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22. Receivers of feamens wages taking more than fix-pence in the pound fhall, for every offence, forfeit fifty pounds; and if any fuch offender be a clerk, officer, or fervant in an office belonging to the navy, he fhall lofe his place, and be incapable o holding any place of profit in fuch office.

32Geo.3.c.67. 23. Clerks, officers, and fervants in offices belonging to the navy, taking fees (not allowed by the acts of which this is a abstract) for doing any thing directed by the faid acts, fhall be fubject to the fame forfeitures.


24. Captains or commanders of fhips are to transmit, from time to time, to the commiffioners of the navy at their board complete pay books, lifts and tickets, and alfo, once in every two months, complete mufter books, under the penalty of for feiting all their wages to the cheft at Chatham, and of being liabe to fuch further, punishment as a court martial fhall inflict, except in cafes of neceffity, to be made appear to the fatisfaction a the lord high admiral, or commiffioners of the admiralty.

31Geo.2.c.10. 25. The payment of tickets, certificates, or pay lifts, fha 32Geo.3.c.76. not be delayed, though the mufter or pay books be not regularly fent to, and received by the commiffioners of the navy; but any error fhall be made in any ticket, certificate, or pay lift, the lofs fhall be made good out of the wages of the captain or com mander by whom fuch ticket, certificate, or pay lift was made


32Geo.3.c.34. 26. Captains and commanders who fhall fail from any foreign ftation, before an opportunity offers of transmitting home their mufter books, lifts, and tickets, fhall leave them with the naval officer, or some refpectable merchant or other perfon, to be forwarded by the first opportunity.

32Geo.3.c.34. 27. Captains removed from any ship in his Majesty's fervice fhall leave with his fucceffor complete mufter books, figned by himself and the proper officers, to the date of his removal, and fhall receive a receipt for the fame; and the commiffioners of the navy fhall not fign his general certificate unless fuch receipt be produced, or unless it be made appear that the directions herein given were complied with, as far as the nature of the fervice would admit.

31Geo.2.c.10. 28. Wages, &c. earned by an apprentice fhall be paid to his altered by 32 mafter as ufual, if fuch mafter fhall produce the indentures at the Geo. 3. c. 33. pay table when the wages are demanded, unless fuch apprentice fhall have been above eighteen years of age when he was indented, in which cafe, he may receive payment of the fame himself, or unless he fhall be rated as a fervant to an officer, in which cale his wages fhall be paid to fuch officer according to the ufual practice of the navy, unless fuch officer fhall have been informed of fuch apprenticeship by the indentures having been exhibited to him.


29. All months to which this abftract of the naval acts relates, fhall be counted and reckoned, calendar months, excepting in computing the wages due to officers, feamen, and marines, when each month fhall confift of twenty-eight days only.

30. Captains

30. Captains or commanders iffuing any tickets, other than 31Geo.2.c.10. uch as are directed by the different acts, of which this is an abstract, fhall be fubject to a penalty of fifty pounds for every icket, and fhall forfeit all their wages to the cheft at Chatham.

31. Those who claim the wages of any inferior officer, fea- 26Geo.3.c.63. man, or marine, as executors, as foon as they fhall be informed of the teftator's death, must forward the authorities under which they fo claim by the general poft, addreffed to the treasurer or to the paymaster of the navy, London.-Thofe who claim as nearest 32Geo.3.c.34. of kin muft alfo write, when they fhall be informed of the death of their relation, by the general poft, to the treasurer or to the paymaster, stating their pretenfions to the wages which may remain due; and those who shall be intitled to claim as creditors must apply in like manner, and at the fame time state in writing the nature and amount of their demand; a proof must also be produced in each of these cafes of the inferior officer, feaman, or marine's death; if he shall have died after having left the fervice, the bufinefs will then be properly inveftigated at the navy pay office; and if the claim be found juft, the neceffary expences of adminiftering at Doctors Commons (which are limited as per claufe thirty-fecond of this abftract) will be defrayed, and the balance will be directed to be paid to the executor or administrator, if prefent, and, if abfent, by a remittance bill to be made out in the manner herein-before defcribed in the tenth clause of this abstract, and which fhall be payable wherever he may refide without any fee, reward, or deduction whatever.

and extended to Ireland by

Penfions due to out-penfioners of Greenwich hofpital, fhall be 3 Geo.3.c. 16. paid by bill in like manner, in any part of Great Britain or Ireland, upon application being made by the party in writing to the go- 32Geo.3.c.67. vernors of the faid hofpital.

Those who shall be named as executors in wills, or who fhall 32Geo.3.c.34. be intitled to administer as widow, next of kin, or creditor, to inferior officers, feamen, or marines, may receive the wages which shall be due, without incurring the expence of taking out letters of adminiftration, in cafes where fuch wages and other allowances do not exceed ten pounds, provided the juftness of their respective claims fhall be fatisfactorily afcertained at the pay office, and the faid wages, &c. fhall be remitted in like manner, if required, to any part of Great Britain or Ireland.

32. Regifters or proctors in Doctors Commons, taking_more 32Geo.3.c.34. than the fums allowed by the act to be charged in the different events therein specified, fhall forfeit the fum of fifty pounds; and any register or proctor, aiding or affifting in procuring probates or administrations, otherwife than in the manner prescribed by the act, fhall for ever be rendered incapable of acting in any ecclefiaftical court in Great Britain, and fhall, for every offence, forfeit the fum of five hundred pounds.

33. Whoever willingly and knowingly fhall perfonate, or 31Geo.2.c.10 falfely affume the name or character of, or procure any other to 32Geo.3.c.33 perfonate, or falfely to affume the name or character of any 32Geo.3.c.34. officer, feaman, or other perfon intitled to wages, pay, allow- 32Geo.3.c.67.


ances, or prize money, for fervice done on board of any fhip the royal navy; or the executor, adminiftrator, wife, relatio or creditor of any fuch officer, feaman, or other perfon, in orde to receive any wages, pay, allowances, or prize money; or tha forge or counterfeit, or procure to be forged or counterfeited, ar letter of attorney, or other power or authority whatsoever, in orde to receive any wages, pay, allowances, or prize money, or fh willingly and knowingly take a falfe oath, or procure a falfe on to be taken, to obtain the probate of a will or letters of admini tration, in order to receive any wages, pay, allowances, or priz: 32Geo.3.c.34. money, fhall be guilty of felony, and fuffer death; and whoeve knowingly fhall forge or counterfeit any certificate of discharge or certificate of fervitude, in order to intitle them to recover the own wages, or affift in fo doing, fhall be punished as in cafes a perjury.

31Geo.2.c.10. 34. The tickets, certificates, pay lifts, bills, and duplicats 32Geo.3.c.33. herein mentioned, fhall be fufficient vouchers to the treasurer a 32Geo.3.c.34. the for the payments made thereon..


32Geo.3.c.67. 35. Every part of the complement on board any of his M32Geo.3.c.34. jefty's fhips is included under the denomination of inferior &


petty officers and feamen, non-commiffioned officers of marines and marines, except thofe who fhall be rated as follow: admi rals or flag officers and their fecretaries, captains, lieutenants, mafters, fecond mafters, and pilots, phyficians, furgeons, chaplains, boatswains, gunners, carpenters, purfers, captains of ma rines, captains lieutenants of marines, lieutenants of marines, and quarter mafters of marines.

36. Copies of this abstract shall be tranfmitted to the principa officers and commiffioners of his Majefty's navy, to the commiffioners for fick and wounded feamen, to the commiffioners the excife and customs in England and Scotland, to the receivers general of the land tax, to the regifters and deputy registers a the prerogative court of Canterbury, to the clerks of the check ef his Majefty's dock yards, to the governors and agents of the royal hofpitals, to the commanding officers of the feveral divifions of marines, and to the minifter of every parifh in Great Britain, who are directed to hang up and affix the fame in fome conípi cuous part of their feveral offices or parishes, and to promulgate the fame as much as may be in their respective departments. A copy of this abftract, together with the articles of war, fhall allo be kept hung up in the moft publick place of every ship of the royal navy, that it may be acceffible to all inferior officers and feamen, non-commiffioned officers of marines, and marines; and every captain and commander fhall caufe the fame to be read over once in every month, after the articles of war are read, and the reading of the fame fhall be attefted by the captain or com mander and figning officers at the foot of the mufter books; to the end that every feaman in the royal navy may know the punishments he is liable to for any neglect or difobedience, and the encouragement he is intitled to by the performance of his


uty, and that upon fuffering any injury he may be enabled to ay his complaint before the lord high admiral or the commiffionrs of the admiralty, who are directed to inquire into the same, und to grant redrefs if fuch complaint be justly founded, and to ake efpecial care that this and the other acts, of which this is in abstract, be punctually carried into execution.



An act for making effectual the statute labour in the county of Renfrew, and for levying converfion money in lieu of labour in certain cafes; and for otherwife regulating, making, and repairing high roads and bridges in the faid county.

Trustees for carrying the act into execution. Ten pounds penalty for acting if not qualified. Five truftees to be a quorum. Bufinefs of general meetings, and times of meeting, and to fix the converfion for ftatute labour, and roads to be repaired. Clerk to call meetings. Acts of the annual general meetings not to be reversed till the next annual meeting. Parish meetings. Quorum at parish meetings. Trustees may appoint agents to act for them. Bufinefs of parish meetings. Parish meetings to appoint officers. Parifh meetings to call for copies of the tax roll. Power of parish trustees about dividing valuations. Parish meetings to keep minutes of their procedure; to be reported to the general meeting. Occupiers of land, and householders who are labourers, to work on the highways; or, in the option of the trustees in each parish, pay a converfion in lieu of la=bour. Provifo. The trustees may levy the converfion from the whole occupiers or householders, &c. Proprietors of grafs ground liable there fore. Innkeepers, &c. keeping horfes to pay converfion only. Cottagers and householders not labourers to pay converfion only. Manufacturers, &c. to pay converfion only. Occupiers of land, and householders who are labourers, in cafe of failure to work, to pay 3s. for each absent horse, and is. and 6d. for each absent man. Innkeepers, &c. who are occupiers of land to pay for their horses, or for their lands. Occupiers whose valuation is under sol. Scots, to be liable either as occupiers, or as keeping horfes. Bufinefs of meetings of trustees for the refpective parishes. Statute work, or compofition, to be laid out in each parish. The magistrates and town council of Paisley, to have the fole direction of the ftatute labour there, and to pay 60l. to the Abbay parish trustees, &c. The fewars of the new town of Paifley, to pay 61. a year to the Abbay parish trustees, and have the fole direction of the ftatute labour. The ftatute of the new and old parishes of Greenock and Port Glasgow and Newark, to be applied in thofe parishes. Parish meetings to compound with magiftrates of towns for ftatute labour. Parish meetings to chufe committees to fuperintend the roads. Their powers and duties. Power to borrow money. Penalty in cafe parish trustees fail to apply ftatute work or convertion. Power to lower the converfion money. Power to exeem indigent perfons. Converfion money to be paid the first of March and the first of Auguft, yearly: Penalties in cafe of failure in the payment, and rules about the collection. Penalty on collector in cafe of a false accufation. Penalty in cafe he fails to levy. Ditches and road fides to be scoured. Roads to be twenty-four feet wide. Buildings erected within twenty feet from the middle of the highways to be pulled down. Hedges on the fides of the high-roads to be pruned. Power to alter and vary the course of roads, to fhut up roads, and form of procedure relative thereto. For invefting purchafe money to the fame uses as the lands, &c. ftood fettled. Power of parish meetings about making drains. Power to open quarries, &c. Notice to be given to occupiers of lands before materials are taken for repairing the roads, and for building or repairing the bridge. Clause about pits and rubbish on the fides of highways. Additional affeffment for building bridges. Provifo in cafe of sudden damage done to a bridge, &c. Collector of the land tax to levy the affeffment for bridges and the statute money within the burghs. Penalties, &c. how to be recovered. Form


to be obferved in profecutions and diftrefs under this act. Appeal to pe fons aggrieved in cafes for which no relief is directed by this act. Acti for penalties to be commenced within a year. Truftees may act as ja tices, and hold offices of emolument. Former acts inconfiftent with t act to be of no force in the county of Renfrew. Clergymen to be exem from statute labour. Expence of this act how to be paid. Públick að


An act for cleanfing, lighting, watching and regulating the streets, lanes paffages and places, within the towns of Manchester and Salford, in the county palatine of Lancaster; for widening and rendering more con modious feveral of the faid ftreets, lanes and paffages; and for othe purposes therein mentioned.

A& 5 Geo. 3. c. 81. repealed. Commiffioners, the warden and fellows of tir college in Manchester, the borough reeves and constables of Manchefte and Salford, and owners and occupiers of houfes in Manchester and Sal ford, of the yearly rent of 30l. First meeting of the commiffioners Ju 11, 1792. Commiffioners not to act if interested, but may act as juftices. Proceedings of commiffioners to be done at meetings, and the majority it meetings (not lefs than nine) may act. Proceedings to be entered books. Commiffioners to appoint officers, and to take fecurity from the treasurer, &c. Officers to account. On failure of accounting, to be com mitted. Power to provide lamps. Penalty on perfons wilfully damaging lamps; for the first offence, 51. for the fecond and third offences, id Commiffioners may contract for lamps, and with scavengers, for water carts, for fire engines, and other neceffaries; and fell the manure from the streets. Surveyors to infpect the works. Power to take in new streets, and make them public highways. Bakers not removing kids or faggots, and owners of houfes not removing fpouts, being a nuisance to the street, fubject to a penalty of 51. On retufal of owners, tenants to alter spouts, and charge the expence to the landlord. Chimnies fired, liable to 5s. penalty. Pavements, &c. may be broke when fires happen. Fire plugs to be put into the water pipes; and are to be made good by the commiflioners. Lamps, &c. vefted in the commiffioners. Commiffioners a corporation. Watching. Watchmen and others not to gain fettlements by appointment. Commiffioners to make orders and bye laws for hack. ney coaches, &c. Perfons plying without licence, or in improper places, to forfeit 40s. Owners of hackney coaches, &c. to affix their numbers, and leave notice of their places of abode. To prevent frauds at weighing machines. Bye laws to be figned by the clerk to the commiffioners, and inferted in the newspapers. Power to provide a proper place for the deputy conftable, &c. Set up hords. Lights to be fixed. Commiffioners to direct where gratings over openings in the pavements thall be made. Making nuifances in the foot pavements, &c. or baiting any bull, or making any bonfires in the public streets, to forfeit zos. Penalty on flaughtering, fcalding, &c. cattle in the streets, 40s. Carriages not to be left in the streets, &c. Signs projecting into the ftreets to be removed. Sewers, &c. to be made by commiffioners. Projections, &c. to be removed. Boghoufes to be emptied between eleven of the clock at night and five in the morning. Names of the ftreets to be fet up, and houfes numbered. Rates not to exceed one fhilling and fixpence in the pound. Tenant to pay the rates. Houfes under 41. 1os. a year, and the eftate belonging to the free grammar fchool, exempt. Provifion for payment of rates where houfes are let in lodgings. If affeffors neglect to levy the rates, commiffioners may do it. Rates to be allowed by the commiffioners. How rates to be paid by tenants quitting or entering. Payment of rates not to give fettlement. Perfons aggrieved by rates, may apply to commiffioners. Treasurers to pay the money received, as commiffioners direct. Houfes and buildings to be erected for the future, to have party walls, on penalty of 50l. Regulations refpccting joifts or bearing timbers. Commiffioners to appoint and remove the furveyors of buildings, &c. Fannels for conveying smoke, not to be put on the outfides of houses. To direct the con Aruction of chimnies. Treasurer to publish annual accounts. The streets

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