Jarr'd against nature's chime, and with harsh din Broke the fair music that all creatures made To their great Lord, whose love their motion sway'd In perfect diapason, whilst they stood 25 O may we soon again renew that song, To live with him, and sing in endless morn of light. ΑΝ ΕΡΙΤΑΡΗ ON THE MARCHIONESS OF THIS rich marble doth inter The honour'd wife of Winchester, A Viscount's daughter, an Earl's heir, Besides what her virtues fair Added to her noble birth, 5 More than she could own from earth. Summers three times eight save one 10 20 nature's chime] Jonson's Epithal. vol. vii. 2. To do their offices in nature's chime.' Warton. Her high birth, and her graces sweet Quickly found a lover meet; The God that sits at marriage feast; 15 But with a scarce well-lighted flame; 20 And in his garland as he stood, Atropos for Lucina came; So have I seen some tender slip, 19 He] See Ov. Metam. x. 4. 25 30 35 • Adfuit ille quidem: sed nec solennia verba, 33 womb] Browne's Brit. Past. b. ii. s. 1. ed. 1616. 'Where never plowshare ript his mother's wombe To give an aged seede a living tombe.' Todd. Pluck'd up by some unheedy swain, On her hastening funeral. 40 45 50 55 Wept for thee in Helicon, For thy hearse, to strew the ways, Sent thee from the banks of Came, Devoted to thy virtuous name; 60 Whilst thou, bright Saint, high sitt'st in glory, Next her, much like to thee in story, That fair Syrian shepherdess, Who after years of barrenness, 47 Lady] Cyınbeline, act iv. sc. 2. 'Quiet consummation have, And renowned be thy grave!' Warton. The highly favour'd Joseph bore 65 Through pangs fled to felicity, 70 Like fortunes may her soul acquaint, SONG. ON MAY MORNING. Now the bright morning star, day's harbinger, 1 star] Of the bright morning star.' Hen. More's Poems, p. 322. 1 harbinger] Shakesp. Mids. N. Dream, act iii. sc. ult. And yonder shines Aurora's harbinger.' Warton. 2 dancing] Spenser's F. Q. i. v. 2. 'At last the golden oriental gate Of greatest heaven gan to open faire; And Phœbus fresh as bridgroome to his mate, Came dancing forth, shaking his dewy hair.' 5 Warton. Woods and groves are of thy dressing, Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing. Thus we salute thee with our early song, And welcome thee, and wish thee long. 10 ΑΝ ΕΡΙΤΑΡΗ ON THE ADMIRABLE DRAMATIC POET W. SHAKESPEARE.* WHAT needs my Shakespeare for his honour'd bones, The labour of an age in piled stones? 5 Dear son of memory, great heir of fame, Hast built thyself a live-long monument. 10 10 welcome] Chaucer's Knight's Tale, ver. 1511. O Maye! with all thy floures and thy grene, Right welcome be thou, fair freshe May.' Todd. * These lines were prefixed to the folio ed. of Shakespeare's Plays in 1632, but without Milton's name or initials. It is, therefore, the first of his pieces that was published. Warton. 11 unvalued] Invaluable. Rich. III. act i. sc. 4. • Inestimable stones, unvalued jewels, Todd. |