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Colours flying over their Heads, the strongest Officers and Soldiers clubbing them down, Major-general Morgan, when he faw this Opportunity, stepped to the other five Regiments, which were within fix Score of him, and ordered them to advance, and charge immediately: But, when they came within ten Pikes Length, the Enemy, perceiving they were not able to endure our Charge, fhaked their Hats, held up their Handkerchiefs, and called for Quarter; but the Red-coats cried aloud, They had no Leifure for Quarter. Whereupon the Enemy faced about, and would not endure our Charge, but fell to run, having the Englife Colours over their Heads, and the strongest Soldiers and Officers clubbing them down; fo that the fix thoufand English carried ten or twelve thoufand Horfe and Foot before them. The French Army was about Mufquet-fhot in the Rear of us, where they came to halt, and never moved off of their Ground. The reft of the Spanish Army, feeing the right Wing carried away, and the English Colours flying over their Heads, wheeled about in as good Order as they could; fo that we had the whole Spanish Army before us; and Major-general Morgan called out to the Colonels, To the Right as much as you can, that fo we might have all the Enemy's Army under the English Colours. The fix-thousand English carried all the Spanish Army, as far as Westminster-abby to Paul's Church yard, before ever a Frenchman came in, on either Wing of us; but then at last we could perceive the French Horfe come pouring on each Wing, with much Gallantry; but they never ftruck one Stroke, only carried Prisoners back to the Camp. Neither did we ever fee the Ambaffador Lockhart, till we were in Purfuit of the Enemy; and then we could fee him amongst us very brisk, without his white Cap on his Head, and neither troubled with Gravel or Stone. When we were at the End of the Purfuit, Marshal Turenne and above a hundred Officers of the Army came up to us, quitted their Horfes, embraced the Officers, and faid, They never faw a more glorious Action in their Lives, and that they were fo tranfported with the Sight of it, that they had no Power to move, or do any Thing. And this high Compliment we had for our Pains. In a Word, the French Army did not ftrike one Stroke in the Battle of Dunkirk, only the fix thoufand English. After we had done purfuing the Enemy, Major-general Morgan rallied his Forces, and marched over the Sands where he had fhocked them at firft, to fee what Slaughter there was made. But Ambaffador Lockhart went into the Camp as faft as he could, to write his Letters for England, of what great Service he had done, which was juft nothing. Marfhal Turenne and Major-general Morgan brought the Armies clofe to invest Dunkirk again, and to carry on the Approaches. The Marquis de Leda happened to be in the Counterfcarp, and received an accidental Shot, whereof he died; and the whole Garrifon, being difcouraged at his Death, came to capitulate in a few Days; fo the Town was furrendered, and Ambaffador Lockhart marched into it with two Regiments of English for a Garrifon; but Major-general Morgan kept the Field, with Marfhal Turenne, with his other four Regiments of English.


The next Siege was Bergen St. Winock, fix Miles from Dunkirk, which Marthal Turenne beleaguered with the French Army, and the four Regiments of English; and, in four or five Days Siege, Bergen St. Winock was taken upon Capitulation. Marfhal Turenne did reft the Army for two Days after, and then refolved to march through the Heart of Flanders, and take what Towns he could, that Campaign.

The next Town we took was Furnes, the next Menin, after that Oudenard; and, in a Word, eight Towns, befides Dunkirk and Ypres ; for, fo foon as the Red-coats came near the Counterfcarp, there was nothing but a Capitulation, and a Surrender prefently: All the Towns we took were Towns of Strength.

The laft Siege we made was before the City of Ypres, where- the Prince de Ligny had caft himself in before, for the Defence of that City, with twothousand five-hundred Horfe and Dragoons: Befides, there were in the City four-thoufand Burghers, all proper young Men, under their Arms; so that the Garifon did confift of fix-thoufand five-huudred Men. Marshal Turenne fent in a Summons, which was anfwered with a Defiance: Then Marshal Turenne broke Ground, and carried on two Approaches towards the Counterfcarp: Major-general Morgan went into the Approaches every Night, for Fear of any Miscarriage by the English, and came out of the Approaches at Sun-rifing to take his Reft; for then the Soldiers had done working. The fourth Morning, Major-general Morgan went to take his Reft in his Tent, but, within half an Hour afterwards, Marfhal Turenne fent a Nobleman to him, to defire him to come to fpeak with him; when the Major-general came, there were above a hundred Noblemen and Officers of the Army walking about his Tent. And his Gentlemen had decked a Room for his Excellency with his Sumpter-cloaths, in which homely Place there were about twenty Officers of the Army with him; but, as foon as Major-general Morgan came, Marshal Turenne defired all of them to retire, for he had fomething to communicate to the Major-general. The Room was immediately cleared, and Marthal Turenne turned the Gentleman of his Chamber out, and fhut the Door himself. When this was done, he defired the Majorgeneral to fit down by him, and the first News that he fpake of, was, that he had certain Intelligence, that the Prince of Conde and Don John of Austria were at the Head of eleven-thoufand Horfe, and four-thousand Foot, within three Leagues of his Camp, and refolved to break through one of our Quarters, to relieve the City of Ypres; and therefore he defired Majorgeneral Morgan to have all the English under their Arms every Night at Sun-fet, and the French Army fhould be fo likewife. Major-general Morgan replied, and faid, That the Prince of Conde and Don John of Auftria were great Captains, and that they might dodge with Marshal Turenne to fatigue his Army.' The Major-general farther faid, That, if he did. keep the Army three Nights to that hard Shift, they would not care who ⚫ did knock them on the Head.' Marshal Turenne replied, We must do "it, and furmount all Difficulty.' The Major general defired to know of Y 2、

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his Excellency, Whether he was certain the Enemy was fo near him; he anfwered, He had two Spies came juft from them. Then Major-general Morgan told him, His Condition was fomewhat defperate, and faid, That a defperate Disease must have a defperate Cure. His Excellency asked, What he meant? Major-general Morgan did offer him, to attempt the Counterfcarp upon an Affault, and fo put all Things out of Doubt with Expedition. The Major-general had no fooner faid this, but Marshal Turenne joined his Hands, and looked up thro' the Boards towards the Heavens, and faid, Did ever my Mafter, the King of France, or the King of Spain, attempt a Counterscarp upon an Affault, where there ⚫ were three Half-moons covered with Cannon, and the Ramparts of the Town playing point-blank into the Counterfcarp? Farther he faid, What will the King my Mafter think of me, if I expofe his Army to these Hazards? And he rofe up, and fell into a Paffion, ftamping with his Feet, and shaking his Locks, and grinning with his Teeth; he faid, Major-general Morgan had made him mad. But, by Degrees, he cooled, and asked the Major-general, Whether he would ftay to Dinner with him: But the Major-general begged his Pardon, for he had appointed fome of the Officers to eat a Piece of Beef at his Tent that Day. His Excellency asked him, If he would meet him at Two of the Clock, at the Opening of the Approaches? The Major general faid, He would be punctual, but defired he would bring none of his Train with him (for it was ufually a hundred Noblemen with their Feathers and Ribbands) because, if he did, he would have no Opportunity to take a View of the Counterfcarp; for the Enemy would discover them, and fire inceffantly. His Excellency faid, He would bring none, but two or three of the Lieutenant-generals. Major-general Morgan was at the Place appointed a Quarter of an Hour before his Excellency, and then his Excellency came, with eight Noblemen, and three Lieutenant-generals, and took a Place to view the Counterfcarp. After he had looked a confiderable Time upon it, he turned about, and looked upon the Noblemen and Lieutenant-generals, and faid, I do not know what to fay to you; here is Major-general Morgan has put me out of my Wits; for he would have me attempt yonder Counterfcarp upon an Affault.' None of the Noblemen or Lieutenants made any Reply to him, but Count Schomberg, faying, My Lord, I think Major-general Morgan would offer nothing to your Lordship but what he thinks feafible, and he knows he has good fighting Men.' Upon this, Marshal Turenne afked Major-general Morgan, How many English he would venture? The Major-general said, That he would venture fix hundred common Men, befides Officers, and fifty Pioneers. Marshal Turenne faid, That fix-hundred of Monfieur la Ferte's Army, and fifty Pioneers, and fix hundred of his own Army, and fifty Pioneers more, would make better than two-thoufand Men: Major-general Morgan replied, They were Abundance to carry it, with God's Affiftance. Then his Excellency faid, he would acquaint the King and his Eminence, That Major-general Morgan had put him upon


that defperate Defign; Major general Morgan defired his Pardon; for it was in his Power to attempt it, or not to attempt it: But, in the Clofe, Marshal Turenne faid to the Major-general, That he muft fall into Monfieur la Ferte's Approaches, and that he fhould take the one Half of Monfieur la Ferte's Men, and that he would take the other Half into his own Approaches. Major-general Morgan begged his Pardon, and faid, He defired to fall on with the English intire by themselves, without intermingling them. Marshal Turenne replied, He muft fall on, and cut off one of the Approaches: The Major-general replied, That he would fall on in the Plain between both Approaches. His Excellency faid, That he would never be able to endure their Fireing, but that they would kill Half his Men, before he could come to the Counterfcarp; the Major-general faid, that he had an Invention, that the Enemy should not perceive him, till he had his Hands upon the Stockadoes. Next, his Excellency faid, for the Signal, there fhall be a Captain of Monfieur la Ferte's, with twenty Firelocks, fhall leap upon the Point, and cry, Sa fa! vive le Roy de France; and, upon that Noife, all were to fall on together. But Major general Morgan oppofed that Signal, faying, The Enemy would thereby be alarmed, and then he fhould hardly endure their Firing. His Excellency replied then, That he would give no Signal at all, but the Major-general fhould give it, and he would not be perfuaded otherwife. Then the Major-general defired his Excellency, that he would give Orders to them in the Approaches, to keep themselves in Readiness against Sun-fet; for, at the Shutting of the Night, he would fall on: He likewise defired his Excellency, That he would order a Major out of his own Approaches, and another out of Monfieur la Ferte's Approaches, to ftand by him; and, when he should be ready to fall on, he would dispatch the two Majors into each of the Approaches, that they might be ready to leap out, when the Major-general paffed between the two Approaches, with the commanded English. Juft at Sun-fet, Marshal Turenne came himself, and told the Major-general, He might fall on when he faw his own Time. The Major-general replied, He would fall on juft at the Setting of the Night, and when the Dufk of the Evening came on. The Major-general made the English ftand to their Arms, and divided them into Bodies; a Captain at the Head of the Pioneers, and the Major-general and a Colonel, at the Head of the two Battalions; he ordered the two Battalions, and the Pioneers, each Man to take up a long Fafcine upon their Mufquets and Pikes, and then they were three fmall Groves of Wood. Immediately the Major-general commanded the two Majors to go to their Approaches, and that they should leap out, so soon as they fhould fee the Major-general march between their Approaches. The Major-general did order the two Battalions, when they came within threefcore of the Stockadoes, to flip their Fafcines, and fall on. But fo it happened, that the French never moved out of their Approaches, till fuch Time as Major-general Morgan had overpowered the Enemy. When the Pioneers came within Sight of the Stockadoes, they flipped the Fascines down, and fell on; the Major-general and the other two Battalions


were clofe to them, and, when the Soldiers began to lay their Hands on the Stockadoes, they tore them down for the Length of fix Score, and leaped pell-mell into the Counterfcarp amongft the Enemy; Abundance of the Enemy were drowned in the Moat, and many taken Prifoners, with two German Princes, and the Counterfcarp cleared; the French were in their Approaches all this Time; then the English fell on upon the Half-moons, and immediately the Red-coats were on the Top of them, throwing the Enemy into the Moat, and turning the Cannon upon the Town; thus the two Half-moons were fpeedily taken: After the manning of the Half-moons, he did rally all the English, with Intention to lodge them upon the Counterfcarp, that he might be free of the Enemy's Shot the next Morning; and they left the other Half-moon for Marshal Turenne's Party, which was even before their Approaches.

Then the French fell on upon the other Half-moon, but were beaten off. The Major-general confidered, that that Half-moon would gall him in the Day-time, and therefore did fpeak to the Officers and Soldiers, that it was beft to give them a little Help; the Red-coats cried, Shall we fall on in Order, or Happy-go-lucky? The Major-general faid, In the Name of God, at it Happy-go-lucky' and immediately the Red-coats fell on, and were on the Top of it, knocking the Enemy down, and cafting them into the Moat. When this Work was done, the Major-general lodged the English on the Counterfcarp; they were no fooner lodged, but Marshal Turenne fcrambled over the Ditches, to find out the Major-general; and. when he met with him, he was much troubled the French did no better; for indeed they did juft nothing: Then his Excellency afked the Major-general, to go to his Approaches to refresh himself; but the Major-general begged his Pardon, and faid, He would not ftir from his Poft, till he heard a Drum beat a Parley, and faw a white Flag over the Walls. Upon that, Marfhal Turenne laughed and fmiled, and faid, They would not be at that Pafs in fix Days, and then went to his Approaches, and fent the Major-general three or four dozen Bottles of rare Wine, with feveral Difhes of cold Meats and Sweet-meats. Within two Hours after Sun-rifing, a Drum beat a Parley, and a white Flag was feen over the Walls. The Major-general ordered a Lieutenant, with a File of Mufquetiers, to go and receive the Drummer, and to blindfold him, and carry him ftrait to Marshal Turenne in his Approaches. Marshal Turenne came immediately with the Drummer's Meffage to the Major-general, and was much troubled he would not receive the Meffage before it came to him. The Major-general replied, That that was very improper, his Excellency being upon the Place. The Meffage was to this Effect, That, whereas his Excellency had offered them honourable Terms in his Summons, they were now willing to accept of them, provided they might have their Charter, and the Privileges of the City preferved: That they had appointed four of their Commiffioners, to treat farther with four Commiffioners from his Excellency.' Marshal Turenne was pleafed to afk the Major-general, whether he would be one of the Commiffioners ;

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