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and most illustrious burghers. The narrator was a pleasant, shabby, gentlemanly old fellow, in pepper-and-salt clothes, with 5 a sadly humorous face, and one whom I strongly suspected of being poor, he made such efforts to be entertaining. When his story was concluded, there was much laughter and approbation, particularly from two or three deputy aldermen, who had been asleep the greater part of the time. There was, 10 however, one tall, dry-looking old gentleman, with beetling eyebrows, who maintained a grave and rather a severe face throughout; now and then folding his arms, inclining his head, and looking down upon the floor, as if turning a doubt over in his mind. He was one of your wary men, who never laugh but 15 upon good grounds, when they have reason and the law on their side. When the mirth of the rest of the company had subsided, and silence was restored, he leaned one arm on the elbow of his chair, and, sticking the other a-kimbo, demanded, with a slight but exceedingly sage motion of the head, and 20 contraction of the brow, what was the moral of the story, and what it went to prove?

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The story-teller, who was just putting a glass of wine to his lips, as a refreshment after his toils, paused for a moment, looked at his inquirer with an air of infinite deference, and, 23 lowering the glass slowly to the table, observed that the story was intended most logically to prove :

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"That there is no situation in life but has its advantages and pleasures, provided we will but take a joke as we find it: 'That, therefore, he that runs races with goblin troopers is s likely to have rough riding of it.


"Ergo, for a country schoolmaster to be refused the hand of a Dutch heiress is a certain step to high preferment in the state."

4. Burghers, burgesses or freemen of a burgh or borough, citizens. “Borough is a word spread over all the Teutonic and Romance languages. The origin seems to be the Gothic bairgan, A.-S. beorgan, to protect, keep, preserve.. The primitive idea seems to bring under cover." Wedgwood. 19. A-kimbo, with hands resting on the hips and the elbows turned out


The cautious old gentleman knit his brows tenfold closer after this explanation, being sorely puzzled by the ratiocination 35 of the syllogism: while, methought, the one in pepper-and-salt eyed him with something of a triumphant leer. At length he observed that all this was very well, but still he thought the story a little on the extravagant,—there were one or two points on which he had his doubts.

"Faith, sir,” replied the story-teller, "as to that matter, I don't believe one half of it myself."


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✔Where is Sleepy Hollow? Describe it.

Who is the hero of this sketch? the heroine?

Name all the characters, and connect with each appropriate qualifying words or phrases.

Of what are there descriptions in this sketch? Persons, scenes, animals, buildings? Of what else?

Select one description of each kind. Reproduce one of the selections in fresh words.

What are some of the most prominent traits in Ichabod's character?
Name, and describe briefly, the horses in this sketch.

Make four short quotations, each complete in itself.

Select several of the most humorous passages.

Write a composition on "School in Sleepy Hollow."

When is Ichabod Crane most ludicrous?

What does Ichabod do when he is very much frightened?

How were the guests entertained at the "quilting frolic"?

Commit to memory the most beautiful description in the piece.

35. Ratiocination (Lat. ratiocinatio, reasoning), the act or process of reasoning, or of deducing consequences from premises.

36. Syllogism (Gr. and Lat.), a form of reasoning or argument consisting of three propositions, of which the first two are called the premises, and the last the conclusion; if the two first propositions are true, the conclusion necessarily follows.

37. Leer (Icelandic hlöra, hlera, to listen; whence comes the notion of looking in a sly or covert way; Dutch loeren), a sidewise look with archness, smirking, affectation, or implied solicitation. The word usually bears an unfavorable sense.

Describe the Headless Horseman as Ichabod saw him. Explain the mystery of his appearance to Ichabod.

Who settled Ichabod's estate? What property had he?
What accounts of Ichabod were brought from New York?
What did the "old country wives" maintain?

Analyze the last sentence in the piece.

Select any sentence that pleases you, and give the meaning of it in different words, making an equivalent sentence.) Make six such equivalent sentences, each of which shall mean exactly the same as the following: "There is no situation in life but has its advantages and pleasures, - provided we will but take a joke as we find it."

This practice of constructing equivalent sentences is always entertaining, and one of the most profitable of language lessons.


"Pittie old age, within whose silver haires

Honour and reverence evermore have rained."

MARLOWE'S Tamburlaine.

THOSE who are in the habit of remarking such matters must have noticed the passive quiet of an English landscape on Sunday. The clacking of the mill, the regularly recurring stroke of the flail, the din of the blacksmith's hammer, the whistling of the ploughman, the rattling of the cart, and all other sounds of rural labor, are suspended. The very farm-dogs bark less frequently, being less disturbed by passing travellers. At such times I have almost fancied the winds sunk into quiet, and that the sunny landscape, with its fresh green tints melting into blue haze, enjoyed the hallowed calm.

"Sweet day, so pure, so calm, so bright,

The bridal of the earth and sky."

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Well was it ordained that the day of devotion should be a day of rest. The holy repose which reigns over the face of nature has its moral influence; every restless passion is charmed 15 down, and we feel the natural religion of the soul gently springing up within us. For my part, there are feelings that visit me

Marlowe's Tamburlaine. Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) had perhaps the most dramatic genius of all of Shakespeare's contemporaries. Tambur laine the Great is one of his tragedies.

3. Clacking. Chaucer says, "Aye clappeth as a mill."

11. "Sweet day, so cool, so calm, so bright,

The bridal of the earth and sky,

The dews shall weep thy fall to-night,

For thou must die."

From a poem called "Virtue," by George Herbert (1593 - 1633).

in a country church, amid the beautiful serenity of nature, which I experience nowhere else; and if not a more religious, I think I am a better man on Sunday than on any other day 20 of the seven.

During my recent residence in the country I used frequently to attend at the old village church. Its shadowy aisles, its mouldering monuments, its dark oaken panelling, all reverend with the gloom of departed years, seemed to fit it for the haunt 25 of solemn meditation; but being in a wealthy aristocratic neighborhood, the glitter of fashion penetrated even into the sanctuary, and I felt myself continually thrown back upon the world by the frigidity and pomp of the poor worms around me. The only being in the whole congregation who appeared thor- 30 oughly to feel the humble and prostrate piety of a true Christian was a poor decrepit old woman, bending under the weight of years and infirmities. She bore the traces of something better than abject poverty. The lingerings of decent pride were visible in her appearance. Her dress, though humble in 35 the extreme, was scrupulously clean. Some trivial respect, too, had been awarded her, for she did not take her seat among the village poor, but sat alone on the steps of the altar. She seemed to have survived all love, all friendship, all society; and to have nothing left her but the hopes of heaven. When 40 I saw her feebly rising and bending her aged form in prayer; habitually conning her prayer-book, which her palsied hand and failing eyes would not permit her to read, but which she evidently knew by heart; I felt persuaded that the faltering voice of that poor woman arose to heaven far before the re- 45 sponses of the clerk, the swell of the organ, or the chanting of the choir!

I am fond of loitering about country churches, and this was

29. Frigidity (Lat. frigus, cold), coldness.

32. Decrepit (Lat. de, from, and crepare, to make a noise; whence Lat. decrepitus, without noise. Spoken of old age or old people), worn out, infirm from age.

42. Conning (A.-S. cunnan, to know; ken, to perceive by the sense of sight, observe), studying, poring over.

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