Government by Queen, Lords and Commons, before abfolute Monarchy; and are for defending it against all, from the highest to the lowest, who would invade it, and turn it into an abfolute Monarchy.

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Hereditary Right] Is a Right refulting from Nearnefs of Blood, and not from fo low a Principle as Acts of Parliament. It is thought much more divine and unquestionable than a Parliamentary Right. In other Words, it is that Right by which the popish Line may claim to be restored, and by which the House of Hanover muft neceffarily be excluded.

Popifo Dodrine] Now used for a Doctrine which keeps out Popery, and is detefted by Papifts. Note, the Word Popish is never of any true Service to the Church in the Way of Reproach, but when it is joined to the Word Republican, or Prefbyterian.

Republican Principles] Much the fame with Antimonarchical but particularly Revolution Principles are meant by them; fuch Principles as defend the Proceedings of the Queen, the Nation, and Prince of Orange, at the late Revolu tion.

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Men of Republican Principles] A Sort of dangerous Men, that have lately taken Heart, and defended the Revolution that faved us, and the Proteftant Succeffion as eftablish'd upon that Revolution. Note, that, it not being advifeable to speak directly and openly against the Revolution, and Proteftant Succeffion, it is thought fit to attack them under the Covert of the Words Republican and Hereditary Right.

All Friends are defired to take Notice of the true Intent of these few fignificant Words.

The True, Genuine Modern W HIGG-ADDRESS. To which is added, An EXPLANATION of fome HardTerms now in Ufe; for the Information of all fuch as Read or Subfcribe ADDRESSES. 1710..

Dread Sovereign,

N this critical Juncture of Affairs, permit us, the leaft dutiful, the leaft peaceable, as well as the moft inconfiderable of your Majefty's Subjects, in this extraordinary Manner, to lay before you the prefent Neceffity of preferring the private Paffions and Prejudices, the exorbitant Ambition and immoderate Counfels of an Handful of your Subjects, to the true Intereft of your own Perfon and Government, the Advice of your Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry, together with the Voice of your People, feditiously combined to make your Reign cafy, and your Nations happy.

It is with Grief that we have obferved of late a mighty Zeal to appear for the Monarchy which we have labour'd fo long to extinguifh. Nay, to fuch a Pitch of open barefaced Impudence are fome Men arrived, that they have prefumed, even under your Majetty's mild Reign, and in your gracious Prefence, publickly to afperfe and condem. thofe Principles and Practices which brought your Grandfather to the Block, involved the Nation in Confufion, and overturn'd the very Foundation of the eftablish'd Government in Church and State, and have arro


gantly dared openly to confront those many excellent Treatifes, that have been publish'd so much to the Edification of our Youth, and to the Benefit of our Caufe, in Defence of Arming against the Sovereign, of limited Allegiance, of alienable Right, according to the Will and Difcretion of the People, with the Laws of God and the Nation, the Doctrine of our Saviour and his Apoftles, the Opinions of our most holy and learned Prelates and Divines, as well as the most able Lawyers in all Ages and Countries.

We therefore cannot but efteem this the moft proper Time to declare our ZEAL to be awaken'd into the utmoft Apprehenfions of feeing fuch Principles again prevail; which alone can fecure your Royal Perfon from being call'd to Account when we please, and disappoint the unspeakable Profit which would accrue to us, by continuing you under the Tyranny of a Party, and which alone muft inevitably throw us back to our firft State of Indigence and Shame: For naked we came into the World, and naked we should return.

Your Majefty has feveral Times exprefs'd a more than ordinary Senfe of the Outcries concerning the Danger of the Church. We humbly defire your Majefty would be pleased to believe, notwithstanding the frequent Declarations. of our Adverfaries, that all those Apprehenfions have arifen from the Efforts of our Faction; that you are much more likely to be suspected of Indifference in Matters of Religion, than ourselves. To which we muft crave Leave to add this further reasonable Request, That your Majefty would look on the Members of the Church of England as Atheists or Papifts; they being the only Perfons who have adventured to ftem the prefent Torrent of Blafphemy, as they once stood fingle in their Oppofition to Popery; whilft we feem fo little concerned now, and at that Time acted the Part of Confederates against them.

Our Establishment, fince the late Revolution, is founded upon the Justice of the Nation's having departed from the right L-. This we affirm to be the Foundation on which we ftand. The Juftice of departing from Right may indeed feem a Paradox; but fo hearty are we in obferving your Majefty's frequent Recommendations of Union, that we endeavour even to reconcile Contradictions. And therefore it is, that in a deep Senfe of the Oaths we have taken to be true to your Majefty and your Succeffors, and in order to make our Zeal manifeft, we lay hold of the prefent Season to declare, That we have not the leaft Regard to your Majefty's Title, as far as it is Hereditary; nor to any Right of Defcent of the Crown, in Failure of Iffue from your Majefty, on the Houfe of Hanover, as they are next in Succeffion in the Proteftant Line.

Thus do we, by shaking one great Prop of the Crown and of the Proteftant Suc ceffion, earnestly contend with our Brethren, who fhall most effectually support them.

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Your Majefty was once pleafed from the Throne very earnestly to recommend Moderation; which we have feconded with all the Art and Industry of Men fincerely affected to Peace and Union, by perfuading all who would be perfuaded, to be as moderate as poffible, in their Zeal to your Majefty as Subjects, and to their God and their Saviour as Chriftians, for Fear of giving Offence to weaker Brethren. The fureft Way to prevent all Animofities about Religion, is fo to fettle the Minds of Men, as to have none at all,



Your Majefty was likewife pleafed to declare from the Throne, That you ⚫ would inviolably maintain the Toleration.' The Church-men, 'tis true, very readily agreed, and have ever supported fuch an Indulgence to tender Consciences, as the Law has allow'd: Nay, they have gone further; they have connived at our Breach of this very Law in a Thousand Inftances, rather than be thought too nice, or inclinable to give Disturbance. But this, we prefume, is far from being fufficient; not a Man of them will tolerate Vice and Immorality; not a Man of them will tolerate Prophaneness and Blafphemy, Sedition or Rebellion: And till this is effeted, how is it poffible we fhould be All of one Mind? And how can it be faid to be a general Toleration, where fuch material Exceptions are taken?

We humbly hope that your Majefty will pay the more ready Regard to these our Infinuations and Importunities, at the Hazard of your Crown, and of the publick Peace; becaufe we have made fuch Preparations to continue the prefent Parliament, till we fhall think fit to diffolve it ourselves, as nothing can disappoint but Calling a new one at this Jun&ture. For what can your Majefty expect from these Church-men, who daily and openly declare, that your Majefty fhould be left a Free Agent on your Throne; that you should yourself be deliver'd from Oppreffion, who have fo gloriously deliver'd Mankind from it? What can they mean by this, but giving your Majefty an unnecessary Trouble of governing, which we, your faithful Modern Whigs, have fo chearfully and readily preferved you from, without being weary of the Burthen to this Day? What can they mean by infinuating that Gentlemen ought to be diftinguish'd by no other Denomination but that of Good Subjects and Good Patriots? Is not this a pofitive Exclusion of your faithful Jo? Or, that Men of Birth, Fortune, and Merit, fhould pay Obedience where Obedience is only due, and receive the Reward of their Services, without fcandalous Dependency? And what is this but an open A--k upon your My?

By all therefore that is worthy of Confideration, we most earnestly intreat your Majesty's Favour. By the Contempt which we fhew'd, and the many Indignities which we offer'd to your Perfon in the late Reign: By our Endeavours to disappoint your Succeffion to the Throne, or to render precarious and uneafy your Seat in it: By our steady Oppofition to your Majefty before we were taken into Power; and by our Arbitrary Impofitions upon you fince: By the ill Usage we gave your Minifters when then were not our Vaffals; and by the Adoration which we have paid them from the Time they became fo: By the Confidence which we place in them, and by the Diftruft which we fhew of you: By our uncommon Zeal for the illuftrious Houfe of Hanover, whilst we differ'd from your Minifters; and by our infamous Neglect of that Family fince we agreed with them: By the entire Conformity of our Practices to our Profeffions: By our Votes against any Peace without the Reftitution of Spain, and by our abfolute Neglect of that Part of the War: By our difgracing the Englishman who was victorious in that Country, and fupporting the Frenchman who has fold or loft it; as if Success was criminal in all but one, and Conqueft was leaft valuable where it is moft wanted: By that exemplary Inftance of Love to our own Poor, in fending for Palatines to intercept that Charity for Want of which they starved: By making no Ufe of Victories, but to prolong the War, and to become ter


rible to your Majefty, and to our Fellow-Subjects: By our Pretences to Moderation, and our Exercife of Tyranny: By that Love which we affect of Liberty, and that Slavish Submiffion which we require of all who ferve us: By the Clamours which we have raised in former Times against Violations of Charters, against Profecutions on Innuendo's, and againft Convictions on forced Constructions of Law, and by the Corporations which we have in these Times garbled: By the Right of Election which we have taken from so many Thousands of our Fellow Subjects: By our ftraining paffionate Expreffions into high Crimes, and common Riots into high Treafon : By the particular Seasonablenefs of the Time, when we gave Occafion to the prefent Ferment; and by the Dexterity which we fhew'd in reducing the Friends of our old Conftitution to this Dilemma, either of fitting tamely down under Oppreffion, or of affording this Colour to afperfe them, that by their Struggles for Self-Prefervation at home they give Encouragement to the common Enemy abroad: By every Thing dear and facred to us, we beseech your Majefty to be directed by our infallible Wisdom, to refign the Prerogative of Peace and War to your General, the whole executive Power at home to your Treasurer, and to continue both yourself and them under the Dominion of that Jo, whofe ra--c-s Av---ce, and whofe infle Amb-n have been the great Occafion of all the Difs which have happen'd either in the laft Reign or in this; and have juftly render'd them -r-ble to all those who pray This is the true Meaning of all our Applications to your Majefty; and

thefe are the united Defires of your Majefty's moft greedy, moft turbulent, and most rebelliously devoted humble Servants,'

An EXPLANATION of fome Hard Terms now in Ufe; for the Information of all fuch as Read or Subfcribe ADDRESSES.


Revolution Principles.

EVOLUTION_comes from the Latin Word revolvere; which fignifies to turn about: So that by Revolution Principles are meant fuch Principles as, under the fpecious Pretence of juftifying the laft happy Revolution, prepare Mankind for any; and allow of the fame Proceedings without the fame Neceffity.

Republican Principles.

BY these are meant fuch Principles as did once fubvert our Conftitution in Church and State: Such Principles as murther'd the Grandfather, and are in the Grand-daughter's Reign at this Time openly profefs'd and encouraged.


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