Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

The most fearce and valuable Books, Prints, Books of Prints,
Manufcripts and Drawings.

Which will begin to be fold this Day, and continue daily felling to the
Firft of January 1758, (the lowest Prices printed in the Catalogue, withs
out any Abatement, for Ready Money only)

At T. OSBORNE's and 7. SHIPTON's in Gray's-Inn.

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CATALOGUES may be had at all the Chief Cities and Noted Towns in
Europe, and at the Place of Sale; where may be had Money for any
Library or Parcel of Books, Prints, Drawings or Manufcripts.

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N. B. As there is a lefs Number printed of this Catalogue than ufual,
those Gentlemen who do not receive it at their Houses, are defired to
fend for it to the Place of Sale.

The fecond Volume of this Catalogue will be publish'd the Beginning

[blocks in formation]

BOOKS of Prints, Drawings, Atlas's, &c.

Libri Claffici, Gr. & Lat.

Hift. & Antiq. Magna Britan. & Hibernia
Hiftory and Antiquities of Great Britain, &c.
Common, Canon and Civil Law

Geographia, Chronol. & Hift. var. Gentium
Geography, Chronology, Voyages, Travels, and Hiftory
of various Nations


[blocks in formation]

50 147
59 151 323

ry} 73 170

Antiq. Numifmata Infcript. Mathematici & varia Artes
English Antiquities, Infcriptions, Medals, Mathematicks,
and other Arts and Sciences

Theologia & Hiftoria Ecclefiaftica
Divinity and Ecclefiaftical Hiftory

The reft of the Heads will be in the fecond Volume,

To be difpos'd of,

73 170 340


175 353

[blocks in formation]

The Manufcript Sermons Sermons of a learned and eminent Clergyman lately deceas'd; enquire of Mr. Ofborne in Gray's-Inn.

N. B. These Difcourfes are fit to be preached before the moft improved, and politeft Congregation; and having been examin'd by a reverend Clergyman, are found to be Originals, and never printed.

Never before publish'd,

At T. OSBORNE and J. SHIPTON in Gray's Inn.
Price Five Shillings)


In binas INSCRIPTIONES PHOENICIAS, inter rudera CITII nuper, repertas CONJECTURE,


De Nummis quibus SAMARITANIS & PHOENICIIS, vel infolitam præ fe literaturam ferentibus, vel in lucem hactenus non editis, DISSERTATIO.


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Quinario GENTIS METILIÆ, e Nummis Vetuftis cæteroquin minimum Notæ,


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Autore Jo AN, NE SWINTON, A. M.
Ex Æde Chrifti OxoN. & R. S. S.
N..B. The METILIA may be had for

Price 18 6d.

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LS font priéz de remarquer que la vente des Livres contenus dans ce Catalogue commence au temps que le dit Catalogue eft livré, & continue, pour l'avantage des Meff. les Etrangers, pendant le cours des deux Années fuivants.

2. Le pris de chaque Livre eft marqué dans la Catalogue: & afin que les Etrangers foient au fait du dit prix, on les informé, que 5. veut dire 5 Livres Sterlings; 5s. 5 Efchalins ; & 6d. 6 Cols; & ainfi du refte. 12 Sols font 1 Efchalin; 20 Efchalins font 1 Livre Sterling: & la Livre Sterling eft un Efchalin: au deffous la Guinée en valeur : car 21 Efchalins font une Guinée.


3. Meff. les Etrangers auront la bonté de remarquer non feulement le titre des Livres qu'ils veulent avoir, comme il eft ecrit dans le Catalogue; mais auffi le Nombre des dits Livres, & la page dans la quelle ils fe trouvent, afin que le abus s'évitent.


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4. On les prie d'adreffer leurs ordres a THO. OSBORNE & J. SHIPTON, Libraires en Grays-Inn, à Londres: & de les marquer a quel port de mer, & a quelle perfonne, ils fouhaitent que leurs Livres foient adrefféz.

5. Si plufieurs Meffieurs d'un meme endroit veuleur en acheter, la facilité fera plus grandes & la depense du port diminuee, s'ils envoient leurs Commiffions conjointement, ayant la bonté d'indiquer aux dits. Libraires à quel Banquier ou Agent ils pourront s'adreffer pour le payment des dittes Commiffions.

Ils font auffi priéz de pretter ces Catalogues à ceux qui pourroient étre difpoféz à s'en fervir.

Les Livres font en tres bonne condition, auffi bien que les Tailles douces, dont le Catalogue fait le denombrement : & Meff. les Etrangers peuvent s'affurer qu'on aura tout le foin poffible de meriter leur approbation par la fidelité & l'exactitude avec la quelle on executera leurs Commiffions.

Nous avons l'honneur d'etre,


Votres tres humble &

tres obeiffant Serviteurs,

TH. OSBORNE and J. SHIPTON, Libraires, en Grays-Inn, a Londres..

Books printed for T. OSBORNE and J. SHIPTON, in Gray's Inn.
In the Prefs, and speedily will be published,
(In Two Volumes, Twelves, Price Six Shillings,)
With a fuitable Frontispiece curioufly engraved,

A Collection of felect and remarkable Epitaphs on illuftrious and other Perfons in feveral Parts of Europe:

With Tranflations of fuch as are in Latin and foreign Languages, and compendious Accounts of the deceased, their Lives and Works.


Late Commoner of Baliol's College, Oxford.
Life's but a walking Shadow, a poor Player,
That frets and ftruts his Hour upon the Stage,
And then is heard no more: it is a Tale
Told by an Idiot, full of Sound and Fury,
Signifying nothing.

In the Prefs alfo, and speedily will be published,
(In TWO Volumes, Twelves, Price Six Shillings)

By the fame AUTHOR,

The Beauties of the British Dramatic Poets: from the carlieft of those Writers down to the prefent Time, To which will be annexed, the Plot of each Play, and the Mottoes with Tranflations.

Apis matine more modoque.

This Day was published, a new Edition,
In feven Volumes in FOLIO,

Modern Reports: or, Select Cafes adjudged in the
Courts of King's Bench, Chancery, Common Pleas
and Exchequer, fince the Reftoration of his Majesty
Charles II. And thofe in the Time when Sir John
Holt fat Chief Juftice in the Reign of her late
Majefty Queen Anne.

With two Tables; the first of the Names of the Cafes, and the other of the Special Matter therein contained. Reviewed and corrected, and many Thoufand new and proper References added, never before printed, from all the Books of Reports, down to the Year 1757.

By DANBY PICKERING, of Gray's Inn, Efq; And Reader of the Law Lecture to that Honourable SOCIETY.

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A New EDITION, Revised and Corrected,


Mr. TINDAL's Tranflation and Continuation



History of England.


The HEADS and MONUMENTS of the KINGS elegantly engraved,


Printed, by Affignment from Mr. KNAPTON, for T. OSBORNE and J. SHIPTON, J. HODGES, J. ROBINSON, H. WOODFALL, W. STRAHAN, J. RIVINGTON, D. BaKER, J. WARD, R. BALDWIN, W. OWEN, W. JOHNSTON, J. RICHARDSON, P. DAVEY and B. LAW, S. CROWDER and H. Woodgate, M. COOPER, and C. Ware. By whom PROPOSALS are delivered, and SUBSCRIPTIONS taken in.

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