Abbildungen der Seite

14-Edward IV. deposed for the Fortitude, anatomized, 287

same, 45

Egypt, account of, 165
Election, expences of, 201
Electors, duly and qualifications of, 304
Elizabeth, Queen, questions the law-

fulness of the slave-trade, 105-of
the state of parliament during her
reign, 124
England, King of, on his right to rule,
17-of the constitution of, 145
Englishman's right, a dialogue, 347
Enlisting for life, reprobated, 314
Ephraim Robin Jolin, an African gran
dee, and his people, barbarously and
treacherously dealt with by the Eng-
lish, 107

Equality, on, 34-all men are in a state
of, by nature, 151-what, 220
Estrada, Alvaro Florez, his work on
the Constitution for Spain, 30-his
form of a constitution, 35-on the
freedom of the press, 38-his intro-
duction to the history of the revolu-
tion in Spain, 249

Evans, Mr. Johu, his General Baptist's
annual sermon, 398
Ex-Officio Informations, on, 176.263-

now made a regular part of law, 177
-evils attending, ib.
Expenditure, public, in 1691, Sir
Charles Sidley's speech on, 238

Falsehood, under the old law of libel,
was accounted the essence of a libel,

Fast-days, inquiry respecting the lega-
lity of, 51

Fatherhood, and original absolute power,

according to Sir R. Filmer, said to
be synonymous, 4.5.149
Ferdinand VII. remarks on his meeting

[ocr errors]

with Bonaparte at Bayonne, 256
Filmer, Sir Robert, his principles of go-
vernment overthrown, by Mr. Locke,
1-contends that all government is
absolute monarchy, 2-infers that no
man is born free, 3
Finances, Austrian, 205
Finnerty, Mr. Peter, trial of, 60.133—
sentence on, 135-review of his case,

Flogging, military, 136.144.314.315
Flower Benjamin, letters to and from
the publisher of the Evangelical Ma-
gazine, 395-897

Folkestone, Lord, extract from his
speech respecting ex-officio informa-
tions, 177

Fox, the right hon. C. J. his memory
to be respected, 41-bis exertions a
gainst the slave trade, 191-summary
of his character, 196

Fox, General, his conduct as a com-
mander commended, 319
France, her present greatness the ef
fect of our endeavours to crush her,
113-threatens the destruction of our
colonies, 127-on the revolution in,
250-the submission of to Bonaparte
accounted for, 252-internal state of,
and the nature of the governments
with which she had to contend, 253—-
reflections on the penal code of, 392

on the law of libel in, 394
Freedom, the enemies of, are natural
enemies to every free man, 154-no
man can lawfully sell or give away his
own, 156-true origin and nature of
explained, 221.227

Freeholder's Political Catechism, by
Lord Bolingbroke, 69

French, on their cruelties in Portugal,
261-their conduct misrepresented,
262-are not cowards, 263*
Friends, the king's, 284
Funds, public, on the, 343


Galileo, the famous astronomer, pu-
nished by the monks for his learning,


Genoese, their authority in Corsica,


Germans, mode of military punishment
among, 320

Gibbs, Sir Vicary, his law respecting
ex-officio informations, 176
GOD, the author of power, 12-the
creator of the world, 240-on the
name of, 241-love to him, 243—
something in the nature of mau a-kin
to him, 242.243-on the worship of,
243-bas instituted no form of go-
vernment among men, 290
Godoy, Prince of Peace, his bad con-
duct, 257

Gold, light against heavy, 203

Good and evil, on the mixture of, 398
Government, Mr. Locke on, 1.75.149.
219.292.366-held to be in all cases,
absolute monarchy, by Sir R. Filmer,

great act of, 161-origin of, 293.
294 whether men can live without,
294-Lord Somers on, 351-true
end of, 360

Gower, Brigadier General Levison, re-

[blocks in formation]

Jephtha, and the Ammonites, on the
war between, 155

Jerome, St. whipped by the devil for -
reading Cicero, 24

Jesuits and the friars of St. Dominick,
dispute between, 169

Jews, in what sense they sold them-
selves to labour, 156—proceedings
of a great council of 163.166-places
where they were not allowed a syna-
gogue, 167-their present state an
argument for christianity, ib.-their
great indignation at the doctrines of
the papists, 170

Jubilee, (Anno Sancto) of the papists
at Rome, 165

Judgment of whole kingdoms and na-
tions concerning the rights, &c. of
kings, and the properties of the peo-
ple, 350

Jure divino of monarchy, examined, 3.27
Juries, are the real judges, 48—grand,
where and when they first charged
themselves to and their countrymen
with war taxes, 15-their duties, 18.
852-on the powers and duties of,
258.352-origin of, 259-on the strik-
ing and summoning of, 259.352-spe-
cial, in general an injury to justice,
260 duties of, 354

Jury, true office of a, 180-ignorance
of at Warwick, 264-on the impor-
tance of the trial by, 347-instances
in which trial by, has been invaded,


Justice, the ends and objects of, 18-
themost esteemed virtue among men,


Kent, Mr. W. convicted and fined for
praying and singing, 279

King, dangerous tendency of his having
a negative voice in parliament, 15-
of England, some particulars relative
to the exercise of his office, 48-his
proclamation no law, 51-his illness,

Kings have their thrones endangered
by the doctrine of the divine right,"
3-concerning their paternal power,
ib.-may be lawfully called to ac-
count by the people for misgovern-
ment, 16-origin of their power, 149
on the divine right of, 288.290.350-
origin of, 291-a distinction should
be made between them as men, and
as public officers, 360



Labour, entitles a man to landed
perty, of,

Lacedæmonians, had an aversion to li-
terature, 21

Lancaster, Joseph, meeting ofthe friends
of his system of education, 281
Land, of the appropriation of, 159.160
Latimer, Bishop, his courage and inte-
grity, 349

Law intelligence, 59.135.277
Laws, divine, superior to all others,
181.263-origin of, 230-origin and
nature of the English, ib.
Learning, not generally supported by
the clergy, 171

Legislative power, of the extent of, 366
Leo X. an enemy to the slave-trade, 105
Letter, circular, from the committee
of the friends of religious liberty to
the dissenting ministers in England
and Wales, 380

Lewis XIV. educated a tyrant, 359
Libel, law of, in France, 394
Libels, ou, 176.263-truth now held to
be, 177 what was formerly ac-
counted one, 177.178

Libelling, punishable at Athens, 20-
punished by the Romans, 21
Liberty, on, the original compact be-
tween the prince and the people, 26
-of speech and of the press, the
prime of liberties, 217-effects of
304.305--veneration of the ancients
of, 306

Licenser of books, his incompetency to
his office, 172

Licensing books, a barbarous measure,


Livery of London, meeting of, for re-
form, 272.334
Locke, Mr. on government, 1.75.149.
219.292.366-mentions a society ou
true liberal principles, 101
London, the city's address to the Prince

[blocks in formation]

Regent, 57-the prince's answer, 59 Officers, military, often abuse their
Louis XIII. scruples the lawfulness of
the slave trade, 106


Magna Charta, origin of, 14-hath been
often impaired, 180
Marsden, Mr. Alexander, in conjunc-
tion with Dr. Trevor, is cruel to-
wards state prisoners, 117
Mason on prison abuses, in Ireland, 114

trust, 317.318


Pacificus, on the state of the nation, 340
Parents, on the power of, 219-whca
their power ceases, 222
Parliament, the first acts of, in print,
14-what it is and has been, 121-
125-have some pensioners in, tô
France, 232

Patriot, the requisites of a, 359

People, their consent the only lawful
support of the crown, 1-under Ged
the fountain of power, 12-their so-
vereignty, what, 119-the, are the
real fountain of law, 230
Perceval, Mr. his correspondence with
the Prince Regent, 54-not deserv-
ing the thanks voted to him by certain
dissenters, 845

Phillip II. of Spain, an instance of mag-
nanimous liberality, 100
Phillips, Sir R. on the powers and du-
ties of juries, 278.352-on criminal
law, 356

Pilgrimage to Rome for absolution, 166
Pinckney, Mr. his letter to Lord Wel-
lesley, complaining of the conduct of
the British government, 207
Pitt, William, his memory should be
execrated, 41-his disinterestedness,
45-his hypocrisy respecting the abo-
lition of the slave trade, 191.193-did
not wish the house to be guided by
public opinion, 192--death of, 194

view of his general conduct, ib.
Poetry The fallen soldier, 244-the
field of battle, 245-on a snowdrop
seen by moonlight, 246

Pope, the, adulation of, by the Ro-
mans, 165.166

Pope, Simeon, curious extract from, 340
Portugal, on the cruelties of the French

in, 261-cruelties of the English in,262
Power, on the origin of, 4-12-politi-

cal, defined, 151-paternal, 219-
education, the first part of, 224
Prelates, remarkable for their opposi-

tiou to a free press, 174
Presbyterians, curious address of, to
James the second, 369
Press, the, originally free, 23--how to
regulate it, 219

Prince Regent, installation of the, 51–
speech to parliament, 55-address
to, from Westminster, 198
Privilege, parliamentary, enquiry re-
specting, 339

"Protestant society," the plan of, 389
Protestant Dissenter's Catechism, Re-
view of Notes on, 406-416
Providence, on the doctrine of, 241
Punishment, for the public offences, on
the nature of, according to the law of
nature, 152-origin and nature of, in
a commonwealth, 227-corporal, not
the method of improving a regiment,
317 has different effects, 319
Puritans, vindicated, 411

[ocr errors]


Quakers, zealous against the slave trade,



Ranks, on the evils arising from the in
Rechabites, a Jewish sect of Syria, 171
equality of, 34
Recruiting, remarks on the British me
thods of, 314

Red sea, why so named, 165
Reflections, on the penal code of France,
392 concluding, of the editor of the
Miscellany, 434

Reform, society for, 270.335
Religion, of, 23-on the present state
of, 247

Revenue, French remarks on the Eng-
lish, 133

Review of books,
Richard II. deposed by the people for
misgovernment, 14

Rioting and intolerance defeated, 277
Roach, Mr. trial of for a libel, 59.67
Robespierre, state of juries under, 259
Romans, were a long time extremely il-
literate, 21

Roscoe, Mr. his observations on Earl
Grey's proposed address, 109


Saducees, modern, 169

Sapores, King of Persia, crowned in his

mother's, womb 289

Saville, Sir George, his remarkable de-
claration respecting parliamentary
representation, 198

Saxon government among the English,


Schism, meaning of the term, 400
Scripture, arguments from, that truth
is no libel, 178-vindicated, 187
Selden, the learned John, a general
reader, 25

Shires, origin of, 371

Sidmouth, Lord, letter to, by Mr. Bel-
sham, Review of, 400-his character
as a statesman, 401
Slave trade, bad effects of it on the
heart, 107-progress of its abolition
in the British parliament, 109—abo-
Slaves, their first importation into Eng-
lished, 192.197
land, 105

Slavery, no Englishman or gentleman
ought to plead for it, 2

Society, of political or civil, 226.228-
conjugal, 2b.

Societies, political, of the beginning of,
292-of end of, 300

Socrates, a friend to free speech, 100
Soldier, the, and other poems, Review
of, 244

Soldiers, too often treated as mere ma-
chines, 316

Somers, Lord, extract from his tracts,
on the character of the wisest men,
89-on the rights of kings and the
properties of the people, 350
Spain, has always been remarkable for
its attachment to popery, 164-on
the revolution in, 250.253
Spain and Portugal, French remarks on
the war in, 130.131
Speaker of the house of Commons, ac-
tion against by Sir F. Burdett, 279
Speech, the freedom of, maintained by

the ancients, 100

Stamford News, remarks on a passage
in the, relative to the cruelties of the
French in Portugal, 261

St. Peter, and his associates, their cou-
rage recommended, 98

St. Edward's laws, restored at Runny-
meed, 14

Syria, account of a Jewish sect in, 171


Thief, on what principle it is lawful to
kill one, 155
Thorpe, Serjeant, his excellent charge
in 1648, 11

Tiberius, a professed friend to the free-
dom of writing and of speech, 100
Tinker Timothy, on light and heavy
gold, 203

Tithings, origin of, 370.

Titles, origin and abuse of, 287
Toleration, the right of every human
being, 249-public meetings of the
friends of, 274.321.329

Trevor, Dr. summary of his treatment
of prisoners in Ireland, 115
Trial of rioters at Wickham-market, 67
-for a riot at Wye, 277
Trials, new, evil of granting, 260
Triennial act, an additional security to
our liberties, 146-a fundamental part
of the constitution, 233.237
Trueman Timothy, on the kingly office,
46-on Lord Grenville's doctrine of
the three estates, 119-on libels and
ex-officio informations, 176.263
Truth, how treated after Christ's ascen-
sion, 175—veneration of the heathens

of, ib.-strong, next to God, 218-
not a libel, 264-venerated by our
ancestors, 266

Trusts, nature and use of, 302
Tyranny can never annihilate virtue, 103


Usurpers, made lawful kings on Sir R.
Filmer's principles, 149


Verdict of a jury, what, 265.356
Virtues, effects of various, 289


Waithman, Mr. his declaration on re-
form, 272

Wakefield, Mr. Gilbert, extract from
his address to the court of King's
Bench, 97-died a martyr to truth,
peace and philanthropy, (note), 103
War, of the state of, 154-difference
between this state and that of nature,
155-the subject of, not often dis-
cussed on true principles, 186-its
effects, 188-origin and support of,
188.189-advice against, 190
Warburton, Bishop, his energetic con-
demnation of the slave trade, 106
Watts, Dr. calumny against him re-
futed, 415

Westminster, statement of expences of
elections at, 201

White, Mr. Luke, his cruelty, 117
William, King, acts passed by him for

securing free parliaments, 146-re-
duced the number of standing forces,

Wilson, Sir Robert, his remarks on the
methods of recruiting and on the sys-
tem of flogging, 314

Witnesses, on the practice of examining
them,354-shonld be kept apart from
each other, 355

World, on the creation of the, 240
Worship, divine, essence of, 243
Wright, Chief Justice, his definition of
a libel, 269

Wye, church riot at, 277


Ximenes, Cardinal, the first friend to
the Africans, after the commence-
ment of the slave trade, 104

[B. Flower, Printer, Harlow.]

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