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present day must maintain all the errors and the spirit of their an cestors three centuries since,-the same assertions received the same satisfactory answer, which on former occasions convinced every impartial person in the possession of common sense of their utter fallacy.

There is one general remark which we have made on other important subjects, and more especially on that of Parliamentary Reform, which we beg leave to repeat on this occasion,-and which we request our readers to bear in remembrance, long after we have ceased from our labours-namely,-That it is at all times the imperious duty of our legislative bodies to inquire into the subject of national grievances, and more especially when numerous and respectable bodies of men constitutionally urge them on their con sideration; that when the representatives of the people obstinately refuse even to inquire on the subject, it is strong presumptive evidence that the cause of the petitioners is just; and that the apprehension of their claims being well founded, and well supported, is the grand reason why cabinets, and legislators, who are insensible to every argument but what is connected with their own ambitious, or selfish purposes, dread all inquiry on the subject.

It is impossible to account for the most absurd pretences which have been so repeatedly urged against inquiring into the state of our representation, or into the justice and policy of the catholic claims on any other principle. The supporters of things as they are, in all situations and all circumstances, affect to dread even going into committees, in which both houses are to be witnesses and judges of the whole proceedings, lest some rash unguarded innovator should go too far in his suggestions or plans. This pretence might have some shadow of excuse to support it, were the matter in discussion to be finally settled, and passed into a law, on the recommendation of such committees. But, although there is no great danger of a committee of the whole house, of either Lords or Commons agreeing to any dangerous project for overturning the existing government, it ought never to be forgotten, that such committees can only suggest plans, which plans with the whole of the evidence on which they are formed must be submitted to the consideration of the legislature. A bill must be introduced, discussed, and read three times in each house, and receive the royal assent before it can be passed into a law. We accordingly find committees after long and laborious investigations presenting their reports; those reports are of course taken into consideration; but how frequently are the recommendations and plans therein contained, opposed and frustrated, and all investigation rendered fruitless! How many of the reports respecting abuses in the various departments of government, the gross misconduct of public men,

the state of our bullion and paper circulation have proved nugatory, owing to the all commanding majorities of ministers in both houses of parliament! How pitiful therefore is the pretence for refusing inquiry on the subject of national grievances-That perhaps some innovator may propose what may be of dangerous tendency! A man must be very weak, or very depraved before he can possibly urge such pretence; and we may be sure that the real motive for refusing inquiry must be, that the evidence would by no means correspond with the views of those who have ends to gratify, which although obvious to themselves, as well as to all around them, they are ashamed to avow.

Honest impartial men would at all times, so far from opposing, be ready to court inquiry. Were they conscious the complaints of the petitioners were groundless, they would be anxious to prove them so to the world. Let the opposers of parliamentary reform, and of the Catholic claims go into an inquiry, and if they can support their respective assertions, that the complainants have no ground for their allegations, let them confidently proclaim to the world, That after the most ample and impartial investigation, the committees are firmly of opinion-Our representation wants NO reform, and that the numerous and reiterated complaints of the catholics are imaginary!

That the Roman catholics have the earnest wish that the justice of their claims should be thoroughly examined, before the prayer of their petitions is granted, is evident, by the conduct of their firm, aud consistent advocate, Lord DONOUGHMORE, who in bis late excellent, and eloquent speech on the subject observed as follows:

"On behalf of the petitioners, he only claimed the justice of "being permitted to prove the merits of their case. The opportu"tunity of rebutting those false and cruel aspersions, by which "their religion and they, as the professors of it, had been uncea"singly assailed; the opportunity of challenging their calumniators “to come forth and shew in what manner they had sinned against "their common country, by what transgressions of theirs they had "deserved that condition of restraint and degradation, under which "they still continued to suffer. Consistently with the unity of the "catholic church, under one and the same spiritual head, its great “land-mark and distinguishing characteristic, and which they could never cease to uphold until they should have renounced the reli


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gion of their forefathers, there was no sacrifice which they were "not prepared to make, to conciliate the esteem and the affections "of their protestant fellow subjects.-The sum and substance of "his humble but earnest solicitation to their lordships, on behalf "of his petitioning and aggrieved countrymen, was only this; that

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they would not pronounce against them the hard sentence of perpetual exclusion, from a just and equal participation in all "the rights and privileges of the constitution, as disaffected mem"bers of the state, without the decent formality of some previous "investigation-that they would not dismiss them from their bar "discredited-and condemned unheard."

This most reasonable request has for a fifth time since the present ministers came into office been refused, and there does not seem any probability that during their continuance, the petitioners will be successful. It is scarcely possible to give credit to the enemies of toleration, when they affect to deprecate catholic emancipation as dangerous to the constitution. The heads of some people seem filled with dreams, least the catholic priests should seize the tythes as well as other church property, and the laity engross the principal offices of the state. This alarm is somewhat similar to that which took place 20 years since, when it was moved in the house of Commons, for the house to go into a committee, for the consideration of a repeal of the TEST and CORPORATION acts. Any person unacquainted with the merits of the question might be led to imagine, that every motion for the consideration of the claims of the peti tioners for the removal of penal laws, implied the immediate filling the principal offices in church and state, with the heads of the ag grieved parties. Do the friends of intolerance forget, that it is no part of the plan of any class of petitioners for the restoration of their religious rights, to circumscribe in the least degree, the exer. cise of the royal prerogative? On the contrary, the removal of the disqualifying laws restores to the crown the full power of bestowing offices on persons deemed the most suitable, of whatever sect. France, as well as the different states on the continent, who have enlarged the bounds of toleration, are happily experiencing the effects of this enlightened policy, and are reaping the benefit of the measure, by having the services of christians, of all denominations, yea, even of the Jewish people. The Americans likewise from the commencement of their independence, have placed all sects on an equality: and what is the result? All the different sectaries live in peace and harmony: there are no existing jealousies on account of their various religious opinions, because all are equal in civil society: being equally eligible to office, all unite in the service of their common country.

It is not only the states of America, but by far the greater part of the European states, which have embraced the principles of enlarged toleration. The rulers, and legislators of Britain whose grand distinction once was their being the guardian of the civil, and religious rights of mankind, seem determined to shut their eyes against the light shining around them; and to preserve those nu

merous penal statutes, some of which are too abominable to be executed. It requires no great sagacity to foretel, that where religious liberty flourishes, civil liberty will not be long in following, Temporary convulsions and disorders may prevent those exertions for the recovery of civil rights, which however cannot be suppressed, or long suspended, where the mind is freed from the manacles of ecclesiastical servitude; and Britain if she obstinately perseveres in proscribing the major part of the Irish nation, and preventing their enjoyment of the full benefits of the constitution, will ere long most severely feel the consequences of such a system of injustice, and impolicy, in her own decline, and in the advancing prosperity of those states once her inferiors. Such seems to be the course of events marked out by Providence; and whatever may be the motives of the ruler of France, or whatever offence plain truth may give to the supporters of old establishments, the joint work of statecraft, and priestcraft, we are firmly persuaded that the system which that ambitious chief has pursued in France, and in almost every country subdued by his arms, so far as it relates to Toleration, and a restoration of the long lost religious rights of men, will ultimately be productive of the happiest effects.

The part which Mr. Perceval, with the rest of his Majesty's ministers have taken on this subject, too plainly proves how undeserving they are of the thanks so readily given them at some recent meetings of Protestant Dissenters, It is indeed impossible that men who set up the senseless cry of " No Popery," who entered the cabinet on the foundation principles of Intolerance; who have refused granting the catholics what was expressly promised them at` the period of the Union, for the purpose, it is much to be feared, of more completely deluding them;-it is impossible that men who eagerly cling to those opinions which have caused evils innumerable to their country and the world,-who not only obstinately refuse to take the catholic petitions for the restoration of their civil rights into consideration, but who with equal obstinacy, negative every motion made for the amelioration of the present most galling and oppressive tythe system, by which one million of the Irish are rendered the bloodsuckers of five millions;-it is impossible that such men can deserve the thanks of the friends of religious equality.

Such men as the present ministers whilst they profess to hold the opinions on which they came into office, never can be the friends of religious liberty. Policy may on certain occasion prevent them from abrogating or violating the Toleration Act; but it is policy alone and notwithstanding the thanks bestowed on them for not supporting Lord Sidmouth's bill, it is remarkable, that the only speeches made on the ministerial side, were in approbation of its principle, although it was, after the flood of petitions which covered


the table and the floor of the house of Lords, deemed an improper time farther to press the bill. As to the " courtersy" that Mr. Perceval shewed to the deputations who waited on him, the gentiemen who composed these deputations doubtless shewed an equal degree of courtesy in return: thus was the account balanced: men who are not active supporters of a measure do not deserve thanks; their merit is merely of a negative kind: the dissenters as has been observed by members of the established church, passed a vote of thanks to ministers for "not flogging them!" Such shabby merit has indeed since been abundantly overbalanced by the perverse refusal to inquire into the universally acknowledged grievances of the Roman catholics, that is four fifths of the people of Ireland.

As a society is now forming for the protection of the rights of protestant dissenters, we hope one object of the proposed society will be the enlargement of the boundaries of religious liberty; and as Lord Stanhope has given notice of a motion to be made in the next session for a repeal of all the remaining penal laws in matters of religion which still disgrace our statute books, that petitions will previously be set on foot by the dissenters throughout the kingdom, and that they will be at least as numerous, and as respectably signed, as on a recent occasion. Unless this be the result, it will too evidently prove to the world that the dissenters in general have only selfish ends in view, and little credit will be given them for their professions of acknowledging no human authority in religion, or for the expression of their wishes that the period may speedily arrive, when all restrictions on the rights of conscience shall be aunihilated.

We have inserted in our following pages, an interesting account of a meeting of the friends of RELIGIOUS LIBERTY, composed principally of the higher ranks. The speeches of some of the distinguished personages present, contain some of the noblest senti.. ments on the subject ever uttered." What gentlemen," said Lord MOIRA, "is the nature of that glorious cause we are now assem"bled to celebrate. The cause of the catholics? No. The cause "of the protestants? No. The cause of Irishmen? No: but the "cause of all mankind; and more than even that, the cause of "TRUTH. Upon such a theme it is scarcely possible to think with "a strength and a greatness proportionate to its native sublimity; "who then can pretend to speak upon it? Or who to realise in mere words, those mighty conceptions, which so exalt, enlarge, "and purify the soul, that is capable of them? Therefore all "those good wishes which communicate between sect and sect, " however amiable, are yet so only because they distinguish without dividing us, and are nothing when compared with that diviner es sympathy that takes within its nobler range, not individuals but

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