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oxygen to sulphurous acid; but the peracetate of iron becomes protoacetate by its action.

9th. Molybdic acid is not reduced by sulphurous acid, but molybdate of potash is reduced to a low state of oxidizement, to the blue compound or molybdous acid.-Journal de Pharmacie et de Chimie, Sept. 1843., and Philosophical Magazine for November.

On the Composition and Origin of the Petroleum found in the Down Holland Moss near Ormskirk. By E. W. BINNEY and J. HAWKSHEAD TALBOT.

Although it is by no means uncommon to find traces of an oily matter floating upon the surface of the water that drains out of the peat bogs in the low mosses of Lincolnshire and other parts of England, the authors believe that the occurrence of peat so strongly impregnated with petroleum as that found in Down Holland has not yet been noticed. Baron Thénard* describes this substance as follows:-"Petroleum less fluid than naphtha, of which it seems to be a modification, brownish-black, almost opake, of a strong tenacious odour, unctuous to the touch; specific gravity 0.854, burns, leaving but little residue, and gives, on distillation, an oil similar to the naphtha. Found it at Gabian, near Berziers, in Auvergne, near Clermont, in Switzerland near Neufchatel, in England at Ormskirk in Lancashire, and Amiano in Italy, in Sicily, in Transylvania, in India, &c. It often floats on water; the sea is sometimes covered with it near the Volcanic Isles of Cape de Verde." Mr. J. E. Bowman has analysed a specimen of the pitchy peat possessing an empyreumatic smell, found under an old sward field in Formby about six inches beneath the surface. Its organic constituents in 100 parts were 60-31 C, 8.86 H, and 30.83 O. This, when compared with the analysis of common peat made by Regnault, 60-89 C, 6.21 H, 32.90 O, shows that the former differs from the latter in having lost 58 C and 2.7 O, and gained 2.65 H. Mr. Bowman found 73 C united to 69 H in a specimen of the dark-coloured empyreumatic oil (petroleum) skimmed from the surface of a pool of stagnant water which drained from the upper bed of peat where that deposit is covered by a bed of about fifteen inches of drift sand. On taking Professor Johnson's formula

of the composition of lignine

And deducting the equivalents of the pitchy peat before analysed....

There is a loss of......

160 C

128 H

128 O

[blocks in formation]

This shows the removal of 15 atoms of carbonic acid gas and 73 atoms of oxygen, supposing the pitchy peat to have been produced from woody fibre. But this specimen being a mechanical admixture of peat and petroleum, little value can be attributed to it. The better way to show the true results of the decomposition is to compare the analysis of the petroleum with that of woody fibre.

Woody fibre....


128 H 128 O

160 C

[blocks in formation]

* Traité de Chemie, tom. iii. p. 445.

The pitchy deposit found under the arable fields possesses little or no smell, the volatile oil affording it having doubtless been evapo. rated. Its specific gravity is greater than that of the petroleum, from the circumstances of its having lost some of the lightest constituents of that oil, and also combined with a considerable amount of oxygen. On first inspecting the peat, the authors imagined that the petroleum had its origin from some spring which flowed up through the moss from a fissure in the strata underneath; but after examining these deposits, composed of silty clay, sand, till, and most probably portions of the new red sandstone formation, and finding the lower bed of peat not only destitute of petroleum, but quite dry, they became convinced that the oil could not have come from below. They next considered that it might possibly proceed from a spring which rose out of the higher land at Halsall or Down Holland, and then flowed down into the moss; but the peat on the eastern side, although moist and nearest to the source of any spring from that part (if such were the case), was totally destitute of petroleum. The only remarkable feature connected with the upper bed of peat, is the western portion of it being covered up with a bed of sand, and being probably sometimes subject to an infiltration of sea-water according to Mr. Harkness's information. These circumstances, added to the fact of the petroleum being found most plentifully at the edge of the sand, lead the authors to the conclusion that it is produced by the decomposition of the upper bed of peat under the sand.

The chemical process by which such singular effects have been produced is a subject more fitted for the consideration of the chemist than the geologist; but the authors suppose that the petroleum is the result of slow combustion in the peat, and has been produced by a process partly analogous to that which takes place in the destructive distillation of wood in close vessels, where, owing to a total absence of oxygen, the combination of hydrogen and carbon, in the form of hydro-carbons, is effected.-Proceedings of the Manchester Geological Society for 1843.

How to distinguish between real and spurious Gilding.

In many cases in which it is difficult to employ the usual test for gold, especially for distinguishing between real and spurious gold leaf, gilt paper, &c., M. Altmüller recommends the application of mercury, which rubbed in on true gilding immediately produces a white spot, while it has no action on spurious gold (consisting of alloys of copper). On the other hand, an acid solution of mercury in nitric acid leaves untouched real gold, and produces a white spot on the spurious. The thinnest layers of gold, which it is frequently impossible to detect by means of aqua regia, are immediately recognised by this test. The coating of varnish must be removed previous to its application.-Allgem. Wien. Polytech. Journ., 1843, p. 225.



ACETIC acid, action of sulphuric acid

on, 596.

Acetone, action of sulphur and ammonia
on, 675.

Aceyta ameria, notice respecting, 151.
Acids, precipitation of acid solutions of
salts by, 345.

organic, reduction of the salts of
the peroxide of iron by, 148; classifi-
cation of, 646.

metallic, on the, 393.

Aconite in rheumatism, 343.
Aconitum ferox, as a source of aconitine,

Acroleine, products of the decomposition
of, 721.

Acryle, constitution of, 723.

Acrylic acid, composition of, 722, 741.
Acrylic resin, 744.

Acrylous acid, 743.

Æthal, action of sulphuret of carbon on,

Æthers, preparation of, 45, 416.

Ethogen and the æthonides, observations
on, 111, 305, 740.

Ethokirrine, properties of, 508.
Agriculture, applications of chemistry to,

Akcethine, preparation of, 676.

Albert, Dr. F., on a new manure, 335.
Albumine, solubility of, in hot water, 173.
Alcohol, action of nitric acid on, 579.
Alkalimetry, improved processes in, 636.
Alkaloids, tests for, 94; action of potash
on the, 309.

Allantoine, observations on, 30.
Allanturic acid, 30.

Aloe soccotrina, observations on, 690.
Aloes, on the species of, 323.

Aloetic acid, on the colouring properties
of, 500.

Altmüller, M., on a method of distinguish-
ing between real and spurious gilding,

Alum, improvements in the manufacture
of, 500.

Alumina, separation of, from chromium,

208; composition of the sulphite of,
369; preparation of the acetate of, 381.
Ammonia, spontaneous decomposition of

the chlorate of, 362; manufacture of,
644; action of, on acetone, 675; pre-
paration of the hydriodate of, 735.
Ammoniacal salts, deleterious effects of,
on vegetation, 421.

Amyloid, observations on, 7.

Andral, M., on the quantity of carbonic

acid exhaled during respiration, 316.
Animals, on the functions of nutrition in,
277; on the temperature of, 573.
Animal charcoal, revivifying of, 672.
Antimoniate of potash, as a test for soda,
397, 706.

Antimonium diureticum ablutum, 714.
Antimony, separation of, from arsenic,
147, 518; preparation of the golden
sulphuret of, 187, 300; of the officinal
oxide of, 269.

Anti-rheumatic counter-irritant paper of
M. Berg, 551.

Apatite, occurrence of, in meteoric stone,

Aqua amygd. amar., distinction of, from
Aqua lauro-cerasi, 605; preparation
of, 691.

Aqua carbonica febrifuga, 714.
Argand lamp, improvement in the, 56.
Argentum muriaticum ammoniatum, 410.
Argilla acetica, 381.

Arrott, Mr., on some new cases of gal-
vanic action, 110.

Arsenic, tests for, 4, 59, 60, 294, 599;
separation of, from antimony, 147,
518; antidotes for, 35; in shell-lac,
667; iodide of, on the, 352.
Arsenical solution, 434, 691.
Arsenious acid administered to sheep, 199.
Arseniuretted hydrogen, method of di-
stinguishing from antimoniuretted hy-
drogen, 461; dangerous effects of,


Artus, Prof., on the preparation of pure
oxide and sulphate of zinc, 47; of the
golden sulphuret of antimony, 300; of
bicarbonate of soda, 380.
Assimilation, on the process of, 537.
Astringent substances, on some, 81, 109,

Athamanta Oreoselinum, on a remarkable
substance from the root of, 113, 506.

Atomic weights, observations on some,

4, 281, 595.

Aubergier, M., on lactucarium, 354.
Aubrun, Dr., on the employment of the
ioduret of potassium in the treatinent
of acute rheumatism, 230.
Auro-cyanide of potassium, preparation
of, 514.

Austin, Mr., on the discovery of native

lead in Ireland, 314.

Aventurine glass, manufacture and ana-
lysis of, 244, 404.

Awdejew, M., on glucinum and its com-
pounds, 9.

Ayers, C. R., on colouring glass, earthen-
ware, porcelain and metals, 476.
Baldenius, F., on officinal extracts, 433.
Ballot, B., on the action of nitric acid on
starch, 227.

Balmain, W. H., on æthogen and ætho-
nites, 111, 305, 740; on the existence
of nitrogen in combination with silicon
in soils, 160; on the preparation of
chromic acid, 690.

Balsam for frost-bites, 381.
Barbery, on the yellow colour of the, 137.
Barium, atomic weight of, 595; prepara-

tion of the iodide of, 735.

Bark of the cork-tree, examination of,
449; of the oak, on a peculiar crystal-
line substance from the, 509.

Barks of commerce, on the, 14, 41, 70, 97.
Barres will, M., on the action of nitric
acid on carbonate of lime, 397; on
aventurine, 404; on the colouring pro-
perties of aloetic acid, 500; on the
oxidizing action of chlorate of potash,
593; on the gallates and tannates of
iron, 702.

Baumann, Dr., on testing manganese ore,
499; on some salts of solanine, 539.
Beard, R., on improvements in the means
of obtaining likenesses, 334.
Beasly's Pocket Formula' reviewed, 83.
Bebeeru tree of British Guiana, 350.
Beer, on a fatty substance in, 505.
Beet-root, on the fusel oil from, 231;
manufacture of sugar from, 692, 714.
Beetz, W., on the spontaneous change of
fats, 386.

Behrens, H., on crystallized oxide of lead,

511; on the separation of arsenic
from antimony, 518.

Bell, T., on the manufacture of copper,

Benzoic acid in Rad. Inula Helenii, 214.
Benzoin, amount of benzoic acid in, 464.
Berberis lycium, observations on, 523.
Berg, M., on anti-rheumatic counter-
irritant paper, 551.

Beringer, M., on the manufacture of
oxalic acid, 134.

Berlin, M., on a new resin from Pinus
Abies, 207.

Bernays, M., on syringine, 131.
Berthier, P., on the use of sulphurous
acid and of the alkaline sulphites in
analysis, 289, 318.

Berzelius, J., on the separation of zinc
from nickel and cobalt, 12; on glyce-
rine, 533.

Bethell, J., on improvements in preparing
oils and fatty matters, 55.
Bezoars, observations on, 85, 404.
Bile, existence of, in the blood, 173, 261;
observations on, 617, 647, 651.
Bilifellinic acid, 647.

Binney, E. W., on the origin and compo-
sition of petroleum, 747.
Binoxalate of potash, poisoning by, 289.
Birkett, J., on a remedy for burns, 411.
Bismuth, separation of, from lead, 13;
on a new sulphuret of, 204.
Bisulpho-hyposulphuric acid, 260.
Blanc, A., on the manufacture of soda,

Bleaching, on the theory of, 387.

Bley, Dr., on Tsantjan, or "Kanten," 633.
Blondlot, M., on digestion, and on the

composition of the gastric juice, 628.
Blood, existence of urea and bile in the,
173, 261.

Blowpipe, applications of, in analysis,
544, 652.

Blue urine, 89.

Bodies, dimorphous, on the melting point
of, 116.

Bögner, Dr., on blue urine, 89; on the
composition of pathologically-altered
bones, 375.

Böttcher, G., on the preparation of oxide
of chromium, 328.

Boissière, G., on the use of the proto-

ioduret of iron in consumption, 205.
Bolley, M., on some double salts of the

perchloride of tin, 342; analysis of
gunpowder, 347.

Bones, composition of, 170, 374, 452.

fossil, composition of, 374.
Bonjean, M., on the determination of
iodine in mineral waters, 517; on the
preparation and therapeutic properties
of ergotine, 550, 606; on Digitalis, 578.
Boracic acid, composition of native, 90;
manufacture of, 214.

Borax, on the use of, in analysis, 9.
Bordier, J., on improvements in tanning,

Bouchardat, M., on digestion, 8; on the
deleterious effects of ammoniacal salts
on vegetables, 421; on the influence
of temperature on the production of
iodoform, and on the octahedral cry-
stallization of iodide of potassium, 566.

Bourson, M., on the preparation of iodic
acid, 381; of hyposulphite of copper,

Boutin, M., formulæ for the employment
of nitrate of silver, 551.
Brande, Prof., on starch, 220.
Brandes, M., on menyanthine, 339.
Bromeis, Dr., on the compounds of car-
bon and iron, and on the determination
of carbon in cast iron, steel and wrought
iron, 105.

Bromide of iron, preparation of, 434.
Bromine, tests and antidotes for, 89, 406;
physiological and medicinal properties
of, 160; action of, on piperine, 289.
Brucine, action of nitric acid on, 283.
Buchner, M., on the composition of gam-
boge, 257, 339; on the employment of
oily cantharidine, 299; on shell-lac
containing arsenic, 667.

Bunt, C., on an improved method of ob-
taining paints, 196.

Buonaparte, L., on the separation of

cerium from didymium, 405.
Burns, remedy for, 382, 411.

Busse, Dr., on aconite in rheumatism, 343.
Busson, M., on the employment of the
essential oils from coal, schist, &c., for
purposes of illumination, 527.
Button's (C.) Tables of the Elementary
and Compound Bodies' reviewed, 698.
Butyric acid, on the artificial formation
of, 477, 506, 705.

Cactus Opuntia, on the red colouring
principle of, 62.

Cahours, M., on the oil of Gaultheria
procumbens, 365; on some reactions
of the salicylate of methylene, 535; on
the classification of the volatile organic
acids, 646; on the action of chlorine
on carbonic and succinic æthers, 682;
on legumine, 745.

Calau, M., on Rad. Ginseng, 236.
Calcium, on the atomic weight of, 4, 595.
Calculi, analysis of, 200; decomposition
and disintegration of, 317.

from intestines of horses, 35.
Calomel, preparation of, in a finely-divided
state, 17, 210, 271; manufacture of,
223, 301.

Calotropis gigantea, 463.

Calvert, M., on a protoxide of lead of the

colour of minium, 484.
Camphor, artificial preparation of, 174,

Canella alba, essential oil of, 526.
Cantharidine, formulæ for the employ-
ment of, 299.

Caoutchouc, preparation of, 80.
Capaun, M., on the preparation of the
purple of Cassius, 52; of iodide of po-
tassium, 75.

Carbon, action of chlorine on the sul-
phuret of, 344; alleged compound
nature of, 570.

- and iron, on the compounds of, 105.
Carbonate of ammonia, solubility of the
sesquioxide of iron in, 10; on an im-
proved process for obtaining, 139.

of barytes, preparation of, 13, 79.
of lime, action of nitric acid on, 397.
of potassa, an antidote for arsenic,

Carbonates, method of analyzing the, 91.
of soda and potash, manufacture of,
166, 222, 252, 322, 444, 528, 611, 616,
Carbonic æther, action of chlorine on,

acid, experiments on the exhalation
of 305, 316.

Caseine, on the preparation and proper-
ties of, 465.

Cassia senna, observations on, 127.
Cassius purple, 435.

Castor oil, notice respecting, 210.
Catalysis, observations on, 701.
Cathartine, preparation and properties
of, 242.

Caventou's (M.) rubefacient pomatum
of Croton oil, 551.

Cement for porcelain and glass, 666.
Cements, manufacture of, 391.
Cerate containing arsenic, poisoning by,


Ceric acid, composition of, 451.
Cerine, observations on, 450.
Cerium, separation of, from glucinum,
177; from lanthanium, 179; from di-
dymium, 405.

Cerutti, M., on the preparation of Hy-
drargyrum aceticum, 270.

Chatterley, M. W. F., on some experi-
ments with saline manures containing
nitrogen, 112.

Chemical Society of London, proceedings
of the, 80, 109, 158, 193, 219, 246,
305, 332, 360, 386, 415, 441, 738.
Chevreul, M., on the composition of bu-
tyric acid, 479.
Chinoleine, on, 309.

Chlorate of ammonia, spontaneous de-
composition of, 362.

of potash, oxidizing action of, 593.
Chloride of zinc, preparation of, 18.

of gold, use of, in analysis, 94.
Chlorides, action of water on, 119.
Chlorine, on the atomic weight of, 89,
282; improvements in the manufac-
ture of, 140; action of, on sulphuret
of carbon, 344; on testing solution
of, for muriatic acid, 462; action of, on
sulpho-cyanuret of hydrogen and on
sulphuret of ammonium, 623; action

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