Abbildungen der Seite


clothing, ib.; non-commissioned offi.
cers and privates entitled to receive,
in lieu of clothing, when called into
service, a sum of money equal to the
cost of clothing for those of the same
grade in the regular troops, s. ii. 32,
33; to be organized by the President
into battalions, squadrons, regiments,
&c. s. iii. 33; not exempt from mili-
tia duty till called into actual service,
ib.; to be allowed compensation, the
mode of ascertaining which to be
prescribed by the President, for loss
of horses or other equipments, furnish-
ed by themselves, while in actual ser-
vice. s. iv. 33; if disabled by wounds
or otherwise, to be placed on the
pension list, s. v. 33; commissioned
officers not to receive more than half
monthly pay for wounds or disabili-
ties, s. v. 34; no officer to receive for
wounds or disabilities more than the
half pay of a lieutenant-colonel. ib.;
rate of pension to non-commissioned
officers, musicians and privates, not to
exceed $5 per month, ib.; allowance
for inferior disabilities to be propor-
tionate to that for the highest disabili
ty, b; the heirs and representatives
of non-commissioned officers and sol
diers, killed in action or dying in ac.
tuai service, entitled to 160 acres of
land, to be surveyed and laid off at
the public expense, s. vi. 34; non-
commissioned officers and soldiers
serving faithfully not less than a
month, and being discharged, if in the
artillery or infantry to be presented
with a musket, bayonet, &c. if in the
cavalry with sabre and pistols, s. vii.
34. The President may appoint
officers to volunteer corps that have


signed an obligation to service, ch
CXXXVIII s. i. 315, 316; the Presi
dent may form them into battalions,
squadrons, &c. appoint with advice
of Senate, general, field, and staff offi-
cers, &c. s. ii. 316; President may ap
point the officers in the recess of the
Senate, s. iii. 316; volunteers to re-
ceive ten dollars for every stand of
arms delivered in good order, s. iv.
316, 317.Acts relating to volun.
teers repealed, ch. CLVII s. xviii.
360 Non-commissioned officers,
musicians, and privates, in actual ser.
vice, entitled to the same pay, &c. as
regulars, ch. CLX s. iii. 363, 364.


WABASH,-Act for the relief of the officers and soldiers
who served in the campaign there, ch. LIV
s. i. 102; volunteers to have the same allow.
ance as the militia when called into actual
service of the United States, ib.; pensions
allowed to officers and soldiers, their widows
or children, s. ii. 102, 103; not to exceed in
any case the pay of a lieutenant-colonel, ib.;
President to direct the rate of pensions ac-
cording to wounds, &c. s. iii. 103; limita-
tions of amount of pensions, b.; horses killed
or lost in the battle near the Wabash to be
paid for on proof, s. iv. 103, 104; mode of
proof, ib, persons wounded in that battle or
the representatives of those killed, allowed
further time to pay for lands, s. v. 104.
WAR, declared against Great Britain, &c. ch. CII 227,
228.Persons authorised to sink armed enemy
vessels, except cartels and flags of truce, with
torpedoes or otherwise, ch. CLXXXIX 414, 415;
bounty of one half the value of vessel. guns, cargo,
tackle and apparel, payable out of the Treasury,
allowed therefor, ib.

WAR DEPARTMENT, accountant of. See superin-
tendent general of military

WASP, sloop of war,-The President to have distribut
ed as prize-money to Captain Jones, officers

and crew $25,000 for capturing the Frolic, ch.
CXCIII 422, 423.

WEBB, JOSIAH H. wounded in the Creek nation of

Indians while carrying the mail,
allowed fifty dollars annually, to
commence 1st January, 1809, and
continue during his natural life,
ch. VII 8.

WEST POINT,-The report of the commissioners ap-
pointed by the Secretary of War to
settle the exterior line of the public land
at West Point, approved, ch. CL 343,


WHIPPLE, ABRAHAM, the Secretary of the Navy

directed to place him upon
the Navy list of invalid pen.
sioners, to receive the half
monthly pay of a captain,
to commence 1st January,
1810, ch. v. 6, 7.

WILEY, SUSANNAH, to be paid $ 500 additional al-

lowance for the services of her
husband as surveyor, ch. CCI

449, 450.

WILKINSON, JAMES, allowed for transportation of
baggage and fuel, ch. CXIV


WILSON, THOMAS, allowed extra compensation for

rations furnished troops at new

posts in Louisiana, &c. ch.
LII 100.


YOUNG, ANNA, allowed seven years half pay, with
interest, ch. CXVI 268.

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