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of what little understanding was left-but, on the contrary, it had brought her more to herfelf-ftill fhe could not reft-her poor daughter, The faid, crying, was wandering fomewhere about the road

-Why does my pulse beat languid as I write this? and what made La Fleur, whose heart feem'd only to be tuned to joy, to pass the back of his hand twice across his eyes, as the woman ftood and told it? I beckon'd to the poftilion to turn back into the road.

When we had got within half a league of Moulines, at a little opening in the road leading to a thicket, I discovered

difcovered poor Maria fitting under a poplar-fhe was fitting with her elbow in her lap, and her head leaning on one fide within her hand-a fmall brook ran at the foot of the tree.

I bid the poftilion go on with the chaife to Moulines and La Fleur

to befpeak my fupper-and that I would walk after him,

She was drefs'd in white, and much as my friend defcribed her, except that her hair hung loose, which before was twifted within a filk net.-She had,fuperadded likewise to her jacket, a pale green ribband which fell across her fhoulder to the waift; at the end


of which hung her pipe. Her goat had been as faithlefs as her lover and fhe had got a little dog in lieu of him, which he had kept tied by a ftring to her girdle; as I look'd at her dog, fhe drew him towards her with the ftring." Thou fhalt not "leave me, Sylvio," said she. I look'd in Maria's eyes, and faw fhe was thinking more of her father than of her lover or her little goat; for as the utter'd them the tears trickled down her cheeks.

I fat down close by her; and Maria let me wipe them away as they fell with my handkerchief.-I then fleep'd it in my own-and then in hers--and then in mine- and then I wip'd

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I wip'd hers again and as I did it, I felt fuch undefcribable emotions within me, as I am fure could not be accounted for from any combinations of matter and motion,

I am pofitive I have a foul; nor can all the books with which materialifts have pefter'd the world ever convince me of the contrary.


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HEN Maria had come a little to herself, I afk'd her if she remember'd a pale thin perfon of

a man who had fat down betwixt her and her goat about two years before? She faid, he was unfettled much at that time, but remember'd it upon two accounts-that ill as she was she faw the perfon pitied her; and next, that her goat had ftolen his handker chief, and fhe had beat him for the theft-fhe had wafh'd it, fhe faid, in the brook, and kept it ever fince in her pocket to restore it to him in cafe the fhould ever fee him again, which,


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