Abbildungen der Seite

but the Major-general begged his Pardon, and defired that he might abide at his Poft, till fuch Time as the City was furrendered up. Immediately then his Excellency fent for Count Schomberg, and three other Commiffioners, and gave them Inftructions how to treat with the four Commiffioners from the Enemy. Just as Marshal Turenne was giving the Commiffioners Inftructions, Major-general Morgan faid, That the Enemy were hungry, fo that they would eat any Meat they could have; whereupon his Excellency fmiled, and fhortened their Inftructions, and fent them away. Within half an Hour, the Commiffioners had concluded, That they should have their City-Charter preferved, and that they were to receive a French Garrifon in, and the Prince de Ligny was to march out with all his Forces next Morning, at Nine of the Clock, with one Piece of Cannon, Colours flying, Bullet in Mouth, and a Match lighted at both Ends, and to have a Convoy to conduct him into his own Territories. Marshal Turenne was, in the Morning betimes, with feveral Noblemen and Officers of the Army, and Major-general Morgan, attending near the Gare for the Prince de Ligny's Coming out. The Prince, having Notice that Marshal Turenne was there, came out of his Coach. Marshal Turenne, being alighted off from his Horse, and the Major-general Morgan, at both their Meeting there was a great Acclamation, and embracing one another. After a little Time,

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Marshal Turenne told the Prince, He very much admired, that he would expose his Perfon to a Garrifon before a conquering Army: The Prince de Ligny replied, That, if Marfhal Turenne had left his English in England, he durft have expofed his Perfon into the weakest Garrison the King of Spain had in Flanders; and fo they parted, and his Excellency marched into the Town with a French Garifon, and the Major-general with him. So foon as the Garrifon was fettled, Marfhal Turenne writ his Letters to the French King, and his Eminence the Cardinal, how that the City of Ypres was reduced to the Obedience of his Majesty, and that he was poffeffed of it; and that Major-general Morgan was inftrumental in that Service, and that the English did Wonders; and fent the Intendant of the Army with his Letters to the King and Cardinal. Monfieur Tallon, the Intendant, returned back from the King and Cardinal to the Army within eight Days, and brought a Compliment to Major-general Morgan, that the King and his Eminence the Cardinal did expect to fee him at Paris, when he came to his Winter Quarters, where there would be a Cupboard of Plate to attend him. Major-general Morgan, inftead of going for his Cupboard of Plate, went for England, and his Majefty of France had never the Kindnefs to fend him his Cupboard of Plate: So that this is the Reward that Major-general Morgan hath had from the French King for all his Service in France and Flanders.

Killed at the Battle of Dunkirk,

Lieutenant-colonel Fenwick, two Captains, one Lieutenant, two Enfigns, two Serjeants, thirty-two Soldiers; and about twenty wounded.

Killed at the Storming of Ypres,

One Captain, one Serjeant, eight private Soldiers, about twenty-five Officers of thirty-five; and about fix Soldiers flightly wounded, after they were lodged upon the Counterfcarp; Sir Thomas Morgan himself flightly hurt, by a Shot in the Calf of his Leg.

An Account of the Original of Writing and Paper, out of a Book, intitled, La Libraria Vaticana, written by Mutio Panfa, Keeper of the faid Library. Printed

at Rome.

ift, Of the Use of Books, and Invention of Letters.


HAT the Ufe of Books and Libraries is very ancient, appears by


many Authors, both Christian and Heathen, from whom it may in fome Measure be gathered, that they have been in Use ever since the World began; for we read, that Jude the Apoftle, in one of his Epiftles, quotes the Book of Enoch, which was before the Flood. (The Words of the Epiftle are: And Enoch alfo, the Seventh from Adam, prophefied of these, &c. So that here is a Prophecy, but nothing exprefly of a Book of his Writing, whence a Debate may arife, whether this Prophecy was not left by oral Tradition, without more pofitive Proof; but to return to our Author.) And tho' Authors differ very much concerning the Invention of Letters, of which afterwards Books were compofed; yet we take it for granted, that they were invented by Adam, his Sons, and Grandfons, in the firft Age of the World, before the Flood, and were after preferved by Noah and his Progeny, till they came to Abraham, and fo to Mofes; and of this Opinion was St. Augustin, lib. xv. de Civitate Dei, and Jofephus, a Jewish Writer of great Credit, who, in the first Book of his Antiquities, writes, That Adam's Grandfons, the Sons of Seth, erected two Pillars, the one of Stone, and the other of Brick, on which they left written, and engraved, all the Arts difcovered by them, and he affirms he faw one of thefe Pillars in Syria; from the which, I am of Opinion, the Egyptians afterwards learnt the Way of Writing, and expreffing their Myfteries with thofe Characters called Hieroglyphicks, on feveral Obelifks, wherein Egypt formerly so much abounded, that fome of them are still to be seen in Rome, whither they were tranfported by the first Emperors. This is the more credible, because we read, that Adam was by God created in fo great a State of Perfection, of Knowledge, and of Wisdom, that he gave Names to all Things, according


to their Nature and Qualities; and that none ever fo well understood the Revolutions of the Heavens, the Motions of the Stars and Planets, and fo thoroughly knew the Nature of Herbs, Plants, Animals, and all other Things in the World, as he did. It is therefore to be believed, that he found out the Method for preferving the Memory hereof to Pofterity. Pliny, in his Nat. Hift. lib. vii. Cap. ult. confirms this Opinion; for there, after delivering the Sentiments of many concerning the Invention of Letters, as that fome pretend they were invented in Syria by the Affyrians, and others in Egypt by Mercury; that they were brought into Italy by the Pelafgi, and into Greece by the Phenicians, and Cadmus their Leader; that Palamedes, during the Trojan War, added four more; he concludes, it is his Opinion, that Letters were eternal, which is almoft the fame as to fay, they began with the World. Hence it follows, that their Opinion is vain, who fay the Egyptians were the Inventors of Letters and Arts, as Diodorus Siculus holds, Lib. i. where he says, that Mercury found them out in Egypt; though, in his fourth Book, he writes, that others think the Ethiopians had Letters before, and the Egyptians from them. Hence we may further infer, that Mofes was not the first Inventor of Letters, as fome Jews and Christians affirm, because he was ancienter than any one of thofe by whom they are said to have been first found; as Cadmus, who lived in the Days when Othoniel governed Ifrael, which was forty-feven Years after the written Law was given to Moses; and therefore the Egyptians learnt the Letters of him, and they communicated them to the Phoenicians, whence Cadmus carried them into Greece. True it is, that Attabanus and Eupolemus, Heathen Authors, fay, that Mofes was by the Egyptians called Mercury, and the fame that taught them Letters. Thus, we fee, the Invention of Letters was ancienter than Philo the Jew believes it, who fays, that Abraham first found them; for, as has been faid, they were in Being even in the Days of Adam and his Children, and afterwards preferved by Noah, who was a Man of Learning and Letters; and it is to be believed, that he faved them with him in the Ark; though, after the Confusion of Tongues at the Tower of Babel, moft Nations might lofe the Letters, and the Knowledge of them might only remain in the Family of Heber, from whom the Hebrews afterwards defcended, who loft not their firft Language, as St. Auguftin, Eufebius, and most learned Men of our Time affirm. Philo, and the reft, who thought that Mofes had been the Inventor of Letters, were the more eafily deceived, because it is manifeft, that the Books and Hiftory writ by Mojes are the ancienteft in the World, or than the Wisdom of the Egyptians, or the Philofophy of the Greeks, as is made out by St. Auguftin and Jofephus, writing against Appion the Grammarian, as alfo by Eufebius and Justin Martyr And that there were Letters before Mofes is vifible, because we find it written, that he learnt in Egypt unto Pharach the Arts and Wisdom of the Egyptians; nor do I know how this could be, unless they had Letters before, though, it is true, we know they had fome Characters called Hieroglyphicks, by which they taught most of their Sciences. Howfoever it was VOL. III.

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the Invention of Letters is certainly divine, as being those that preferve and fecure all other Invention, for without them none can fubfift; and they are of fuch Worth, that they make Men immortal, rendering thofe Things prefent which happened a thousand Years ago, and joining those which are diftant, communicating them, as if they were not afunder. By them are known and learnt all Sorts of Sciences, teaching thofe in being all that past Ages knew, and preferving for Pofterity all that thofe now living found out. In fhort, the Benefit of them is almost infinite and inexpreffible, and therefore their Invention may defervedly be called rather divine than buman. What Order was obferved in the Characters of ancient Times, methinks is not to be fought after, as depending on the Will and Pleasure of the Inventor; as we daily fee is done by those who frame Cyphers or Characters, and other Sorts of common Letters, who obferve no Order. It is true, they were, in Process of Time, for the more Diftinction, put into that Order we now see them: And, because many afterwards fucceffively added other Letters, or made new Characters, therefore many were thought the Inventors of them; of whom we shall speak to the Purpofe hereafter, when we come to discourse of the Pictures in the Vatican Library, among which are thofe of all fuch as were famous in the World for the Invention of Letters, or for adding any to them.

Of the Paper of the Ancients, of the Papyrus of the Romans, of the feveral Sorts of it, and of the Paper of our Times.



AVING hitherto discoursed of the Letters, it will now be convenient to fay fomething of Paper, as the Matter on which they are made;and, to speak the Truth, it is no fmall Difficulty to decide what they writ on in former Ages, because we have no Account in Hiftory what they did write on before the Flood, but what we faid before, that Adam's Grandchildren, the Sons of Seth, writ an Account of Arts on thofe two Pillars abovementioned. After the Flood, all Authors agree, that Men had no Paper, but writ on the Leaves of Palm Trees, whence, to this Day, thofe of Books are called Leaves. Next they writ on the fine Bark of Trees, and particularly on that Sort which flips off eafieft; fuch as the Elder, the Plane, the Afb, and the Elm; and thefe were the inward Films, which grow between the Bark and the Wood, which, being curiously taken off, were joined together, and Books made of them; and, becaufe this Film in Latin is called Liber, thence the fame Name was given to a Book, though now they are not made of that Subftance. The Wit of Man, which ftill improved, after this found out a Way of writing on the thinneft Sheets of Lead, of


which private People made Books and Pillars. Next, the Ancients found the Way of Writing on Linnen-Cloths flicked and waxed, on which they writ, not with a Pen, but with a fmall Cane or Reed, as fome write to this Day, And, as Pliny tells us, we find in Homer, that these waxed Cloths were ufed before the Time of the Trojans, and Mutianus, who, as he writes himself, was thrice Conful, that, when he was Prefident in Lycia, he read there, in a Temple, a Letter writ on one of thefe Cloths by Sarpedon, King of Lycia, then at Troy, where he affifted Priam in his War against the Greeks, and was at last killed by Patroclus. In Process of Time, the Method was found out of writing on Parchment made of SheepSkins, mentioned by Herodotus, Lib. vii. the Invention whereof Varro affigus to the People of Pergamus, a City in Afia, on the Banks of the River Caicus, whereof Eumenes was King, and from that City it was called Pergamenum, which we have corrupted to Parchment. Pliny fays, this Eumenes firft fent. it to Rome; but Elianus fays it was Attalus, King of the fame Country, who firft fent it. Jofephus, the Jew, makes the writing on Parchment ancienter, and fays, the Books of the Jews, fo much ancienter than Eumenes, and the reft of that Sort, were writ upon Skins; and relates, that when Eleazer, the High Prieft, fent the Books of the Holy Scripture to Ptolemy by the Septuagint, to be tranflated out of Hebrew into Greek, King Ptolemy Philadelphus was much amazed at the Fineness of thofe Skins or Parchment, fo that writing on them was eafier, and more lasting than the ancienter Ufe of Barks and Leaves of Trees; and it is to be believed, this Invention was not yet in Egypt, fince Ptolemy wondered at it, After this, there was found a Sort of Paper made of a Rufh, or Plant, called Papyrus, growing in the Marshes, about the River Nile, though Pliny fays there are fome of them in Syria, near the River Euphrates. These Rushes bear fmall Leaves betwixt the outward Rhind and the Pith, which, being neatly opened with the Point of a Needle, and then prepared with fine Flour and other Ingredients, ferved to write on and made Paper, the innermoft Part making the finest, and according to the feveral Sorts it had feveral Names, and was put to fundry Ufes; being from this Rufh called Papyrus, which Name has continued to our Days, and is given to our Paper, though made of Rags, because this ferves for the fame Ufes as that did. I faw one of thefe Rushes at Rome, which was fhewed me by that worthy Gentleman Caftor Durante, of happy Memory, my Mafter in the College, who told me it came from Egypt; and he had it from Padua, fent him by Signior Cortufo, a Man excellently learned in Simples, of whom he had got other more ftrange and rare Things, as I have feveral Times feen myself, and particularly a Sheet of this Papyrus, of Paper, made of that Rufh.

The first Invention of making Paper of this Rush, Varro affirms, was in the Days of Alexander the Great, when Alexandria was founded; but Pliny proves it was ancienter, by the Books which Gn. Tarentinus found in his Vineyard in a Marble Cheft on the Hill Janiculus, in which were also the Bones of Numa Pompilius. Thefe Books were of the Papyrus, and it is

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