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REVIEW-Letter on the State of Ireland.

But notwithstanding my great respect for the Scotch Clergy, I am compelled by regard for truth to deny their superiority, if all the circumstances of their case be taken into account. I deny that their average incomes are less than those of the English and Irish parochial Clergy, and I deny that their education is equal."

It appears also that the Scotch Establishment has not worked so well as the English and Irish. The Scotch Clergy, though an excellent and respectable body of men, are inade quately instructed, and are unable to maintain the conflict against infidelity in the upper orders, though aided by the most summary laws.....AT PRESENT THERE IS NOT ONE SCOTCH CLERGYMAN IN A HUNDRED



The good writing in the Edinburgh Review makes hundreds think, with Cunningham's foolish ballad, that the Thistle is above the Rose. Numerous Scotchmen are clever men. The majority of well-educated men nevertheless remain with England. The preeminence of Scotland only lies in its wiser and more moral

peasantry. The following paragraph merits regard:

"It has been asserted, that the Reformation would have extended its influence to Ireland, when Great Britain renounced Popery, had the Scriptures been translated into Irish, and public worship been celebrated in the native language. Wales may be instanced as a case which bears upon Ireland, for there the Reformation completely succeeded. The Irish heard mass in Latin, of which they understood nothing; and when they heard prayers in English, they understood them as little. The unknown English was, therefore, as bad as the unknown Latin; but the Latin had prescription in its favour, and therefore the Church of Rome prevailed over the Reformed Religion. It was the policy of Elizabeth to extinguish the Irish language; and though this policy succeeded after two centuries, it tended materially towards the establishment of Popery in the minds of the Irish peasantry." P. 60.

We shall now proceed with our ab


In p. 61 our author states, that with the Irish peasant the priest stands in the place of God; in p. 63, that Dr. Walmsley circulated a pretended prophecy from Rev. vi. 9, 10, (wherein the focusts are said to mean Protest ants), that the latter are to be utterly


destroyed in 1825; in p. 79, that the pretended value of the Irish bishoprics is a sophism, because the lands are in lease to laymen, who, on an average, give to the Bishops about one-fifth part of the rents, under the name of renewed fines; and (p. 101) that the relative increase of the Irish Roman Catholics is another sophism, because it purely proceeds from the early and improvident marriages of the people.

Here we must leave our abstracts. The latter part of the Pamphlet consists of a vindication of the Protestant Clergy of Ireland, and proposed remedies for certain evils attached to the present habits of Irishmen. With regard to the Protestant Clergy, nothing can be more false than the mis-statements made about them.

"The Established Clergy form the strongest link in the chain which binds the two islands together, AND THE CONNEXION WITH BRITAIN WOULD NOT NOW EXIST,


THE ESTABLISHED CLERGY. They have performed the abandoned duties of an emigrant nobility and gentry. They have been Deputy Lieutenants, Magistrates, Physicians, Overseers of the Poor. To them are addressed the cries of poverty, and from their purses issues the greatest portion of the alms that are given to relieve the immeasurable distress of the poor. In the Protestant districts of Ireland they are required to perform these duties, together with their professional labours, and I might challenge for the Established Clergy of the province of Ulster a comparison with the Clergy of England, as to attention to their parochial duties. The manner in which they attend to the education of the poor in those places where the poor are permitted to learn, is worthy of the highest encomiums; and I fearlessly assert that there is no profession, the members of which earn their diligently than the Established Clergy of the province of Ulster. The same may be said of them in every other part of the istianity." P. 94. land, where Popery has not stifled Chris

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Now we happen to have before us a letter from an Irish Dignitary, an extract of which, because it is instructive and curious, we shall lay before our readers:


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REVIEW. Bayley's History of the Tower.

whether for charity, education, or public convenience. In consequence of this, I have on some days received three different orders to attend three different public institutions. In addition to these usual occupa

tions, I am (with the Presbyterian Minister here) a Trustee to the will of an old lady, who has left us upwards of 20,000l. to be disposed of in charitable purposes, at our own discretion, no trifling responsibilityand for this last week, we have had two Commissioners from Chancery, to receive our plans, and to swear various persons as to the expence and utility of them-and, as if this was not sufficient, we are continually required by parliament to send returns of different matters required for their information-the last was from the Commissioners of Enquiry respecting education, to procure returns from the Clergy of every school in their parishes, and yet


will cry out again, as did Pharoah to the Israelites, Ye are idle, ye are idle.' On Monday

last, I attended M. P. one of these Commissioners (who by the bye is a very good man) to two schools, of which I am the chief manager. But had I time and paper, I would give you a history of the Hedge schools that I (not the Commissioner) visited, and returned an account, as per orders. You would be much amusedsome of them were without windows-and in one, the children were arranged in rows, one above another, in form of an Amphitheatre, with the pigs feeding in the centre-in others, the books read by the children (which we were ordered to return) were various, numerous, and extraordinary-in one thatched cabin, I noted, among fifty others, Homer's Odyssey, Meditations upon the Holy Jubilee at Rome in the year 1775, Harvey's Meditations, the Seven Champions of Christendom, and Capt. Frency's History of Irish Rogues and Rappareesbut not the Sacred Scriptures; that appeared to be the only book forbidden by the Priest -and without this forbidden book, depend upon it, all the plans and regulations for the education of the Irish, that can be devised, will be of no avail, and they will ever remain in the same pagan state, without a religion, and without morals, a savage and a barbarous people."

This letter was written without the smallest view to publication, and was put into our hands by an exemplary Clerical friend, for public motives. The writer we know to be a kindhearted amiable man.

The pamphlet before us is one of unbounded information; but it must be evident, in our opinion, that the grand cause of the evils in Ireland, is want of employ for the population, and in defect of that, a means of emi


gration. We regard not what political economists may sophisticize upon the subject. The science cannot be sound which excludes the irresistible operations of Providence. Our political principles are too well known, for it to be supposed one moment that we should allow a Monmouth-street political tailor to be the maker of our coats, or take the medicines which political quack-doctors recommend, by handbills, forced upon us as we pass the streets; and therefore we do think, that Government might do, as Napoleon did, employ all applicants for labour on publick works, and levy the expence upon the country. If half the trouble and energy used on the Slave Trade Abolition (a worthy but not an exclusive subject) had been beIrish, these troubles would have been stowed upon the employment of the much diminished. All this is very simple. In England, Scotland, and Wales, a poor man says, "I am going to seek for work;" not like a rabbit for a burrow, a patch of potatoe ground, eatables only (the pleasures of civilization, a decent coat, clean shirt, &c. &c. being out of the question); in fact, no method which makes private benefit instrumental to public good. But we have no room for further remark. The pamphlet is momentous, and ought to be read as a study.

52. Bayley's Tower of London. Part II.

(Concluded from p. 152.)

THE parts which we shall now discuss of this interesting and wellwritten volume, consist of an account of the Constabulary and Constables, and an Appendix of original papers, from both which sections we shall extract some curious matters.

From p. 655 we find that rushes [for strewing rooms] were brought to the city by boat-loads, at a time that sprats were fished for between the tower and the sea, in boats called "staleboles ;" and from p. 656, that the state-prisoners, even of high rank, were either ironed like felons, or subject to be so, unless perhaps a pecuniary commutation was made.

"Of every Duke committed, he [the Constable of the Tower] had a fee of twenty pounds; of every Earl so committed, twenty marks for the suite of his yrons;' of every Baron for the suite of his yrons,' ten pounds." P. cvi.



REVIEW. Bayley's History of the Tower.

We now proceed to the Appendix. In the year 1551-2 we find that the daily dinners of the Duchess of Somerset consisted of mutton" stewed with potage," and boiled mutton, besides boiled beef; roast veal, a capon, and rabbits. The suppers, of more mutton and pottage, and roast mutton, besides sliced beef, rabbits and larks, or other (sic). At both meals bread, beer, and wine; the former being xd. in cost, and the two latter only viiid. each, so that the wine must have comprised but a very small portion. The vegetables consisted only of onions and sallets; the sauces or seasonings, of spices, vinegar, and mustard. P. xlvii. It was deemed an acquisition for noblemen to get into their service men useful in building. Sir Edw. Warner, Lieutenant of the Tower, begging of Mr. Secretary Cecill (Burleigh) a pardon for one Rob. Goddard, says,

"YfI were of your callying, and a buylder, as yow be, ther shold nothynge be to dere to me to get such a fellowe to my hows." liii.

Thomas Duke of Norfolk, after his condemnation, in a letter to his children, recommends his son to study at Cambridge for a year or two, because it was near to London, whither he could therefore come to attend to his law business; then to enter himself at an inn of court, but not to commence house-keeper till his wife lived with


"I would wish you for ye present to make your chiefe abode at Cambridge, wch is the place fittest for you to prosecute your learning in, and besides is not very farr hence, whereby you may within a dayes warning, be here to follow yor own causes, as occasion serveth. If after a yeare or two, you spend yor tyme in some house of ye lawe, there is nothing that will prove more to your comodity, considering how for ye time you shall have continuall busyness about your owne lawe affaires; and thereby alsoc, if you spend your tyme well, you shall be ever after better able to judge in your owne causes. I too late repent yt 1 followed not this course yt now I wish to you; ffor if I had, then my case perchance had not been in soe ill state as it now is." P. lix.

It is well known, that in order to prevent imprudent marriages, affiancing took place between the children of the great, as early as seven, eight, or nine years old, cohabitation not taking place til more mature age. Accordingly, the Duke says,


"When God shall send you to those years as yt shall be fitt for you to company wth yor wife (wch I had rather were sooner then yt by ill company you should fall into any ill rule), then I would wish you to wthdrawe yourselfe into some private dwelling of your owne." lxx.

The cruel disregard of natural right and private feelings, under wardship, is shown in the next passage.

"If your brothers may be suffered to remaine in your company, I would be most gladd thereof, because continuing still together, should still increase love between you. But ye world is so catching of every thing yt falls, as I believe, Tom being after my death ye queen's maties ward, shall be begged by one or another. But yet you are sure to have your brother Wm left still with you, because, poore boy, he hath nothing to feede cormorants wth all." P. ix.

The Duke recommends him to mix fasting with his prayers, in order" to tame the wicked affections," not of the body, but of the mynde. P. lx.

His Grace considers twenty the age when young women come to discretion. He says to his daughter-in-law,

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you must to your years of 15, atteyne to ye consideracion and discretion of 20." P. lxii.

The next extract which we shall give, is a translation from part of a Latin Indiculus or Diarium, from 1580 to 1585, containing the following account of the cells in which the prisoners were incarcerated, and of the tortures to which they were subjected.

"That the matter may be better understood, it is to be observed, that this is peculiar to the gaol, which they call the TowER above other prisons, that every prisoner has his own chamber or proper prison, or proper guard, who may always keep him in observation, restrain him from the sight of others, and conversation with them, and prevent all intercourse both by letters and messengers.

"Of the torments or particular afflictions, which are exercised now towards this man, now to that, there are seven kinds in this prison, of which the first is the LAKE, or certain subterranean cave, twenty feet deep, without light.

The second is a certain chamber or very contracted cavern, in which a man can scarcely stand upright, and therefore from the little rest which it affords, they have called it LITTLE EASE.

"The third is the EQUULEUS, by which, through certain machinery and wooden blocks, the limbs of a mau are dislocated (in diversa distrahuntur).



REVIEW: Bayley's History of the Tower.

The fourth is called the Scavenger's daughter, so named, I suppose, from the inventor. It consists of an iron circle, which brings (compingit) the feet, hands, and head into one ring.

"The fifth is the IRON GLOVES, by which the hands are most grievously tormented. "The sixth is the CHAINS, which are carried on the arms.

"The seventh is the IRON FETTERS, which are fitted to the feet." P. Ixxiii.

In the 4 Ric. II. the weekly board of a Duke was 5 marks, and of his chaplain and each of his gentlemen 6s. 8d. and of each of his yeomen, 3s. 4d.; of an Earl 40s., of each of his gentlemen 5s., and each of his yeomen 2s. 6d. ; of a baron 20s., of each of his gentlemen 38. 4d., and of each of his yeomen 20d. P. xcvi.


Thus it appears, that the allowances for the table were strictly apportioned to the rank of the party, and that the gentleman of a Baron was only, supposed to have half the rank of the tleman of a Duke; the former being tabled at only 3s. 4d. the latter at 6s. 8d. It also appears from the scale, that the rank of the servants was estimated all through according to that of

the master. After the attainder of a state prisoner, the allowances were to be regulated by royal pleasure (p. cvi). Similar to this was the restriction to

bread and water of felons under sentence of death, now or recently enforced.

We find one use of wicket gates in the following item:

"After the great gate of the bywarde is shutt in the night tyme, the same shall not bee opened for any prisoner servant, nor wives, nor any other p'sons but wth the privitie of the Lieutenant or his deputy.

But such as have occasion to come in or out, to use only the little wicket, where, according to ancient custome, twoo wardens shall stand on each side to view those that come in and out." P. cx.

A similar practice was no doubt observed in our ancient castles.

The warders were not permitted to give the slightest intimations to the prisoners, of any orders which they might have received.

"If any of the Yeomen shall at any time reveale by himselfe, or by any other meanes, directly or indirectly, to any prisoner, any direction, charge, or co'maundment wch they or any of them shall receave of the Lieut. hee shall not only loose his place, but bee imprisoned during his Mat's pleasure.", P. cxii.

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In a presentment, we find that no foreigner was by right, to live within the Tower or its precincts.

"Also we do present, that it is not meete that any stranger borne out of this realme should dwell within the Tower, or the liberty of the same." P. cxxiv.

So much for that motley fortified warehouse of the nation, the Tower of London. It is as miscellaneous as a

pedlar's box. A Norman tower, with artillery stores on the ground floor, and records in the upper stories. Stores for soldiers below, and lawyers above. Bastions of stone without cannon, and Mints bastions of brick with cannon. for coining money, and prisons for coining groans. A long modern townhall-looking building, not filled with feasting corporationers, but muskets, swords, and pistols. All the Kings of England, in a row, cloathed in the armour which they actually wore, of which (says Dr. Meyrick) not one piece is older than the time of Henry the Seventh. A menagerie of wild beasts, and a cupboard for the crown jewels. Dashing modern houses, with fine sash windows and antiquated towers. A platform battery of cannon, with no command of space before it: in short, a most extraordinary jumble; being an arsenal, a mint, a state prison, a

record-office, a jewel-office, a menagerie, an old castle, a modern fortress, a wharf, a warehouse, and a town, all stuffed, like the goods in a waggon, into

a small artificial island.

We leave this valuable and elaborate work, with sincere respect for its author; who, we are glad to hear, has announced a History of London. We shall impatiently expect it.

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REVIEW.-Miscellaneous Reviews.

mucous membranes come to be mistaken for liver diseases.

The work has evidently cost much labour and long and minute investigation. Indeed, the chief qualities of Mr. Fosbroke seem to be a deep interest in his profession, more especially in the science of it, a calm and reflecting love of study, a perseverance not easily daunted, nor soon wearied, and a courageous independence of opinion, founded upon the unerring truth of physiological action. Through the closeness of his attention to his studies at London and Edinburgh, the late Dr. Jenner said, that he had acquired as much in months as others had done in years.

We should not have entered into these biographical minutiæ, did we not feel, that every kind aid is due to a young man of talent and application, at his outset into life, especially in the medical profession, where success (to the public injury) is chiefly dependent upon sickly and ordinary minds, to which inferior and assimilated qualities are more acceptable and intelligible.

54. Dr. ORGER's edition of Anacreon and Sappho is very beautifully printed, and is altogether extremely neat. The text is in a bold Porson character, and a literal but faithful English translation is placed at the bottom of the page.

55. The Uses of the Athanasian Creed Explained and Vindicated, is a Visitation Sermon, preached at St. Helen's, Worcester. By HENRY CARD, D. D. &c. This discourse, like the other works of that erudite scholar, is distinguished by forcible reasoning and an ardent zeal for truth. Taking his text from 2 Tim. i. 13, "Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me," he proceeds in a masterly manner to explain the uses of this excellent summary of the Christian faith. The whole is accompanied with learned Notes.


57. The Bulls from Rome and British Mastiff's is a just and merited satire upon the impositions practised under the mask of religion by the Papists.


58. The Hand-Look, by Mr. WALTER HAMILTON, M. R. A. S. is a concise Dictionary of Terms used in the Arts and SciThe Encyclopædias appear to have tions well compressed. The Author nobeen diligently consulted, and the explanatices that his labour was much increased by the very numerous list of words he was compelled to reject (about half a million). He has certainly presented us with a work well adapted to general uses, and particularly for the young in pursuit of scientific knowledge.

59. Sonnets, and other Poems, by D. L. RICHARDSON, 12mo. p. 151.-There is an even tone of gentlemanly elegance in the whole arrangement of this little volume that exhibits a mind accustomed to refined contemplations. Many of the Sonnets are very superior efforts, and the occasional reference to oriental scenery gives a pleasing variety to the sketches.. The Soldier's Dream is of a higher cast, and displays much power of imagination, with an expression of corre sponding vigour. There are, too, the sorrowful breathings of a heart that has been touched by misfortune, and there is a plaintive tone of genuine feeling in many of the Stanzas alluding to the personal experiences of the writer that is very affecting. Thus, in his address to his lost child

Thy rest no mortal pang may break,
And but for thy lone mother's sake,
Oh how this weary breast would pine,
My darling-for a home like thine.

60. Mr. FOSBROOKE has reprinted the Chapter on Costume, from his "Encyclopedia of Antiquities," as a separate Tract, under the title of "Synopsis of Antient Costume, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, British, Anglo-Saxon, German, and English." To which he has interwoven Additional Remarks; and the Work is illustrated by 71 figures. This Tract, and the Synopsis of Antient Arms and Armour, by the same Author, are admirably calculated to furnish elementary information to the studeut in Archæology, as they will enable them to ascertain the 56. The Stanzas to the Memory of Lord character and distinction of figures upon Byron are truly elegant and poetical. Marbles, Coins, Tombs, Painted Glass, Illuminations, &c.


Ready for Publication.

A Picturesque and Descriptive Tour in the Mountains of the High Pyrenees; comprising twenty-four coloured Views of the GENT. MAG. September, 1825.

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