Abbildungen der Seite
[blocks in formation]

Pint, point.

[blocks in formation]

Pocket full of rocks, plenty of Som'ers, somewhere.

[blocks in formation]

Riz, risen.

[blocks in formation]

Taters, potatoes.

Row, a long row to hoe, a diffi- Tell, till.

cult task.

Rugged, robust.

[blocks in formation]

Tetch, touch.

Tetch tu, to be able; used always after a negative in this sense. Tollable, tolerable.

Toot, used derisively for playing on any wind instrument. Thru, through.

Thundering, a euphemism common in New England, for the profane English expression devilish. Perhaps derived from the belief, common formerly, that thunder was caused by the Prince of the Air, for some of whose accomplishments consult Cotton Mather.

Ware, where.
Ware, were.

Tu, to, too; commonly has this | Wannut, walnut (hickory).
sound when used emphatically,
or at the end of a sentence.
At other times it has a sound
of t in tough, as, Ware ye goin'
tu? Goin' tu Boston.


Ugly, ill-tempered, intractable. Uncle Sam, United States; the largest boaster of liberty and owner of slaves.

Unrizzest, applied to dough or bread; heavy, most unrisen, or most incapable of rising.


V spot, a five-dollar bill.
Vally, value.


Wake snakes, to get into trouble. Wal, well; spoken with great deliberation, and sometimes with the a very much flattened, sometimes (but more seldom) very much broadened.

Whopper, an uncommonly large lie; as, that General Taylor is in favor of the Wilmot Proviso.

Wig, Whig; a party now dissolved.

[blocks in formation]



A. B., information wanted con-
cerning, 130.

Adam, eldest son of, respected,

Eneas goes to hell, 157.
Eolus, a seller of money, as is
supposed by some, 157.
Eschylus, a saying of, 104, note.
Alligator, a decent one conjec-
tured to be, in some sort, hu-
mane, 176.
Alphonso the Sixth of Portugal,
tyrannical act of, 180.
Ambrose, Saint, excellent (but
rationalistic) sentiment of, 86.
"American Citizen," new com-
post so called, 160.
American Eagle, a source of in-
spiration, 96-hitherto wrong-
ly classed, 104-long bill of,

Amos, cited, 85.

Anakim, that they formerly ex-
isted, shown, 181.
Angels, providentially

French, 73- conjectured to
be skilled in all tongues, ib.
Anglo-Saxondom, its idea, what,

Anglo-Saxon mask, 71.
Anglo-Saxon race, 66.
Anglo-Saxon verse, by whom
carried to perfection, 61.
Antonius, a speech of, 91-by
whom best reported, ib.
Apocalypse, beast in, magnetic
to theologians, 137.
Apollo, confessed mortal by his
own oracle, 137.
Apollyon, his tragedies popular,

[blocks in formation]

Babel, probably the first Con-
gress, 105-a gabble-mill, ib.
Baby, a low-priced one, 154.
Bagowind, Hon. Mr., whether to
be damned, 117.
Baldwin apples, 181.
Baratarias, real or imaginary,
which most pleasant, 158.
Barnum, a great natural curios-
ity recommended to, 101.
Barrels, an inference from see-
ing, 181.

Bâton Rouge, 162- strange pe-
culiarities of laborers at, 163.
Baxter, R., a saying of, 86.
Bay, Mattysqumscot, 175.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Bellers, a saloon-keeper, 167
inhumanly refuses credit to a
presidential candidate, 169.
Biglow, Ezekiel, his letter to
Hon. J. T. Buckingham, 52-
never heard of any one named
Mundishes, 53- nearly four-
score years old, ib. — his aunt
Keziah, a notable saying of, 54.
Biglow, Hosea, excited by com-
position, 53-a poem by, 54,
120 his opinion of war, 55-
wanted at home by Nancy, 58

[blocks in formation]

Bird of our country sings hosan-
na, 66.

Blind, to go it, 153.
Blitz pulls ribbons from his
mouth, 66.

Bluenose potatoes, smell of, ea-
gerly desired, 67.
Bobtail obtains a cardinal's hat,

Bolles, Mr. Secondary, presents
sword to Lieutenant-Colonel,
recommends a forcible en- 65-a fluent orator, ib. — au-
listment of warlike editors, ib. thor of prize peace essay, 66-
- would not wonder, if gener-
found to be in error, 67.
ally agreed with, ib. -versi- Bonaparte, N., a usurper, 137
fies letter of Mr. Sawin, 61-Boot-trees, productive, where,
a letter from, 62, 110-his
opinion of Mr. Sawin, 63-
does not deny fun at Corn-
wallis, 64, note- - his idea of
militia glory, 67, note-a pun
of, 68, note is uncertain in
regard to people of Boston, ib.


had never heard of Mr. John
P. Robinson, 77 — aliquid suf-
flaminandus, 78- his poems
attributed to a Mr. Lowell, 83
-is unskilled in Latin, 84-
his poetry maligned by some,
85 his disinterestedness, ib.
-his deep share in common-
weal, ib. his claim to the
presidency, ib. - his mowing,
ib.resents being called
Whig, 86 opposed to tariff,
ib. obstinate, ib. - infected
with peculiar notions, ib. - re-
ports a speech, 91-emulates
historians of antiquity, ib.-
his character sketched from a
hostile point of view, 104-a
request of his complied with,
-appointed at a public
meeting in Jaalam, 131 -con-
fesses ignorance, in one minute
particular, of propriety, ib.
his opinion of cocked hats, 132



Boston, people of, supposed edu-
cated, 68, note.
Brahmins, navel-contemplating,

Bread-trees, 155.
Brigadier-Generals in militia, de-
votion of, 89.
Brown, Mr., engages in an une-
qual contest, 117.
Browne, Sir T., a pious and wise
sentiment of, cited and com-
mended, 61.

Buckingham, Hon. J. T., editor
of the Boston Courier, letters
to, 52, 62, 83, 110- not afraid,

Buffalo, a plan hatched there,
171 plaster, a prophecy in
regard to, ib.

Buncombe, in the other world
supposed, 92.

Bung, the eternal, thought to be
loose, 57.

Bungtown Fencibles, dinner of,


Butter in Irish bogs, 155.


-letter to, ib. — called "Dear C., General, commended for

parts, 79 for ubiquity, ib. -
for consistency, ib. — for fidel-
ity, ib. is in favor of war,
ib.his curious valuation of
principle, ib.
Cæsar, tribute to, 122 his veni,
vidi, vici, censured for undue
prolixity, 139.


Cainites, sect of, supposed still
extant, 60.

Caleb, a monopoly of his denied,
65-curious notions of, as to
meaning of "shelter," 69 -
his definition of Anglo-Saxon,
charges Mexicans (not
with bayonets, but) with im-
proprieties, ib.

Calhoun, Hon. J. C., his cow-
bell curfew, light of the nine-
teenth century to be extin-
guished at sound of, 108-
cannot let go apron-string of
the Past, 109- his unsuccess-
ful tilt at Spirit of the Age, ib.
-the Sir Kay of modern chiv-
alry, ib. his anchor made of
a crooked pin, 110-men-
tioned, 111-115.
Cambridge Platform, use dis-
covered for, 75.
Canary Islands, 156.
Candidate, presidential, letter
from, 132-smells a rat, ib.
against a bank, 133- takes a
revolving position, ib. -opin-
ion of pledges, 134-is a peri-
wig, ib. fronts south by
north, 135-qualifications of,
lessening, 139 wooden leg
(and head) useful to, 152.
Cape Cod clergymen, what, 74-
Sabbath-breakers, perhaps, re-
proved by, ib.


Carpini, Father John de Plano,
among the Tartars, 180.
Cartier, Jacques, commendable
zeal of, 180.

Cass, General, 112- clearness of
his merit, 113-limited popu-
larity at "Bellers's," 167.
Castles, Spanish, comfortable ac-
commodations in, 158.
Cato, letters of, so called, sus-
pended naso adunco, 130.
C. D., friends of, can hear of
him, 130.
Chalk egg, we are proud of in-
cubation of, 129.

Chappelow on Job, a copy of,
lost, 119.

Cherubusco, news of, its effects
on English royalty, 103.
Chesterfield no letter-writer,

Chief Magistrate, dancing es-
teemed sinful by, 74.
Children naturally speak He-
brew, 61.
China-tree, 156.

Chinese, whether they invented
gunpowder before the Chris-
tian era not considered, 75.
Choate hired, 170.
Christ shuffled into Apocrypha,
76- conjectured to disap-
prove of slaughter and pillage,
80-condemns a certain piece
of barbarism, 117.
Christianity, profession of, ple-
beian, whether, 60.
Christian soldiers, perhaps incon-
sistent, whether, 90.

Cicero, an opinion of, disputed,


Cilley, Ensign, author of nefari-
ous sentiment, 76.
Cimex lectularius, 68.
Cincinnatus, a stock character in
modern comedy, 162.
Civilization, progress of, an alias,
120 rides upon a powder-
cart, 133.
Clergymen, their ill husbandry,
118 their place in proces-
sions, 161-some, cruelly ban-
ished for the soundness of
their lungs, 180.
Cocked-hat, advantages of being
knocked into, 132.
College of Cardinals, a strange
one, 76.

Colman, Dr. Benjamin, anecdote
of, 90.

Colored folks, curious national
diversion of kicking, 69.
Colquitt, a remark of, 114-ac-
quainted with some principles
of aerostation, ib.
Columbia, District of, its pecu-
liar climatic effects, 95-not
certain that Martin is for abol-
ishing it, 171.

Columbus, a Paul Pry of genius,
Columby, 160.

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